Census Profile, 2021 Census of Population
Profile table
Characteristic | Patuanak, Northern hamlet (NH)More information:
Saskatchewan [Census subdivision] |
Counts | |
Total | |
Population and dwellings | |
Population, 20211 | 63 |
Population, 20161 | 73 |
Population percentage change, 2016 to 2021 | - 13.7 |
Total private dwellings2 | 32 |
Private dwellings occupied by usual residents3 | 28 |
Population density per square kilometre | 58.0 |
Land area in square kilometres | 1.09 |
Age characteristics | |
Total - Age groups of the population - 100% data | 65 |
0 to 14 years | 15 |
0 to 4 years | 0 |
5 to 9 years | 5 |
10 to 14 years | 5 |
15 to 64 years | 35 |
15 to 19 years | 5 |
20 to 24 years | 5 |
25 to 29 years | 5 |
30 to 34 years | 0 |
35 to 39 years | 5 |
40 to 44 years | 0 |
45 to 49 years | 5 |
50 to 54 years | 10 |
55 to 59 years | 0 |
60 to 64 years | 0 |
65 years and over | 10 |
65 to 69 years | 10 |
70 to 74 years | 5 |
75 to 79 years | 5 |
80 to 84 years | 0 |
85 years and over | 0 |
85 to 89 years | 0 |
90 to 94 years | 0 |
95 to 99 years | 0 |
100 years and over | 0 |
Total - Distribution (%) of the population by broad age groups - 100% data | 100.0 |
0 to 14 years | 23.1 |
15 to 64 years | 53.8 |
65 years and over | 15.4 |
85 years and over | 0.0 |
Average age of the population | 41.0 |
Median age of the population | 40.4 |
Household and dwelling characteristics | |
Total - Occupied private dwellings by structural type of dwelling - 100% data | 30 |
Single-detached house | 25 |
Semi-detached house | 5 |
Row house | 0 |
Apartment or flat in a duplex | 0 |
Apartment in a building that has fewer than five storeys | 0 |
Apartment in a building that has five or more storeys | 0 |
Other single-attached house | 0 |
Movable dwelling4 | 0 |
Total - Private households by household size - 100% data | 25 |
1 person | 10 |
2 persons | 10 |
3 persons | 5 |
4 persons | 0 |
5 or more persons | 0 |
Number of persons in private households | 65 |
Average household size | 2.3 |
Marital status | |
Total - Marital status for the total population aged 15 years and over - 100% data | 50 |
Married or living common-law | 25 |
Married | 10 |
Living common-law | 10 |
Living common law - Never married | 10 |
Living common law - Separated | 0 |
Living common law - Divorced | 0 |
Living common law - Widowed | 0 |
Not married and not living common-law | 25 |
Not married and not living common law - Never married | 15 |
Not married and not living common law - Separated | 0 |
Not married and not living common law - Divorced | 0 |
Not married and not living common law - Widowed | 5 |
Family characteristics | |
Total - Census families in private households by family size - 100% data5 | 15 |
2 persons | 5 |
3 persons | 5 |
4 persons | 5 |
5 or more persons | 0 |
Average size of census families | 2.8 |
Average number of children in census families with children6 | 1.8 |
Total number of census families in private households - 100% data | 20 |
Total couple families | 10 |
Married couples | 5 |
With children6 | 0 |
Without children | 5 |
Common-law couples | 5 |
With children6 | 0 |
Without children | 0 |
Total one-parent families | 10 |
in which the parent is a woman+ | 10 |
in which the parent is a man+ | 0 |
Total - Persons in private households - 100% data | 65 |
Total - Persons in census families | 50 |
Married spouses or common-law partners | 25 |
Parents in one-parent families | 5 |
Children6 | 20 |
In a two-parent family | 5 |
In a one-parent family | 15 |
Total - Persons not in census families in private households - 100% data | 10 |
Living alone | 10 |
Living with other relatives7 | 0 |
Living with non-relatives only | 0 |
Household type | |
Total - Household type - 100% data | 25 |
One-census-family households without additional persons | 20 |
Couple-family households | 10 |
With children6 | 5 |
Without children | 10 |
One-parent-family households | 5 |
Multigenerational households8 | 0 |
Multiple-census-family households9 | 0 |
One-census-family households with additional persons9 | 0 |
Two-or-more-person non-census-family households | 0 |
One-person households | 5 |
Income of individuals in 2020 | |
Total - Income statistics in 2020 for the population aged 15 years and over in private households - 100% data10 | 50 |
Number of total income recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2020 - 100% data | x |
Median total income in 2020 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of after-tax income recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2020 - 100% data | x |
