Dictionary, Census of Population, 2016
Commuting destination

Release date: May 3, 2017


'Commuting destination' refers to whether or not a person commutes to another municipality (i.e., census subdivision), another census division or another province or territory. Commuting refers to the travel of a person between his or her place of residence and his or her usual place of work.

Statistical unit(s)

Employed person
Experienced labour force person
Person with recent work experience


Commuting destination

Reported in

2016 (25% sample); 2011Note 1 (30% sample).

Reported for

Population aged 15 years and over, in private households, who worked at some time since January 1, 2015, and who reported having a usual place of work. The variable usually relates to the individual's job held during the week of Sunday, May 1 to Saturday, May 7, 2016. However, if the person did not work during that week, but had worked at some time since January 1, 2015, the information relates to the job held the longest during that period.

Early enumeration was conducted in remote, isolated parts of the provinces and territories in February, March and April 2016. When enumeration has taken place before May 2016, the reference date used is the date on which the household was enumerated.

Question number(s)

Derived variable: Question 42


Commute within census subdivision (CSD) of residence
Commute to a different census subdivision (CSD) within census division (CD) of residence
Commute to a different census subdivision (CSD) and census division (CD) within province or territory of residence
Commute to a different province or territory


The comparison of residence and workplace location can also be applied to other geographic units.


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