2001 Census Topic-based tabulations

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Topic-based tabulation: Highest Degree, Certificate or Diploma (12), Major Field of Study (122), 2000 Employment Income (3), Work Activity in 2000 (2), Age Groups (13B) and Sex (3) for Total Population 15 Years and Over, for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2001 Census - 20% Sample Data

About this tabulation

General information

Catalogue number :97F0018XCB2001043
Release date :July 3, 2003
Topic :Education in Canada: Major Fields of Study
Data dimensions :


Special Note: Data Quality - Relationship of Census Estimates of Earnings to the National Accounts and Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics

Census income estimates of aggregate earnings (employment income) in 2000 were compared with similar personal income estimates from the national accounts. After adjustments to the personal income estimates for differences in concepts and coverage, census and national accounts estimates of aggregate employment income in 2000 were nearly identical at the national level. As in the past, census estimates for earnings components compared more favourably for some sources and in some provinces than for others.

Census estimates of aggregate wages and salaries, the largest component of income, were almost identical to the national accounts estimates for Canada. Provincial differences were somewhat larger than in past censuses, ranging from a 6.6% higher estimate for Newfoundland and Labrador to a 1.7% lower estimate for Alberta. Although there was a large difference between the two estimates of net income from farm self-employment (smallest component of total earnings), census estimates of aggregate income from both farm and non-farm self-employment differed by about 1.0%. Overall, estimates of total income from employment in the census and national accounts were almost identical at the national level.

Census employment income (earnings) statistics were also compared with similar statistics from the annual Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID). SLID estimates for 2000 were derived primarily from taxation data information. The estimates of average wages and salaries and average earnings of individuals in the two sources compared favourably, with census estimates higher by 2% and 3.4%, respectively.

Special Note: Income Suppression

Area suppression is the deletion of all characteristic data for geographic areas with populations below a specified size. Income distributions and related statistics are suppressed if the population in the area, excluding institutional residents, is less than 250 from either the 100% or the 20% database, or if the number of private households is less than 40 from the 20% database.

Tables with Income/Employment Income Distributions

Income/earnings distributions have been suppressed where the estimated total number of units (persons, families or households) in the reference year is less than 250. All suppressed data cells and associated averages, medians and standard errors of average income/earnings have been replaced with zeroes or symbols.

In all cases, suppressed data are included in the appropriate higher aggregate subtotals and totals.

Tables with Number and Average Employment Income only

Statistics have been suppressed if the estimated total number of persons (males, females or both sexes) with employment income in the reference year is less than 250. All suppressed data cells and associated averages have been replaced by zeroes or symbols.

In all cases, suppressed data are included in the appropriate higher aggregate subtotals and totals.

Special Note: Nunavut (1)

Data from the 2001 Census are available for Nunavut, the new territory that came into effect on April 1, 1999.

Standard data products released only at the Canada/Province/Territory geographic levels will not contain data for Nunavut for the census years prior to 2001.

Standard data products released at the Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) and Census Agglomeration (CA) geographic levels will contain data for Nunavut for the 2001, 1996 and/or 1991 Censuses.

The 1996 and 1991 CMA/CA data have been adjusted to reflect as closely as possible the 2001 CMA/CA geographic boundaries. This has been done to facilitate data comparisons using the 2001 geographic boundaries.

For additional information, please refer to the 2001 Census Dictionary, Catalogue Number 92-378-XIE or 92-378-XPE.

Special Note: Population Universe

The Population Universe of the 2001 Census includes the following groups:

- Canadian citizens (by birth or by naturalization) and landed immigrants with a usual place of residence in Canada;
- Canadian citizens (by birth or by naturalization) and landed immigrants who are abroad, either on a military base or attached to a diplomatic mission;
- Canadian citizens (by birth or by naturalization) and landed immigrants at sea or in port aboard merchant vessels under Canadian registry;
- persons with a usual place of residence in Canada who are claiming refugee status and members of their families living with them;
- persons with a usual place of residence in Canada who hold student authorizations (student visas or student permits) and members of their families living with them;
- persons with a usual place of residence in Canada who hold employment authorizations (or work permits) and members of their families living with them;
- persons with a usual place of residence in Canada who hold Minister's permits (including extensions) and members of their families living with them.