Median after-tax income in 2020 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of market income recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2020 - 100% data | x |
Median market income in 2020 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of employment income recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2020 - 100% data | x |
Median employment income in 2020 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of government transfers recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2020 - 100% data | x |
Median government transfers in 2020 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of employment insurance benefits recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2020 - 100% data | x |
Median employment insurance benefits in 2020 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of COVID-19 emergency and recovery benefits recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2020 - 100% data | x |
Median COVID-19 emergency and recovery benefits in 2020 among recipients ($) | x |
Total - Income statistics in 2020 for the population aged 15 years and over in private households - 25% sample data11 | 50 |
Number of total income recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2020 - 25% sample data | x |
Average total income in 2020 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of after-tax income recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2020 - 25% sample data | x |
Average after-tax income in 2020 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of market income recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2020 - 25% sample data | x |
Average market income in 2020 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of employment income recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2020 - 25% sample data | x |
Average employment income in 2020 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of government transfers recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2020 - 25% sample data | x |
Average government transfers in 2020 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of employment insurance benefits recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2020 - 25% sample data | x |
Average employment insurance benefits in 2020 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of COVID-19 emergency and recovery benefits recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2020 - 25% sample data | x |
Average COVID-19 emergency and recovery benefits in 2020 among recipients ($) | x |
Total - Employment income statistics in 2020 for the population aged 15 years and over in private households - 25% sample data12 | 50 |
Number of employment income recipients in 2020 who worked full-year full-time in 2020 - 25% sample data13 | x |
Median employment income in 2020 for full-year full-time workers in 2020 ($)14 | x |
Average employment income in 2020 for full-year full-time workers in 2020 ($)15 | x |
Number of employment income recipients in 2020 who worked part-year or part-time in 2020 - 25% sample data16 | x |
Median employment income in 2020 of those who worked part-year or part-time in 2020 ($) | x |
Average employment income in 2020 of those who worked part-year or part-time in 2020 ($) | x |
Composition of total income in 2020 of the population aged 15 years and over in private households (%) - 25% sample data17 | x |
Market income (%)18 | x |
Employment income (%)19 | x |
Government transfers (%)20 | x |
Employment insurance benefits (%) | x |
COVID-19 - Government income support and benefits (%) | x |
COVID-19 - Emergency and recovery benefits (%) | x |
Total - Total income groups in 2020 for the population aged 15 years and over in private households - 100% data21 | x |
Without total income | x |
With total income | x |
Under $10,000 (including loss) | x |
$10,000 to $19,999 | x |
$20,000 to $29,999 | x |
$30,000 to $39,999 | x |
$40,000 to $49,999 | x |
$50,000 to $59,999 | x |
$60,000 to $69,999 | x |
$70,000 to $79,999 | x |
$80,000 to $89,999 | x |
$90,000 to $99,999 | x |
$100,000 and over | x |
$100,000 to $149,999 | x |
$150,000 and over | x |
Total - After-tax income groups in 2020 for the population aged 15 years and over in private households - 100% data22 | x |
Without after-tax income | x |
With after-tax income | x |
Under $10,000 (including loss) | x |
