Canada, provinces and territories - Population, percentage change between 2006 and 2011

This is a vertical bar chart with a line for Canada showing the percentage change of the population between 2006 and 2011, for Canada, provinces and territories. The Y axis is the percentage change of the population with the provinces and territories shown as vertical bars and the percentage change of Canada shown as a line. The X axis is the provinces and territories from east to west, starting with Newfoundland and Labrador and ending with Nunavut. Beside the chart is a table with the percentage changes for Canada, provinces and territories.

Canada, provinces and territories - Population, percentage change between 2006 and 2011
Geographic name Population, percentage change between 2006 and 2011
Canada 5.9
Newfoundland and Labrador 1.8
Prince Edward Island 3.2
Nova Scotia 0.9
New Brunswick 2.9
Quebec 4.7
Ontario 5.7
Manitoba 5.2
Saskatchewan 6.7
Alberta 10.8
British Columbia 7.0
Yukon 11.6
Northwest Territories 0.0
Nunavut 8.3

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