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This kit provides teachers with innovative classroom materials based on the results of the 2006 Census. Activities are classroom-ready and were developed by The Critical Thinking Consortium, a non-profit society which includes professional educators, academics, schools, faculties of education and educational organizations and associations.
The 2006 Census Results Teacher's Kit activities are relevant to the following subjects: English, mathematics, social sciences, geography, history, family studies and technology. Suggested grade levels are intermediate and secondary (Grades 7 to 12) and all necessary materials and links to articles, photos, graphs and data are included.
Each activity follows the critical challenge approach and presents an engaging question or task. Learners are taught to become competent in reaching reasoned judgements as they locate, use, interpret and assess information.
The activities in this kit are grouped according to eight broad census topics. For example, lesson one deals with population counts, the first data release from the 2006 Census.
The activities are produced in both HTML and PDF formats.
Lesson 1: Exploring the Effects of Population Change (PDF)
Lesson 2: Meeting the Needs of an Aging Population (PDF)
Lesson 3: What is a Family? (PDF)
Lesson 4: Immigration: The Changing Face of Canada (PDF)
Lesson 5: The First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples of Canada (PDF)
Lesson 6: The Changing Nature of Work, Employment, and Education in Canada (PDF)
Lesson 7: Ethnic Origins and Visible Minorities (PDF)
Lesson 8: Earnings and Incomes of Canadians Over the Past Quarter Century (PDF)
For more information about the census, see Census of Canada.