$10,000 to $19,999 | x |
$20,000 to $29,999 | x |
$30,000 to $39,999 | x |
$40,000 to $49,999 | x |
$50,000 to $59,999 | x |
$60,000 to $69,999 | x |
$70,000 to $79,999 | x |
$80,000 to $89,999 | x |
$90,000 to $99,999 | x |
$100,000 and over | x |
$100,000 to $124,999 | x |
$125,000 and over | x |
Total - Employment income groups in 2020 for the population aged 15 years and over in private households - 100% data19 | x |
Without employment income | x |
With employment income | x |
Under $5,000 (including loss) | x |
$5,000 to $9,999 | x |
$10,000 to $19,999 | x |
$20,000 to $29,999 | x |
$30,000 to $39,999 | x |
$40,000 to $49,999 | x |
$50,000 to $59,999 | x |
$60,000 to $69,999 | x |
$70,000 to $79,999 | x |
$80,000 to $89,999 | x |
$90,000 to $99,999 | x |
$100,000 and over | x |
$100,000 to $124,999 | x |
$125,000 and over | x |
Income of individuals in 2019 | |
Total - Income statistics in 2019 for the population aged 15 years and over in private households - 100% data23 | 50 |
Number of total income recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2019 - 100% data | x |
Median total income in 2019 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of after-tax income recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2019 - 100% data | x |
Median after-tax income in 2019 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of market income recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2019 - 100% data | x |
Median market income in 2019 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of employment income recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2019 - 100% data | x |
Median employment income in 2019 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of government transfers recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2019 - 100% data | x |
Median government transfers in 2019 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of employment insurance benefits recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2019 -100% data | x |
Median employment insurance benefits in 2019 among recipients ($) | x |
Total - Income statistics in 2019 for the population aged 15 years and over in private households - 25% sample data24 | 50 |
Number of total income recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2019 - 25% sample data | x |
Average total income in 2019 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of after-tax income recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2019 - 25% sample data | x |
Average after-tax income in 2019 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of market income recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2019 - 25% sample data | x |
Average market income in 2019 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of employment income recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2019 - 25% sample data | x |
Average employment income in 2019 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of government transfers recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2019 - 25% sample data | x |
Average government transfers in 2019 among recipients ($) | x |
Number of employment insurance benefits recipients aged 15 years and over in private households in 2019 - 25% sample data | x |
Average employment insurance benefits in 2019 among recipients ($) | x |
Total - Employment income statistics in 2019 for the population aged 15 years and over in private households - 25% sample data25 | 50 |
Number of employment income recipients in 2019 who worked full-year full-time in 2020 - 25% sample data13 | x |
Median employment income in 2019 for full-year full-time workers in 2020 ($)14 | x |
Average employment income in 2019 for full-year full-time workers in 2020 ($)15 | x |
Number of employment income recipients in 2019 who worked part-year or part-time in 2020 - 25% sample data16 | x |
Median employment income in 2019 of those who worked part-year or part-time in 2020 ($) | x |
Average employment income in 2019 of those who worked part-year or part-time in 2020 ($) | x |
Composition of total income in 2019 of the population aged 15 years and over in private households (%) - 25% sample data | x |
Market income (%) | x |
Employment income (%) | x |
Government transfers (%) | x |
Employment insurance benefits (%) | x |
Income of households in 2020 | |
Total - Income statistics for private households - 100% data26 | x |
Median total income of household in 2020 ($) | x |