For census purposes, the last four groups in this list are referred to as 'non-permanent residents'. For further information, refer to the variable Immigration: Non-permanent Resident found in the 2001 Census Dictionary, Catalogue Number 92-378-XIE or 92-378-XPE.

Data table

Select data categories for this table

This table details highest degree, certificate or diploma , major field of study , 2000 employment income , work activity in 2000 , age groups and sex for total population 15 years and over in CanadaFootnote 1
Major Field of Study (122) 2000 Employment Income (3)
CountFootnote 2 Average employment income $Footnote 3 Median employment income $Footnote 4
Total - Major field of study 16,415,785 31,757 25,052
Educational, recreational and counselling services 835,910 34,199 31,774
Education - General 398,965 37,743 37,983
Elementary-primary education 83,065 24,202 21,914
Secondary education (basic) 58,160 37,943 37,896
Secondary education (specialized) 36,960 34,548 31,804
Special education 29,405 28,877 26,937
Non-teaching educational fields 35,935 37,425 32,121
Physical education, health and recreation 150,150 30,372 26,072
Counselling services and personal development 26,825 31,597 29,140
Other education 16,440 26,352 21,891
Fine and applied arts 447,575 24,235 19,003
Fine arts 59,285 28,006 21,932
Music 41,190 26,241 19,062
Other performing arts 22,285 25,758 19,063
Commercial art 17,430 31,253 27,697
Graphic and audio-visual arts 74,190 29,911 25,997
Creative and design arts 57,135 26,395 21,082
Hairdressing, esthetics and other applied arts 176,060 18,515 15,015
Humanities and related fields 540,405 33,725 27,949
Classics and classical languages 3,255 33,938 25,394
History 65,145 39,302 32,097
Library and records science 27,535 34,965 32,465
Communications and media studies 98,260 35,160 29,988
English language and literature 84,075 36,704 29,979
French language and literature 28,255 33,386 29,996
Other languages and literature 44,615 32,301 26,050
Philosophy 17,405 39,802 29,968
Religious studies 54,710 28,987 25,059
Other humanities and related fields 117,140 28,919 22,290
Social sciences and related fields 889,170 42,933 32,935
Anthropology 15,700 30,450 25,053
Archeology 3,190 28,395 21,418
Area studies (neither languages nor literature) 7,030 30,320 26,438
Economics 96,580 56,131 40,050
Geography 44,715 42,042 37,861
Law and jurisprudence 109,730 77,122 50,142
Environmental studies 26,665 43,978 37,477
Political science 62,580 44,318 35,852
Psychology 143,840 35,918 30,041
Sociology 88,745 36,498 32,116
Social work and social services 251,345 31,967 29,706
Military and armed forces 3,455 42,890 39,960
Other social sciences and related fields 35,595 30,750 25,039
Commerce, management and business administration 1,852,510 40,741 30,078
Business and commerce 532,250 50,985 35,988
Financial management 478,230 46,185 34,936
Industrial management and public administration 134,295 41,391 35,929
Institutional management and administration 66,490 30,324 25,069
Marketing, merchandising, retailing and sales 166,960 40,724 32,536
Office administration, secretarial and clerical 474,290 25,037 23,961
Agricultural, biological, nutritional, and food sciences 398,935 30,552 25,025
Agricultural science 53,275 33,409 27,916
Agricultural technology 43,235 29,406 24,119
Animal science technologies 19,630 22,432 19,991
Biochemistry 19,260 38,427 32,099
Biology 70,050 35,711 30,057
Biophysics 605 53,747 45,022
Botany 4,125 33,891 25,320
Food services, nutrition, and other household sciences 135,290 25,404 21,935
Veterinary medicine/science 10,425 49,982 43,804
Zoology 9,755 38,525 33,988
Other agricultural and biological science/technologies 33,275 28,503 25,008
Engineering and applied sciences 404,385 56,487 48,000
Architecture and architectural engineering 26,460 45,346 37,069
Aeronautical and aerospace engineering 5,690 53,473 48,805
Biological and chemical engineering 24,100 60,442 50,136
Civil engineering 53,070 54,373 45,575
Systems design engineering 1,165 77,321 54,988
Electrical/electronic engineering 87,890 58,321 51,662
Industrial engineering 9,510 55,013 48,071
Mechanical engineering 61,540 57,260 49,925
Mining, metallurgical and petroleum engineering 11,740 69,163 53,887
Resources and environmental engineering 15,750 38,100 33,475
Engineering science 3,445 68,226 59,969
Engineering, n.e.c. 68,720 67,974 58,073
Forestry 26,160 42,622 40,017
Landscape architecture 9,150 32,832 29,050
Applied science technologies and trades 1,859,935 39,700 36,120
Architectural technology 27,130 37,773 34,853
Chemical technology 15,480 38,626 34,873
Building technologies 384,510 37,947 34,917
Data processing and computer technologies 263,250 34,371 30,007
Electronic and electrical technologies 239,650 44,447 41,994
Environmental and conservation technologies 23,730 33,709 32,014
General and civil engineering technologies 136,675 42,372 40,004
Industrial engineering technologies 194,650 44,383 42,019
Mechanical engineering technologies 398,690 38,733 36,021
Primary resource industrial processing 42,495 39,869 35,035
Transportation technologies 67,865 40,391 34,044
Other engineering technologies, n.e.c. 65,805 42,812 39,357
Health professions and related technologies 911,095 41,067 32,041
Dentistry 20,475 96,946 73,539
Medicine - General 62,815 104,462 82,149
Medicine - Basic medical sciences 10,805 47,670 35,055
Medical specializations (non-surgical) 13,130 90,904 51,979
Paraclinical sciences 2,420 68,510 38,240
Surgery and surgical specializations 5,950 131,804 99,865
Nursing 334,590 35,958 35,969
Nursing assistance 152,805 22,814 21,906
Optometry 4,075 66,154 59,179
Pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences 37,345 47,738 42,042
Public health 29,465 36,323 34,246
Rehabilitation medicine 47,290 35,841 34,931
Medical laboratory and diagnostic technology 43,370 34,942 33,364
Medical professions and treatment technologies 85,515 31,398 28,345
Optician, optical dispensing, prosthetics and orthotics 8,030 32,708 30,065
Alternative medicine and other health sciences 53,010 26,639 21,057
Mathematics, computer and physical sciences 330,610 49,091 41,909
Actuarial science 5,780 72,214 54,836
Computer science and other applied mathematics 110,740 53,619 49,942
Chemistry 41,335 46,487 40,065
Geology and related fields 24,540 54,671 43,884
Mathematical statistics 5,515 48,038 42,052
Mathematics 36,780 54,629 45,768
Metallurgy and materials science 4,165 51,617 47,966
Meteorology 1,990 43,326 42,236
Oceanography and marine sciences 1,065 55,249 50,139
Physics 24,095 52,264 44,896
General sciences 74,610 36,436 30,005
No specialization 19,375 28,895 22,983
No postsecondary qualifications 7,925,880 23,585 18,157


