Historical Age Pyramid


Age pyramid is a way of depicting the age-sex structure of a population. It consists of two horizontal histograms, placed side by side, indicating the number of persons in each single year of age. Convention states that men are shown on the left histogram, and women are shown on the right.

This table shows the male and female population by broad age groups
  0 to 14 15 to 64 65 +
This table shows the proportion of male and female population by broad age groups.
  0 to 14 15 to 64 65 +

(2017 to 2036)

The various projection scenarios are constructed by combining a number of assumptions regarding the future evolution of each of the components of population growth. They present a series of distinct, but plausible results in terms of the evolution of the size and the age and sex distribution of the Canadian population, in order to reflect the uncertainty associated with the future.

Use the slide scale to move through the years. Use the start or pause button to start or pause the age pyramid.

The data for each year of age and sex used in these animated pyramids were developed for the purpose of providing a general visual overview of changes in the age and sex structure of the population of Canada and its provinces and territories over a long period. In some older censuses, only data by age group were available. In this case, data by years of age were calculated on the basis of demographic methods. An interpolation was also performed to obtain data by age and sex annually between census years (for example, between 1902 and 1910, i.e., between the 1901 and 1911 censuses). In this sense, the data underlying these animated pyramids may differ from official demographic statistics. Finally, the provinces and territories are included, starting from the first census following their entry into Confederation.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Census of Population, 1851 to 2016. Statistics Canada, Population Projections for Canada (2013 to 2063), Provinces and Territories (2013 to 2038), 91-520-X, for the data from 2017 to 2036. For comparability reasons, census net undercoverage was taken out of the projected populations displayed in this pyramid.

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