Median after-tax income of household in 2020 ($) | x |
Total - Income statistics for one-person private households - 100% data | x |
Median total income of one-person households in 2020 ($) | x |
Median after-tax income of one-person households in 2020 ($) | x |
Total - Income statistics for two-or-more-persons private households - 100% data | x |
Median total income of two-or-more-person households in 2020 ($) | x |
Median after-tax income of two-or-more-person households in 2020 ($) | x |
Total - Income statistics for private households - 25% sample data27 | x |
Average total income of household in 2020 ($) | x |
Average after-tax income of household in 2020 ($) | x |
Total - Income statistics for one-person private households - 25% sample data | x |
Average total income of one-person households in 2020 ($) | x |
Average after-tax income of one-person households in 2020 ($) | x |
Total - Income statistics for two-or-more-persons private households - 25% sample data | x |
Average total income of two-or-more-person households in 2020 ($) | x |
Average after-tax income of two-or-more-person households in 2020 ($) | x |
Total - Household total income groups in 2020 for private households - 100% data21 | x |
Under $5,000 | x |
$5,000 to $9,999 | x |
$10,000 to $14,999 | x |
$15,000 to $19,999 | x |
$20,000 to $24,999 | x |
$25,000 to $29,999 | x |
$30,000 to $34,999 | x |
$35,000 to $39,999 | x |
$40,000 to $44,999 | x |
$45,000 to $49,999 | x |
$50,000 to $59,999 | x |
$60,000 to $69,999 | x |
$70,000 to $79,999 | x |
$80,000 to $89,999 | x |
$90,000 to $99,999 | x |
$100,000 and over | x |
$100,000 to $124,999 | x |
$125,000 to $149,999 | x |
$150,000 to $199,999 | x |
$200,000 and over | x |
Total - Household after-tax income groups in 2020 for private households - 100% data22 | x |
Under $5,000 | x |
$5,000 to $9,999 | x |
$10,000 to $14,999 | x |
$15,000 to $19,999 | x |
$20,000 to $24,999 | x |
$25,000 to $29,999 | x |
$30,000 to $34,999 | x |
$35,000 to $39,999 | x |
$40,000 to $44,999 | x |
$45,000 to $49,999 | x |
$50,000 to $59,999 | x |
$60,000 to $69,999 | x |
$70,000 to $79,999 | x |
$80,000 to $89,999 | x |
$90,000 to $99,999 | x |
$100,000 and over | x |
$100,000 to $124,999 | x |
$125,000 to $149,999 | x |
$150,000 and over | x |
Income of economic families in 2020 | |
Total - Income statistics for economic families in private households - 100% data28 | x |
Median total income of economic family in 2020 ($) | x |
Median after-tax income of economic family in 2020 ($) | x |
Average family size of economic families | 2.8 |
Total - Income statistics for couple-only economic families in private households - 100% data | x |
Median total income of couple-only economic families in 2020 ($) | x |
Median after-tax income of couple-only economic families in 2020 ($) | x |
Average family size of couple-only economic families | 2.0 |
Total - Income statistics for couple-with-children economic families in private households - 100% data | x |
Median total income of couple-with-children economic families in 2020 ($) | x |
Median after-tax income of couple-with-children economic families in 2020 ($) | x |
Average family size of couple-with-children economic families | 4.0 |
Total - Income statistics for one-parent economic families in private households - 100% data | x |
Median total income of one-parent economic families in 2020 ($) | x |
Median after-tax income of one-parent economic families in 2020 ($) | x |
Average family size of one-parent economic families | 2.8 |
Total - Income statistics for persons aged 15 years and over not in economic families in private households - 100% data29 | 10 |
Median total income in 2020 ($)30 | x |
Median after-tax income in 2020 ($)30 | x |
Total - Income statistics for economic families in private households - 25% sample data31 | x |
Average total income of economic family in 2020 ($) | x |
Average after-tax income of economic family in 2020 ($) | x |
Total - Income statistics for couple-only economic families in private households - 25% sample data | x |
Average total income of couple-only economic families in 2020 ($) | x |
Average after-tax income of couple-only economic families in 2020 ($) | x |
Total - Income statistics for couple-with-children economic families in private households - 25% sample data | x |
Average total income of couple-with-children economic families in 2020 ($) | x |
Average after-tax income of couple-with-children economic families in 2020 ($) | x |