Footnote 1

Excludes census data for one or more incompletely enumerated Indian reserves or Indian settlements.

Return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

For persons with employment income.

Return to footnote 2 referrer

Footnote 3

For persons with employment income.

Return to footnote 3 referrer

Footnote 4

For persons with employment income.

Return to footnote 4 referrer

Source: Statistics Canada, 2001 Census of Population, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 97F0018XCB2001043.

Map – Canada

Map is currently unavailable.


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Footnote a

To access the comma separated values (CSV) file, use the conversion features available in most spreadsheet software, or use a free viewer, for example csview.

Return to footnote a referrer

Footnote b

To access the tab separated values (TAB) file, use the conversion features available in most spreadsheet software, or use a free viewer, for example AscToTab.

Return to footnote b referrer

Footnote c

To access the Beyond 20/20 (IVT) version, you need the Beyond 20/20 Table Browser, which may be downloaded below. These links download files directly from an external site and are not the responsibility of Statistics Canada.

Beyond 20/20 Browser for Windows operating systems (18.9 MB)
To install this product, run 'ProBrowser.exe'.

Return to footnote c referrer

Footnote d

XML (SDMX - ML) - Is a statistical data and metadata exchange standard for the electronic exchange of statistical information. Two extensible mark-up language (XML) files are provided in a compressed bundle.

Return to footnote d referrer

Related data

  • 2006 Census analysis series:
  • 2006 Census reference guides and technical reports: