Quick Tutorial for the Census Program Data Viewer
Find a place of interest

Find a standard 2021 Census geography

In this tutorial, you will find a place in Canada you are interested in. For this tutorial, we will be looking at census data for Ottawa, Ontario.

  1. Click the "Find Place" menu button.

    A pop up window will display to enter a place name to search.

  2. Type "Ottawa" in the place name entry box.

  3. Select "Ottawa, CV [CSD] (Ont.)" from the list of suggestions shown.

  4. Click the "Set as focus of analysis" button.

    The application will zoom to the Ottawa (CSD) and present data for Ottawa (CSD) in all other elements.

Find a standard 2021 Census geography using a non-standard geography name

If the place you are searching for is not an active 2021 geographic area you can still find it using the search for place function.

For example if you are looking for census data for Hull, Quebec.

  1. Click the "Find Place" menu button.

    A pop up window will display to enter a place name to search.

  2. Type "Hull" in the place name entry box.

  3. Click the "Set as focus of analysis" button.

  4. Since "Hull" is not an official 2021 census geographic area you will be presented with a new pop-up that shows all possibilities. Click on the arrow in the combo box and select a record from the list of suggestions shown.

    In this case select "Hull [Place]" in the Gatineau CSD.

  5. Click the "Set as focus of analysis" button.

  6. The application will zoom to the Gatineau CSD.

    Why did the map zoom in on "Gatineau" when you chose "Hull"?

    The answer is that census data are tied to very specific geographic boundaries. Though there is no boundary in the CPDV for "Hull" on its own, "Hull" is part of the "Gatineau" census subdivision, which does have census data. Your CPDV dashboard took you to the nearest location to "Hull" that has census data associated with it.

Find a place using the map

You can also find a place by selecting a geographic area on the map.

  1. Start by selecting the appropriate geographic level for the area you are interested in. Click on the "Geographic Level" button.

  2. Select the desired level of geography from the drop down list.

  3. Select "Apply".

    The CPDV will set the level of geography to the selected level of geography.

  4. Find the location you are interested in on the map. Do this by zooming in or out and panning around the map.

  5. Click within the boundaries of the desired geographic area. In this example we have selected "Peterborough [CD] (Ont)."

  6. Click "Set as focus of analysis" from the map tip that appears.

    Your map will zoom in on "Peterborough [CD] (Ont).".

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