Total - Income statistics for one-parent economic families in private households - 25% sample data | x |
Average total income of one-parent economic families in 2020 ($) | x |
Average after-tax income of one-parent economic families in 2020 ($) | x |
Total - Income statistics for persons aged 15 years and over not in economic families in private households - 25% sample data32 | 10 |
Average total income in 2020 ($)30 | x |
Average after-tax income in 2020 ($)30 | x |
Low income and income inequality in 2020 | |
Total - LIM low-income status in 2020 for the population in private households - 100% data33 | x |
0 to 17 years | x |
0 to 5 years | x |
18 to 64 years | x |
65 years and over | x |
In low income based on the Low-income measure, after tax (LIM-AT) | x |
0 to 17 years | x |
0 to 5 years | x |
18 to 64 years | x |
65 years and over | x |
Prevalence of low income based on the Low-income measure, after tax (LIM-AT) (%) | x |
0 to 17 years (%) | x |
0 to 5 years (%) | x |
18 to 64 years (%) | x |
65 years and over (%) | x |
Total - LICO low-income status in 2020 for the population in private households to whom the low-income concept is applicable - 100% data33 | x |
0 to 17 years | x |
0 to 5 years | x |
18 to 64 years | x |
65 years and over | x |
In low income based on the Low-income cut-offs, after tax (LICO-AT) | x |
0 to 17 years | x |
0 to 5 years | x |
18 to 64 years | x |
65 years and over | x |
Prevalence of low income based on the Low-income cut-offs, after tax (LICO-AT) (%) | x |
0 to 17 years (%) | x |
0 to 5 years (%) | x |
18 to 64 years (%) | x |
65 years and over (%) | x |
Total - Adjusted after-tax economic family income decile group for the population in private households - 100% data34 | x |
In bottom half of the distribution | x |
In bottom decile | x |
In second decile | x |
In third decile | x |
In fourth decile | x |
In fifth decile | x |
In top half of the distribution | x |
In sixth decile | x |
In seventh decile | x |
In eighth decile | x |
In ninth decile | x |
In top decile | x |
Total - Inequality measures for the population in private households - 100% data35 | x |
Gini index on adjusted household total income | x |
Gini index on adjusted household market income | x |
Gini index on adjusted household after-tax income | x |
P90/P10 ratio on adjusted household after-tax income | x |
Knowledge of official languages | |
Total - Knowledge of official languages for the total population excluding institutional residents - 100% data36 | 60 |
English only | 60 |
French only | 0 |
English and French | 0 |
Neither English nor French | 0 |
First official language spoken | |
Total - First official language spoken for the total population excluding institutional residents - 100% data37 | 60 |
English | 60 |
French | 0 |
English and French | 0 |
Neither English nor French | 0 |
Mother tongue | |
Total - Mother tongue for the total population excluding institutional residents - 100% data38 | 60 |
Single responses | 60 |
Official languages | 30 |
English | 30 |
French | 0 |
Non-official languages | 25 |
Indigenous languages39 | 25 |
Algonquian languages | 0 |
Blackfoot | 0 |
Cree-Innu languages | 0 |
Atikamekw | 0 |
Cree languages | 0 |
Ililimowin (Moose Cree) | 0 |
Inu Ayimun (Southern East Cree) | 0 |
Iyiyiw-Ayimiwin (Northern East Cree) | 0 |
Nehinawewin (Swampy Cree) | 0 |
Nehiyawewin (Plains Cree) | 0 |
Nihithawiwin (Woods Cree) | 0 |
Cree, n.o.s. | 0 |
Innu (Montagnais) | 0 |
Naskapi | 0 |
Eastern Algonquian languages | 0 |
Mi'kmaq | 0 |
Wolastoqewi (Malecite) | 0 |
Ojibway-Potawatomi languages | 0 |
Anicinabemowin (Algonquin) | 0 |
Oji-Cree | 0 |
Ojibway languages | 0 |
Anishinaabemowin (Chippewa) | 0 |
Daawaamwin (Odawa) | 0 |
Saulteau (Western Ojibway) | 0 |
Ojibway, n.o.s. | 0 |
Algonquian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Athabaskan languages | 30 |
Northern Athabaskan languages | 30 |
Dakelh (Carrier) | 0 |
Dane-zaa (Beaver) | 0 |
Dene, n.o.s. | 30 |
Gwich'in | 0 |
Slavey-Hare languages | 0 |
Deh Gah Ghotie Zhatie (South Slavey) | 0 |
Satuotine Yati (North Slavey) | 0 |
Slavey, n.o.s. | 0 |
Tahltan languages | 0 |
Kaska (Nahani) | 0 |
Tahltan | 0 |
Tlicho (Dogrib) | 0 |
Tse'khene (Sekani) | 0 |
Tsilhqot'in (Chilcotin) | 0 |
Tsuu T'ina (Sarsi) | 0 |
Tutchone languages | 0 |
Northern Tutchone | 0 |
Southern Tutchone | 0 |
Tutchone, n.o.s. | 0 |
Wetsuwet'en-Babine | 0 |
Tlingit | 0 |
Athabaskan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Haida | 0 |
