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Census Tract (CT) Profiles, 2006 Census

Catalogue number: 92-597-XWE

Census tracts are small, relatively stable geographic areas that usually have a population of 2,500 to 8,000. They are identified using seven-character numeric 'names' (e.g., 0005.00) and are located in census metropolitan areas (CMAs) and larger census agglomerations (CAs)1. View a list of CMAs and CAs containing census tracts.

The following options are provided to help navigate to a census tract and/or retrieve profile data for the census tract.


  1. There are no census tracts in Prince Edward Island, Northwest Territories, Yukon Territories or Nunavut. Refer to Table 1 - Geographic units by province and territory, 2006 Census which shows the number of census tracts by province and territory.
  2. Learn more about the data presented in these tables. Additional information may also be found in the 2006 Census Dictionary.
  3. Data products that are identified as 20% sample data refer to information that was collected using the long census questionnaire. For the most part, these data were collected from 20% of the households; however they also include some areas, such as First Nations communities and remote areas, where long census form data were collected from 100% of the households.