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2011 National Household Survey: Data tables

Tabulation: Economic Family Income in 2010 (33), Economic Family Structure (11) and Selected Economic Family Characteristics (16) for the Economic Families in Private Households of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2011 National Household Survey

Data table

Select data categories for this table

This table details economic family income in 2010 , economic family structure and selected economic family characteristics for the economic families in private households in CanadaFootnote 2
Global non-response rate (GNR)Footnote 3 = 26.1 %
Economic family income in 2010 (33) Selected economic family characteristics (16)
Total - Economic familiesFootnote 4 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 or more persons Total - Number of earners in 2010Footnote 5 No earners 1 earner 2 earners 3 or more earners Total - Number of persons aged less than 18 yearsFootnote 6 None 1 person or more 1 person 2 persons 3 or more persons
Total - Economic family total income in 2010Footnote 7 9,254,160 4,331,985 1,995,835 1,884,870 1,041,475 9,254,160 1,329,605 2,191,210 4,234,130 1,499,220 9,254,165 5,367,645 3,886,515 1,719,290 1,559,895 607,330
Under $5,000 140,070 96,210 26,925 12,420 4,520 140,070 115,570 14,470 8,475 1,560 140,070 112,580 27,485 17,795 6,745 2,945
$5,000 to $9,999 106,735 50,515 33,745 17,590 4,880 106,730 74,890 23,640 7,440 760 106,730 32,565 74,170 56,250 15,605 2,315
$10,000 to $14,999 134,880 66,005 30,530 27,955 10,395 134,885 79,250 40,905 13,680 1,055 134,885 48,210 86,675 37,535 39,855 9,285
$15,000 to $19,999 175,585 101,770 40,595 19,610 13,615 175,585 86,410 62,410 25,115 1,645 175,590 78,230 97,355 52,820 28,415 16,120
$20,000 to $29,999 546,575 349,670 108,475 58,795 29,635 546,580 228,190 205,395 105,205 7,790 546,575 324,095 222,480 110,405 77,255 34,820
$30,000 to $39,999 743,775 486,075 133,045 78,530 46,130 743,775 241,820 294,875 188,220 18,860 743,775 483,035 260,740 125,070 90,805 44,860
$40,000 to $49,999 789,065 461,480 158,935 108,205 60,455 789,070 150,305 316,765 285,120 36,875 789,065 483,055 306,010 139,205 114,445 52,355
$50,000 to $59,999 780,135 433,145 159,030 118,260 69,700 780,135 105,340 271,340 345,200 58,265 780,140 482,520 297,615 132,285 111,305 54,025
$60,000 to $79,999 1,450,510 738,125 310,955 258,085 143,340 1,450,515 128,645 391,805 766,720 163,340 1,450,510 885,150 565,365 246,580 225,215 93,565
$80,000 to $99,999 1,232,840 537,210 283,710 270,840 141,080 1,232,840 61,225 240,030 718,360 213,220 1,232,840 711,725 521,120 221,165 219,360 80,595
$100,000 and over 3,153,985 1,011,780 709,890 914,580 517,735 3,153,985 57,955 329,585 1,770,585 995,855 3,153,985 1,726,475 1,427,510 580,175 630,895 216,445
$100,000 to $124,999 1,130,280 422,315 267,655 291,085 149,230 1,130,280 32,840 151,085 675,430 270,930 1,130,280 631,970 498,305 206,890 216,420 75,000
$125,000 to $149,999 739,940 237,580 172,890 213,970 115,505 739,940 12,845 69,860 427,960 229,275 739,940 403,600 336,345 137,405 149,000 49,940
$150,000 and over 1,283,765 351,890 269,345 409,530 253,000 1,283,765 12,275 108,650 667,195 495,650 1,283,765 690,905 592,860 235,880 265,480 91,500
Median family income $ 76,511 62,939 79,718 97,843 99,575 76,511 32,791 54,792 89,890 122,630 76,511 74,083 80,188 75,131 86,131 78,564
Average family income $ 94,125 78,511 93,885 115,323 121,167 94,125 39,637 69,651 106,738 142,597 94,125 92,061 96,976 90,746 102,820 99,601
Total - After-tax income of economic families in 2010Footnote 8 9,254,160 4,331,980 1,995,835 1,884,865 1,041,480 9,254,160 1,329,605 2,191,210 4,234,130 1,499,220 9,254,160 5,367,645 3,886,515 1,719,285 1,559,900 607,330
Under $5,000 144,705 98,980 27,755 13,100 4,860 144,700 116,870 16,025 9,900 1,910 144,700 115,830 28,875 18,450 7,295 3,120
$5,000 to $9,999 107,440 51,135 33,800 17,610 4,895 107,440 75,005 23,950 7,640 850 107,440 33,260 74,185 56,200 15,675 2,310
$10,000 to $14,999 136,750 67,270 30,695 28,250 10,540 136,750 79,505 41,785 14,260 1,200 136,750 49,580 87,170 37,705 40,110 9,355
$15,000 to $19,999 179,580 104,970 41,315 19,715 13,585 179,580 86,870 64,570 26,375 1,760 179,580 81,280 98,300 53,620 28,550 16,125
$20,000 to $29,999 574,110 371,880 112,080 60,165 29,985 574,110 231,475 219,735 114,790 8,110 574,115 344,950 229,160 115,085 78,825 35,255
$30,000 to $39,999 856,215 569,715 153,030 85,505 47,960 856,215 253,570 345,145 236,235 21,265 856,210 561,040 295,175 148,300 100,235 46,640
$40,000 to $49,999 990,745 583,285 199,895 138,245 69,320 990,745 172,450 383,575 388,550 46,175 990,745 611,920 378,825 173,410 145,405 60,015
$50,000 to $59,999 981,315 536,570 203,220 155,510 86,005 981,315 115,560 315,155 472,900 77,700 981,320 605,885 375,430 164,345 144,565 66,525
$60,000 to $79,999 1,761,090 829,625 395,070 354,325 182,070 1,761,090 124,550 407,010 996,930 232,590 1,761,090 1,037,835 723,255 305,340 299,715 118,200
$80,000 to $99,999 1,302,480 499,440 309,755 324,335 168,950 1,302,480 44,900 187,700 785,575 284,305 1,302,475 728,250 574,225 235,350 247,715 91,170
$100,000 and over 2,219,730 619,115 489,215 688,105 423,300 2,219,730 28,865 186,555 1,180,955 823,350 2,219,735 1,197,810 1,021,920 411,480 451,815 158,620
$100,000 to $124,999 1,011,000 314,950 239,575 296,785 159,690 1,011,000 17,470 94,935 583,575 315,025 1,010,995 546,240 464,760 189,005 205,905 69,850
$125,000 and over 1,208,730 304,170 249,640 391,310 263,615 1,208,730 11,395 91,625 597,385 508,325 1,208,730 651,575 557,160 222,475 245,910 88,770
Median after-tax family income $ 67,044 55,784 69,705 83,963 88,101 67,044 32,542 50,028 76,814 105,358 67,044 64,933 70,190 65,863 74,622 70,436
Average after-tax family income $ 78,517 65,723 78,504 94,915 102,081 78,517 36,604 59,213 87,569 118,339 78,517 76,925 80,716 75,874 84,899 83,676


