Focus on Geography Series, 2016 Census


Carrot River, Town (CSD) - Saskatchewan

Data quality
  • In 2016, there were 425 households in Carrot River, 74.4% owned their dwelling.

Housing tenure for all households, Carrot River, Saskatchewan, Canada, 2016

Housing tenure for all households, Carrot River, Saskatchewan, Canada, 2016
Housing tenure Carrot River Saskatchewan Canada
Number Percentage Percentage Percentage
Total households 425 100 100 100
Owner 320 74.4 72.0 67.8
Renter 105 24.4 25.4 31.8
Band Housing 0 0.0 2.7 0.4

Housing suitability, adequacy and affordability, Carrot River, 2016

Housing suitability and adequacy, Carrot River, 2016
Percentage of households reporting that their dwelling was in need of major repairs Percentage of households not in suitable housing Percentage of households spending 30% or more of 2015 total income on shelter costs
5.8 2.3 15.1

Figure 1.1 Average monthly shelter cost, Carrot River, 2011 to 2016


not applicable
incompletely enumerated Indian reserve or Indian settlement
use with caution


Statistics Canada. 2017. Focus on Geography Series, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-404-X2016001. Ottawa, Ontario. Data products, 2016 Census.

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