Inuktut (Inuit) languages | 0 |
Inuinnaqtun (Inuvialuktun) | 0 |
Inuinnaqtun | 0 |
Inuvialuktun | 0 |
Inuktitut | 0 |
Inuktut (Inuit) languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Iroquoian languages | 0 |
Cayuga | 0 |
Mohawk | 0 |
Oneida | 0 |
Iroquoian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Ktunaxa (Kutenai) | 0 |
Michif | 0 |
Salish languages | 0 |
Halkomelem | 0 |
Lillooet | 0 |
Ntlakapamux (Thompson) | 0 |
Secwepemctsin (Shuswap) | 0 |
Squamish | 0 |
Straits | 0 |
Syilx (Okanagan) | 0 |
Salish languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Siouan languages | 0 |
Assiniboine | 0 |
Dakota | 0 |
Stoney | 0 |
Siouan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Tsimshian languages | 0 |
Gitxsan (Gitksan) | 0 |
Nisga'a | 0 |
Tsimshian | 0 |
Wakashan languages | 0 |
Haisla | 0 |
Heiltsuk | 0 |
Kwak'wala (Kwakiutl) | 0 |
Nuu-chah-nulth (Nootka) | 0 |
Wakashan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indigenous languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indigenous languages, n.o.s. | 0 |
Non-Indigenous languages | 0 |
Afro-Asiatic languages | 0 |
Berber languages | 0 |
Kabyle | 0 |
Tamazight | 0 |
Berber languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Chadic languages | 0 |
Hausa | 0 |
Mina | 0 |
Coptic | 0 |
Cushitic languages | 0 |
Bilen | 0 |
Oromo | 0 |
Somali | 0 |
Cushitic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Semitic languages | 0 |
Amharic | 0 |
Arabic | 0 |
Aramaic languages | 0 |
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic | 0 |
Chaldean Neo-Aramaic | 0 |
Aramaic, n.o.s. | 0 |
Harari | 0 |
Hebrew | 0 |
Maltese | 0 |
Tigrigna | 0 |
Semitic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Austro-Asiatic languages | 0 |
Khmer (Cambodian) | 0 |
Vietnamese | 0 |
Austro-Asiatic languages, n.i.e | 0 |
Austronesian languages | 0 |
Bikol | 0 |
Bisaya, n.o.s. | 0 |
Cebuano | 0 |
Fijian | 0 |
Hiligaynon | 0 |
Ilocano | 0 |
Indonesian | 0 |
Kankanaey | 0 |
Kinaray-a | 0 |
Malagasy languages | 0 |
Merina | 0 |
Malagasy, n.o.s. | 0 |
Malay | 0 |
Pampangan (Kapampangan, Pampango) | 0 |
Pangasinan | 0 |
Tagalog (Pilipino, Filipino) | 0 |
Waray-Waray | 0 |
Austronesian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Creole languages | 0 |
Haitian Creole | 0 |
Jamaican English Creole | 0 |
Krio | 0 |
Morisyen | 0 |
Sango | 0 |
Creole, n.o.s. | 0 |
Creole languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Dravidian languages | 0 |
Kannada | 0 |
Malayalam | 0 |
Tamil | 0 |
Telugu | 0 |
Tulu | 0 |
Dravidian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Georgian | 0 |
Hmong-Mien languages | 0 |
Indo-European languages | 0 |
Albanian | 0 |
Armenian | 0 |
Balto-Slavic languages | 0 |
Baltic languages | 0 |
Latvian | 0 |
Lithuanian | 0 |
Slavic languages | 0 |
Belarusian | 0 |
Bulgarian | 0 |
Czech | 0 |
Macedonian | 0 |
Polish | 0 |
Russian | 0 |
Rusyn | 0 |
Serbo-Croatian | 0 |
Bosnian | 0 |
Croatian | 0 |
Serbian | 0 |
Serbo-Croatian, n.i.e. | 0 |
Slovak | 0 |
Slovene (Slovenian) | 0 |
Ukrainian | 0 |
Slavic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Celtic languages | 0 |
Irish | 0 |
Scottish Gaelic | 0 |
Welsh | 0 |
Celtic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Germanic languages | 0 |
Frisian | 0 |
High German languages | 0 |
German | 0 |
Pennsylvania German | 0 |
Swiss German | 0 |
Yiddish | 0 |
Low Saxon-Low Franconian languages | 0 |
Afrikaans | 0 |
Dutch | 0 |
Low German, n.o.s. | 0 |
Low Saxon | 0 |
Plautdietsch | 0 |
Vlaams (Flemish) | 0 |
Scandinavian languages | 0 |
Danish | 0 |
Icelandic | 0 |
Norwegian | 0 |
Swedish | 0 |
Germanic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Greek | 0 |
Indo-Iranian languages | 0 |
Indo-Aryan languages | 0 |
Assamese | 0 |
Bengali | 0 |
Gujarati | 0 |
Hindi | 0 |
Kacchi | 0 |
Kashmiri | 0 |
Konkani | 0 |
Marathi | 0 |
Nepali | 0 |
Oriya languages | 0 |
Odia | 0 |
Oriya, n.o.s. | 0 |
Punjabi (Panjabi) | 0 |
Rohingya | 0 |
Sindhi | 0 |
Sinhala (Sinhalese) | 0 |
Urdu | 0 |
Indo-Aryan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Iranian languages | 0 |
Baluchi | 0 |
Kurdish | 0 |
Parsi | 0 |
Pashto | 0 |
Persian languages | 0 |
Dari | 0 |
Iranian Persian | 0 |
Persian (Farsi), n.o.s. | 0 |
Iranian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indo-Iranian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Italic (Romance) languages | 0 |
Catalan | 0 |
Italian | 0 |
Portuguese | 0 |
