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Aboriginal Peoples Technical Report, 2006 Census, Second Edition1

Catalogue no. 92-569-XWE

  1. Concepts and variables
  2. Data collection
  3. Data processing
  4. Dissemination
  5. Data quality measurement
  6. Comparability


The 2006 Census Technical Report: Aboriginal Peoples deals with: (1) Aboriginal ancestry, (2) Aboriginal identity, (3) Registered Indian status, and (4) Band or First Nation membership. The report aims to inform users about the complexity of the data and any difficulties that could affect their use. It explains the conceptual framework and definitions used to gather the data, and it discusses factors that could affect data quality. The report covers data quality issues related to data capture, automated coding, as well as edit and imputation processes. The historical comparability of the data is also discussed.

The report is designed to help general as well as more advanced users make the most of census data on Aboriginal Peoples and to help users assess the usefulness of the data for their purposes.

The report was prepared in two editions. The first edition was released on May 12, 2009. The second edition which provides additional analysis was released February 9, 2010. The second edition of the technical report includes Chapter 3 and additional research on some of the data quality topics in Chapter 5.

The Report has been prepared by Ida Trachtenberg, Rosalinda Costa, Ron Loder and Ron Cunningham of the Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division, Colleen Clark and Peter Dick of the Social Survey Methods Division for the sections on Census Coverage. The support and guidance of Jane Badets, Cathy Connors, Nancy Zukewich and other members of the Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division, Linda Howatson-Leo of Census Subject Matter Secretariat, and the Social Survey Methods Division is noted with appreciation.


  1. There are two 'editions' of the Aboriginal Peoples Technical Report, 2006 Census. The first edition of the report was released on May 12, 2009. The second edition includes the same content as the first, and new text has been added on data processing (Chapter 3). As well, modified content about data quality and 'on reserve' communities has been incorporated into the original sections.

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