Dictionary, Census of Population, 2016
Regular dwelling
Regular dwelling refers to a private dwelling which meets the two conditions for year-round occupancy. It must have a source of heat or power (as evidenced by chimneys, power lines, oil or gas pipes or meters, generators, woodpiles, electric lights, heat pumps or solar panels). It must provide shelter from the elements, as evidenced by complete and enclosed walls and roof, and by doors and windows that provide protection from wind, rain and snow. These dwellings are classified into dwellings occupied by usual residents, dwellings occupied solely by foreign residents and/or by temporarily present persons, and unoccupied dwellings.
Statistical unit(s)
Not applicable
Not applicable
Reported in
2016,Note 1 2011,Note 1 2006, 2001, 1996, 1991, 1986, 1981
Reported for
For more information on the dwelling universe, refer to the Guide to the Census of Population, 2016.
Question number(s)
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
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