Romanian | 0 |
Spanish | 0 |
Italic (Romance) languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indo-European languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Japanese | 0 |
Korean | 0 |
Mongolian | 0 |
Niger-Congo languages | 0 |
Akan (Twi) | 0 |
Bamanankan | 0 |
Edo | 0 |
Éwé | 0 |
Fulah (Pular, Pulaar, Fulfulde) | 0 |
Ga | 0 |
Ganda | 0 |
Gikuyu | 0 |
Igbo | 0 |
Kinyarwanda (Rwanda) | 0 |
Lingala | 0 |
Luba-Kasai | 0 |
Mòoré | 0 |
Mwani | 0 |
Ndebele | 0 |
Rundi (Kirundi) | 0 |
Shona | 0 |
Soninke | 0 |
Sotho-Tswana languages | 0 |
Swahili | 0 |
Wojenaka | 0 |
Wolof | 0 |
Yoruba | 0 |
Niger-Congo languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Nilo-Saharan languages | 0 |
Dinka | 0 |
Nuer | 0 |
Nilo-Saharan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
African, n.o.s. | 0 |
Sign languages | 0 |
American Sign Language | 0 |
Quebec Sign Language | 0 |
Sign languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Sino-Tibetan languages | 0 |
Chinese languages | 0 |
Hakka | 0 |
Mandarin | 0 |
Min Dong | 0 |
Min Nan (Chaochow, Teochow, Fukien, Taiwanese) | 0 |
Wu (Shanghainese) | 0 |
Yue (Cantonese) | 0 |
Chinese, n.o.s. | 0 |
Chinese languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Tibeto-Burman languages | 0 |
Burmese | 0 |
Kuki-Chin languages | 0 |
Karenic languages | 0 |
S'gaw Karen | 0 |
Karenic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Tibetan | 0 |
Tibeto-Burman languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Sino-Tibetan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Tai-Kadai languages | 0 |
Lao | 0 |
Thai | 0 |
Tai-Kadai languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Turkic languages | 0 |
Azerbaijani | 0 |
Kazakh | 0 |
Turkish | 0 |
Uyghur | 0 |
Uzbek | 0 |
Turkic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Uralic languages | 0 |
Estonian | 0 |
Finnish | 0 |
Hungarian | 0 |
Other languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Multiple responses | 5 |
English and French | 0 |
English and non-official language(s) | 5 |
French and non-official language(s) | 0 |
English, French and non-official language(s) | 0 |
Multiple non-official languages | 0 |
All languages spoken at home | |
Total - All languages spoken at home for the total population excluding institutional residents - 100% data40 | 60 |
English | 40 |
French | 0 |
Non-official language | 0 |
Indigenous39 | 0 |
Non-Indigenous | 0 |
English and French | 0 |
English and non-official language(s) | 20 |
French and non-official language(s) | 0 |
English, French and non-official language(s) | 0 |
Multiple non-official languages | 0 |
Language spoken most often at home | |
Total - Language spoken most often at home for the total population excluding institutional residents - 100% data41 | 60 |
Single responses | 55 |
Official languages | 50 |
English | 50 |
French | 0 |
Non-official languages | 5 |
Indigenous languages39 | 5 |
Algonquian languages | 0 |
Blackfoot | 0 |
Cree-Innu languages | 0 |
Atikamekw | 0 |
Cree languages | 0 |
Ililimowin (Moose Cree) | 0 |
Inu Ayimun (Southern East Cree) | 0 |
Iyiyiw-Ayimiwin (Northern East Cree) | 0 |
Nehinawewin (Swampy Cree) | 0 |
Nehiyawewin (Plains Cree) | 0 |
Nihithawiwin (Woods Cree) | 0 |
Cree, n.o.s. | 0 |
Innu (Montagnais) | 0 |
Naskapi | 0 |
Eastern Algonquian languages | 0 |
Mi'kmaq | 0 |
Wolastoqewi (Malecite) | 0 |
Ojibway-Potawatomi languages | 0 |
Anicinabemowin (Algonquin) | 0 |
Oji-Cree | 0 |
Ojibway languages | 0 |
Anishinaabemowin (Chippewa) | 0 |
Daawaamwin (Odawa) | 0 |
Saulteau (Western Ojibway) | 0 |
Ojibway, n.o.s. | 0 |
Algonquian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Athabaskan languages | 5 |
Northern Athabaskan languages | 5 |
Dakelh (Carrier) | 0 |
Dane-zaa (Beaver) | 0 |
Dene, n.o.s. | 5 |
Gwich'in | 0 |
Slavey-Hare languages | 0 |
Deh Gah Ghotie Zhatie (South Slavey) | 0 |
Satuotine Yati (North Slavey) | 0 |
Slavey, n.o.s. | 0 |
Tahltan languages | 0 |
Kaska (Nahani) | 0 |
Tahltan | 0 |
Tlicho (Dogrib) | 0 |
Tse'khene (Sekani) | 0 |
Tsilhqot'in (Chilcotin) | 0 |
Tsuu T'ina (Sarsi) | 0 |
Tutchone languages | 0 |
Northern Tutchone | 0 |
Southern Tutchone | 0 |
Tutchone, n.o.s. | 0 |
Wetsuwet'en-Babine | 0 |
Tlingit | 0 |
Athabaskan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Haida | 0 |
Inuktut (Inuit) languages | 0 |
Inuinnaqtun (Inuvialuktun) | 0 |
Inuinnaqtun | 0 |
Inuvialuktun | 0 |
Inuktitut | 0 |
Inuktut (Inuit) languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Iroquoian languages | 0 |