Symbol ..

not available for a specific reference period


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not applicable


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suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act


Symbol F

too unreliable to be published



Footnote 1

Economic family structure - Refers to the classification of economic families as couple families, lone-parent families or other economic families.

Couple families - Those in which a member of either a married or common-law couple is the economic family reference person.

Lone-parent families - Those in which either a male or female lone parent is the economic family reference person.

Other economic families - Those in which the economic family reference person has other relatives but does not have a married spouse or common-law partner or a child in their census family.

Return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

Excludes National Household Survey data for one or more incompletely enumerated Indian reserves or Indian settlements.

Return to footnote 2 referrer

Footnote 3

For the 2011 National Household Survey (NHS) estimates, the global non-response rate (GNR) is used as an indicator of data quality. This indicator combines complete non-response (household) and partial non-response (question) into a single rate. The value of the GNR is presented to users. A smaller GNR indicates a lower risk of non-response bias and as a result, lower risk of inaccuracy. The threshold used for estimates' suppression is a GNR of 50% or more. For more information, please refer to the National Household Survey User Guide, 2011.

Return to footnote 3 referrer

Footnote 4

Economic family - Refers to a group of two or more persons who live in the same dwelling and are related to each other by blood, marriage, common-law, adoption or a foster relationship. A couple may be of opposite or same sex.

Return to footnote 4 referrer

Footnote 5

Earner or employment income recipient - Refers to a person aged 15 years and over who received wages and salaries, net income from a non-farm unincorporated business and/or professional practice, and/or net farm self-employment income during calendar year 2010.

Return to footnote 5 referrer

Footnote 6

Persons aged less than 18 years may be of any economic family status.

Age - Refers to the age at last birthday before the reference date, that is, before May 10, 2011.

Return to footnote 6 referrer

Footnote 7

Economic family total income - The total income of an economic family is the sum of the total incomes of all members of that family.

