Focus on Geography Series, 2021 Census of Population

Oakville, Town


Religion: In 2021, the top religious group was Catholic, with about 61,055 persons representing 28.8% of the total population. The second group was Muslim, with about 22,015 persons representing 10.4% of the total population. The population who declared no religion and secular perspectives numbered 60,075 persons, representing 28.3% of the total population.

Racialized groups

Racialized groupsFootnote 1: In 2021, the largest racialized group was South Asian, with about 28,685 persons representing 13.5% of the total population. The second group was Chinese, with about 23,055 persons representing 10.9% of the total population. The third group was Arab, with about 10,020 persons representing 4.7% of the total population.

Ethnic or cultural origins

Ethnic or cultural origins: In 2021, the most frequently reported ethnic or cultural origin was English, with about 30,610 persons representing 14.4% of the total population. The second origin was Irish, with about 24,840 persons representing 11.7% of the total population. The third origin was Scottish, with about 24,210 persons representing 11.4% of the total population.

Distribution (in percentage) of religious groups, Oakville (Town), 2021

The 5 most frequently reported ethnic or cultural origins by median age, Oakville (Town), 2021

The 5 most frequently reported ethnic or cultural origins by median age, Oakville (Town), 2021
Ethnic or cultural origin Number of responses % Rank Median age
English 30,610 14.4 1 46.4
Irish 24,840 11.7 2 43.6
Scottish 24,210 11.4 3 44.8
Chinese 22,720 10.7 4 38.4
Canadian 17,040 8.0 5 25.6

Counts of visible minority groupsFootnote 2, Oakville (Town), 2016, 2021

Population by visible minority groupFootnote 2 and median age, Oakville (Town), 2016 and 2021

Population by visible minority groupFootnote 2 and median age, Oakville (Town), 2016 and 2021
2016 2021
Number % of total population % of visible minority population Median age Number % of total population % of visible minority population Median age
Total - Visible minority 191,720 100.0 ... 39.3 212,060 100.0 ... 41.6
Total visible minority population 59,075 30.8 100.0 34.5 90,130 42.5 100.0 36.0
South Asian 17,095 8.9 28.9 35.6 28,685 13.5 31.8 36.0
Chinese 13,440 7.0 22.7 35.0 23,055 10.9 25.6 38.4
Black 5,515 2.9 9.3 34.3 7,020 3.3 7.8 31.0
Filipino 3,715 1.9 6.3 35.5 4,170 2.0 4.6 40.4
Arab 6,100 3.2 10.3 31.2 10,020 4.7 11.1 31.2
Latin American 3,595 1.9 6.1 35.3 4,265 2.0 4.7 40.0
Southeast Asian 1,030 0.5 1.7 33.4 1,605 0.8 1.8 37.2
West Asian 2,095 1.1 3.5 33.5 2,480 1.2 2.8 39.2
Korean 3,080 1.6 5.2 33.8 3,440 1.6 3.8 38.8
Japanese 690 0.4 1.2 40.2 660 0.3 0.7 46.8
Visible minority, n.i.e. 810 0.4 1.4 35.3 1,290 0.6 1.4 38.4
Multiple visible minorities 1,920 1.0 3.3 28.6 3,445 1.6 3.8 21.0
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