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Census Profile, 2016 Census
Capital, Regional district [Census division], British Columbia and British Columbia [Province]

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The table shows total, male and female data grouped by geography (appearing as column headers) for selected characteristics (appearing as row headers).
Characteristic Capital, RD
British Columbia
[Census division]
British Columbia

Data quality , Capital, Regional district [Census division], British Columbia  Map : Capital, Regional district [Census division], British Columbia
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Data quality : British Columbia [Province]  Map : geography 2
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Total Male Female Total Male Female
Counts (unless otherwise specified)
Labour force status
Total - Population aged 15 years and over by Labour force status - 25% sample dataCensus data footnote 163 323,120 154,690 168,430 3,870,375 1,882,770 1,987,610
In the labour force 205,935 104,100 101,840 2,471,665 1,285,835 1,185,830
Employed 194,510 97,915 96,590 2,305,690 1,194,455 1,111,240
Unemployed 11,430 6,180 5,245 165,975 91,385 74,590
Not in the labour force 117,185 50,595 66,595 1,398,710 596,935 801,775
Participation rate 63.7 67.3 60.5 63.9 68.3 59.7
Employment rate 60.2 63.3 57.3 59.6 63.4 55.9
Unemployment rate 5.6 5.9 5.2 6.7 7.1 6.3
Work activity during the reference year
Total population aged 15 years and over by work activity during the reference year - 25% sample dataCensus data footnote 164 323,120 154,690 168,430 3,870,375 1,882,770 1,987,605
Did not workCensus data footnote 165 106,435 45,635 60,800 1,290,235 547,350 742,885
Worked 216,685 109,055 107,630 2,580,140 1,335,420 1,244,720
Worked full year, full timeCensus data footnote 166 103,045 56,645 46,395 1,183,405 675,950 507,460
Worked part year and/or part timeCensus data footnote 167 113,640 52,405 61,230 1,396,735 659,470 737,260
Average weeks worked in reference year 42.4 42.9 41.9 41.8 42.4 41.1
Class of worker
Total labour force aged 15 years and over by class of worker - 25% sample dataCensus data footnote 168 205,935 104,095 101,835 2,471,670 1,285,840 1,185,835
Class of worker - not applicableCensus data footnote 169 3,160 1,540 1,620 43,805 21,245 22,555
All classes of workersCensus data footnote 170 202,775 102,550 100,220 2,427,860 1,264,585 1,163,275
Employee 172,955 85,120 87,830 2,084,470 1,054,630 1,029,840
Self-employedCensus data footnote 171 29,820 17,435 12,385 343,395 209,955 133,430
Occupation - National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2016
Total labour force population aged 15 years and over by occupation - National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2016 - 25% sample dataCensus data footnote 172 205,935 104,095 101,840 2,471,665 1,285,835 1,185,830
Occupation - not applicableCensus data footnote 169 3,160 1,540 1,615 43,805 21,245 22,560
All occupationsCensus data footnote 170 202,775 102,555 100,220 2,427,860 1,264,585 1,163,270
0 Management occupations 22,630 13,345 9,285 275,000 168,820 106,180
1 Business, finance and administration occupations 32,140 9,200 22,940 368,940 106,205 262,740
2 Natural and applied sciences and related occupations 15,765 12,275 3,495 161,520 127,060 34,460
3 Health occupations 15,985 3,900 12,090 162,865 35,775 127,095
4 Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services 28,850 10,905 17,945 269,255 87,765 181,485
5 Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport 8,080 3,445 4,630 93,100 44,855 48,245
6 Sales and service occupations 49,860 22,790 27,070 595,225 251,490 343,735
7 Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations 22,895 21,630 1,265 360,970 339,660 21,315
8 Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations 3,920 3,020 895 64,235 47,530 16,700
9 Occupations in manufacturing and utilities 2,650 2,050 600 76,745 55,430 21,315
Industry - North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012
Total labour force population aged 15 years and over by Industry - North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2012 - 25% sample dataCensus data footnote 173 205,935 104,095 101,840 2,471,665 1,285,835 1,185,830
Industry - NAICS2012 - not applicableCensus data footnote 169 3,160 1,540 1,620 43,805 21,250 22,555
All industry categoriesCensus data footnote 170 202,775 102,555 100,220 2,427,865 1,264,590 1,163,270
11 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting 2,305 1,460 840 65,205 42,840 22,360
21 Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction 630 555 80 25,920 21,810 4,115
22 Utilities 500 405 95 12,445 8,915 3,535
23 Construction 13,935 12,575 1,360 199,985 175,195 24,790
31-33 Manufacturing 7,055 5,240 1,815 157,560 113,945 43,615
41 Wholesale trade 3,790 2,635 1,150 82,105 55,530 26,580
44-45 Retail trade 23,520 11,315 12,200 283,135 129,985 153,150
48-49 Transportation and warehousing 7,780 5,770 2,015 128,400 98,580 29,815
51 Information and cultural industries 4,215 2,425 1,790 67,225 41,065 26,155
52 Finance and insurance 6,180 2,555 3,630 93,805 38,430 55,380
53 Real estate and rental and leasing 4,305 2,245 2,060 54,995 29,515 25,475
54 Professional, scientific and technical services 17,115 9,805 7,310 196,670 107,680 88,990
55 Management of companies and enterprises 210 75 130 4,320 1,975 2,345
56 Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services 9,280 5,430 3,850 109,095 62,325 46,775
61 Educational services 16,620 5,975 10,645 173,820 56,455 117,365
62 Health care and social assistance 27,450 6,225 21,225 270,855 52,320 218,530
71 Arts, entertainment and recreation 5,675 2,715 2,960 57,940 29,050 28,895
72 Accommodation and food services 18,650 8,705 9,945 207,045 86,555 120,490
81 Other services (except public administration) 8,695 3,490 5,205 112,335 47,960 64,375
91 Public administration 24,870 12,965 11,895 125,000 64,450 60,545
Place of work status
Total - Place of work status for the employed labour force aged 15 years and over in private households - 25% sample dataCensus data footnote 174 194,510 97,915 96,595 2,305,690 1,194,455 1,111,240
Worked at home 17,495 8,555 8,940 196,510 95,515 100,990
Worked outside Canada 820 540 280 16,040 11,285 4,760
No fixed workplace address 24,035 17,480 6,550 326,180 243,130 83,050
Worked at usual place 152,160 71,335 80,825 1,766,965 844,520 922,440


Source: Statistics Canada, 2016 Census of Population.

How to cite

How to cite: Statistics Canada. 2017. Capital, RD [Census division], British Columbia and British Columbia [Province] (table). Census Profile. 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-316-X2016001. Ottawa. Released November 29, 2017. (accessed January 14, 2025).

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