Total income - Total income refers to monetary receipts from certain sources, before income taxes and deductions, during calendar year 2010. It includes employment income from wages, salaries, tips, commissions and net income from self-employment (for both unincorporated farm and non-farm activities); income from government sources, such as social assistance, child benefits, employment insurance, old age security pension, Canada or Quebec pension plan benefits and disability income; income from employer and personal pension sources, such as private pensions and payments from annuities and RRIFs; income from investment sources, such as dividends and interest on bonds, accounts, GICs and mutual funds; and other regular cash income, such as child support payments received, spousal support payments (alimony) received and scholarships. The monetary receipts included are those that tend to be of a regular and recurring nature. It excludes one-time receipts, such as lottery winnings, gambling winnings, cash inheritances, lump sum insurance settlements, capital gains and RRSP withdrawals. Capital gains are excluded because they are not by their nature regular and recurring. It is further assumed that they are less likely to be fully spent in the period in which they are received, unlike income that is regular and recurring. Also excluded are employer's contributions to registered pension plans, Canada and Quebec pension plans, and employment insurance. Finally, voluntary inter-household transfers, imputed rent, goods and services produced for barter, and goods produced for own consumption are excluded from this total income definition.

After-tax income of economic families - The after-tax income of an economic family is the sum of the after-tax incomes of all members of that family. After-tax income of family members or persons not in families refers to total income from all sources minus federal, provincial and territorial income taxes paid for 2010.

Median income of economic families - The median income of a specified group of families is that amount which divides their income size distribution, ranked by size of income, into two halves. That is, the incomes of the first half of the families are below the median, while those of the second half are above the median. Median incomes of families are normally calculated for all units in the specified group, whether or not they reported income.

Average income of economic families - Average income of economic families refers to the weighted mean total income of families in 2010. Average income is calculated from unrounded data by dividing the aggregate income of a specified group of families (for example, husband-wife families with working wives) by the number of families in that group, whether or not they reported income.

The above concept and procedures also apply in the calculation of these statistics on the after-tax income of economic families.

Economic family - Refers to a group of two or more persons who live in the same dwelling and are related to each other by blood, marriage, common-law, adoption or a foster relationship. A couple may be of opposite or same sex.

Return to footnote 7 referrer

Footnote 8

Economic family total income - The total income of an economic family is the sum of the total incomes of all members of that family.

Total income - Total income refers to monetary receipts from certain sources, before income taxes and deductions, during calendar year 2010. It includes employment income from wages, salaries, tips, commissions and net income from self-employment (for both unincorporated farm and non-farm activities); income from government sources, such as social assistance, child benefits, employment insurance, old age security pension, Canada or Quebec pension plan benefits and disability income; income from employer and personal pension sources, such as private pensions and payments from annuities and RRIFs; income from investment sources, such as dividends and interest on bonds, accounts, GICs and mutual funds; and other regular cash income, such as child support payments received, spousal support payments (alimony) received and scholarships. The monetary receipts included are those that tend to be of a regular and recurring nature. It excludes one-time receipts, such as lottery winnings, gambling winnings, cash inheritances, lump sum insurance settlements, capital gains and RRSP withdrawals. Capital gains are excluded because they are not by their nature regular and recurring. It is further assumed that they are less likely to be fully spent in the period in which they are received, unlike income that is regular and recurring. Also excluded are employer's contributions to registered pension plans, Canada and Quebec pension plans, and employment insurance. Finally, voluntary inter-household transfers, imputed rent, goods and services produced for barter, and goods produced for own consumption are excluded from this total income definition.

After-tax income of economic families - The after-tax income of an economic family is the sum of the after-tax incomes of all members of that family. After-tax income of family members or persons not in families refers to total income from all sources minus federal, provincial and territorial income taxes paid for 2010.

Receipts not counted as income - The income concept excludes gambling gains and losses, lottery prizes, money inherited during the year in a lump sum, capital gains or losses, receipts from the sale of property, income tax refunds, loan payments received, lump sum settlements of insurance policies, rebates received on property taxes, refunds of pension contributions as well as all income 'in kind,' such as free meals and living accommodations, or agricultural products produced and consumed on the farm.

Median income of economic families - The median income of a specified group of families is that amount which divides their income size distribution, ranked by size of income, into two halves. That is, the incomes of the first half of the families are below the median, while those of the second half are above the median. Median incomes of families are normally calculated for all units in the specified group, whether or not they reported income.

Average income of economic families - Average income of economic families refers to the weighted mean total income of families in 2010. Average income is calculated from unrounded data by dividing the aggregate income of a specified group of families (for example, husband-wife families with working wives) by the number of families in that group, whether or not they reported income.

The above concept and procedures also apply in the calculation of these statistics on the after-tax income of economic families.

Economic family - Refers to a group of two or more persons who live in the same dwelling and are related to each other by blood, marriage, common-law, adoption or a foster relationship. A couple may be of opposite or same sex.

Return to footnote 8 referrer

Source: Statistics Canada, 2011 National Household Survey, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 99-014-X2011038.

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