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Population and Dwelling Count Highlight Tables, 2011 Census

Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, 2011 and 2006 censuses


This table presents the 2011 and 2006 population counts and the 2011 dwelling counts, land area and population density for Canada, the provinces and the territories. It also shows the percentage change in the population counts between 2006 and 2011.

Data table
Population and dwelling counts, for Canada, provinces and territories, 2011 and 2006 censuses
Geographic name Population Private dwellings, 2011 Land area in square kilometres, 2011 Population density per square kilometre, 2011
2011 2006 % change Total Occupied by usual residents
Geographic name: alpha sort Z to A. Geographic name: alpha sort A to Z. Population, 2011 - total: sort highest to lowest. Population, 2011 - total: sort lowest to highest. Population, 2006 - total: sort highest to lowest. Population, 2006 - total: sort lowest to highest. Population, % change: sort highest to lowest. Population, % change: sort lowest to highest. Private dwellings, 2011 - total: sort highest to lowest. Private dwellings, 2011 - total: sort lowest to highest. Private dwellings, 2011 - occupied by usual residents: sort highest to lowest. Private dwellings, 2011 - occupied by usual residents: sort lowest to highest. Land area in square kilometres, 2011: sort highest to lowest. Land area in square kilometres, 2011: sort lowest to highest Population density per square kilometre, 2011: sort highest to lowest. Population density per square kilometre, 2011: sort lowest to highest.
Canada  33,476,688 31,612,897 5.9 14,569,633 13,320,614 8,965,121.42 3.7
Yukon 33,897 30,372 11.6 16,259 14,117 474,712.64 0.1
Saskatchewan  1,033,381 968,157 6.7 460,512 409,645 588,239.21 1.8
Quebec  7,903,001 7,546,131 4.7 3,685,926 3,395,343 1,356,547.02 5.8
Prince Edward Island 140,204 135,851 3.2 66,943 56,462 5,685.73 24.7
Ontario  12,851,821 12,160,282 5.7 5,308,785 4,887,508 908,607.67 14.1
Nunavut 31,906 29,474 8.3 10,077 8,661 1,877,787.62 0.0
Nova Scotia 921,727 913,462 0.9 442,155 390,279 52,939.44 17.4
Northwest Territories 41,462 41,464 0.0 17,175 14,700 1,143,793.47 0.0
Newfoundland and Labrador 514,536 505,469 1.8 250,275 208,842 370,510.76 1.4
New Brunswick 751,171 729,997 2.9 348,465 314,007 71,377.18 10.5
Manitoba  1,208,268 1,148,401 5.2 512,689 466,138 552,329.52 2.2
British Columbia  4,400,057 4,113,487 7.0 1,945,365 1,764,637 922,509.29 4.8
Alberta  3,645,257 3,290,350 10.8 1,505,007 1,390,275 640,081.87 5.7


not applicable
excludes census data for one or more incompletely enumerated Indian reserves or Indian settlements. For further information, refer to Notes.
incompletely enumerated Indian reserve or Indian settlement. For further information, refer to Notes.
adjusted figure due to boundary change. For further information, refer to Content considerations.
use with caution. For further information, refer to Cautionary note.

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