Focus on Geography Series, 2016 Census


Rivière-Rouge, Ville (CSD) - Quebec

Data quality
  • In 2016, there were 2,135 households in Rivière-Rouge, 70.1% owned their dwelling.

Housing tenure for all households, Rivière-Rouge, Quebec, Canada, 2016

Housing tenure for all households, Rivière-Rouge, Quebec, Canada, 2016
Housing tenure Rivière-Rouge Quebec Canada
Number Percentage Percentage Percentage
Total households 2,135 100 100 100
Owner 1,500 70.1 61.3 67.8
Renter 635 29.7 38.6 31.8
Band Housing 0 0.0 0.2 0.4

Housing suitability, adequacy and affordability, Rivière-Rouge, 2016

Housing suitability and adequacy, Rivière-Rouge, 2016
Percentage of households reporting that their dwelling was in need of major repairs Percentage of households not in suitable housing Percentage of households spending 30% or more of 2015 total income on shelter costs
6.8 1.2 19.5

Figure 1.1 Average monthly shelter cost, Rivière-Rouge, 2011 to 2016


not applicable
incompletely enumerated Indian reserve or Indian settlement
use with caution


Statistics Canada. 2017. Focus on Geography Series, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-404-X2016001. Ottawa, Ontario. Data products, 2016 Census.

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