Cayuga | 0 |
Mohawk | 0 |
Oneida | 0 |
Iroquoian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Ktunaxa (Kutenai) | 0 |
Michif | 0 |
Salish languages | 0 |
Halkomelem | 0 |
Lillooet | 0 |
Ntlakapamux (Thompson) | 0 |
Secwepemctsin (Shuswap) | 0 |
Squamish | 0 |
Straits | 0 |
Syilx (Okanagan) | 0 |
Salish languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Siouan languages | 0 |
Assiniboine | 0 |
Dakota | 0 |
Stoney | 0 |
Siouan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Tsimshian languages | 0 |
Gitxsan (Gitksan) | 0 |
Nisga'a | 0 |
Tsimshian | 0 |
Wakashan languages | 0 |
Haisla | 0 |
Heiltsuk | 0 |
Kwak'wala (Kwakiutl) | 0 |
Nuu-chah-nulth (Nootka) | 0 |
Wakashan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indigenous languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indigenous languages, n.o.s. | 0 |
Non-Indigenous languages | 0 |
Afro-Asiatic languages | 0 |
Berber languages | 0 |
Kabyle | 0 |
Tamazight | 0 |
Berber languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Chadic languages | 0 |
Hausa | 0 |
Mina | 0 |
Coptic | 0 |
Cushitic languages | 0 |
Bilen | 0 |
Oromo | 0 |
Somali | 0 |
Cushitic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Semitic languages | 0 |
Amharic | 0 |
Arabic | 0 |
Aramaic languages | 0 |
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic | 0 |
Chaldean Neo-Aramaic | 0 |
Aramaic, n.o.s. | 0 |
Harari | 0 |
Hebrew | 0 |
Maltese | 0 |
Tigrigna | 0 |
Semitic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Austro-Asiatic languages | 0 |
Khmer (Cambodian) | 0 |
Vietnamese | 0 |
Austro-Asiatic languages, n.i.e | 0 |
Austronesian languages | 0 |
Bikol | 0 |
Bisaya, n.o.s. | 0 |
Cebuano | 0 |
Fijian | 0 |
Hiligaynon | 0 |
Ilocano | 0 |
Indonesian | 0 |
Kankanaey | 0 |
Kinaray-a | 0 |
Malagasy languages | 0 |
Merina | 0 |
Malagasy, n.o.s. | 0 |
Malay | 0 |
Pampangan (Kapampangan, Pampango) | 0 |
Pangasinan | 0 |
Tagalog (Pilipino, Filipino) | 0 |
Waray-Waray | 0 |
Austronesian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Creole languages | 0 |
Haitian Creole | 0 |
Jamaican English Creole | 0 |
Krio | 0 |
Morisyen | 0 |
Sango | 0 |
Creole, n.o.s. | 0 |
Creole languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Dravidian languages | 0 |
Kannada | 0 |
Malayalam | 0 |
Tamil | 0 |
Telugu | 0 |
Tulu | 0 |
Dravidian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Georgian | 0 |
Hmong-Mien languages | 0 |
Indo-European languages | 0 |
Albanian | 0 |
Armenian | 0 |
Balto-Slavic languages | 0 |
Baltic languages | 0 |
Latvian | 0 |
Lithuanian | 0 |
Slavic languages | 0 |
Belarusian | 0 |
Bulgarian | 0 |
Czech | 0 |
Macedonian | 0 |
Polish | 0 |
Russian | 0 |
Rusyn | 0 |
Serbo-Croatian | 0 |
Bosnian | 0 |
Croatian | 0 |
Serbian | 0 |
Serbo-Croatian, n.i.e. | 0 |
Slovak | 0 |
Slovene (Slovenian) | 0 |
Ukrainian | 0 |
Slavic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Celtic languages | 0 |
Irish | 0 |
Scottish Gaelic | 0 |
Welsh | 0 |
Celtic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Germanic languages | 0 |
Frisian | 0 |
High German languages | 0 |
German | 0 |
Pennsylvania German | 0 |
Swiss German | 0 |
Yiddish | 0 |
Low Saxon-Low Franconian languages | 0 |
Afrikaans | 0 |
Dutch | 0 |
Low German, n.o.s. | 0 |
Low Saxon | 0 |
Plautdietsch | 0 |
Vlaams (Flemish) | 0 |
Scandinavian languages | 0 |
Danish | 0 |
Icelandic | 0 |
Norwegian | 0 |
Swedish | 0 |
Germanic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Greek | 0 |
Indo-Iranian languages | 0 |
Indo-Aryan languages | 0 |
Assamese | 0 |
Bengali | 0 |
Gujarati | 0 |
Hindi | 0 |
Kacchi | 0 |
Kashmiri | 0 |
Konkani | 0 |
Marathi | 0 |
Nepali | 0 |
Oriya languages | 0 |
Odia | 0 |
Oriya, n.o.s. | 0 |
Punjabi (Panjabi) | 0 |
Rohingya | 0 |
Sindhi | 0 |
Sinhala (Sinhalese) | 0 |
Urdu | 0 |
Indo-Aryan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Iranian languages | 0 |
Baluchi | 0 |
Kurdish | 0 |
Parsi | 0 |
Pashto | 0 |
Persian languages | 0 |
Dari | 0 |
Iranian Persian | 0 |
Persian (Farsi), n.o.s. | 0 |
Iranian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indo-Iranian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Italic (Romance) languages | 0 |
Catalan | 0 |
Italian | 0 |
Portuguese | 0 |
Romanian | 0 |
Spanish | 0 |
Italic (Romance) languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indo-European languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Japanese | 0 |
Korean | 0 |
Mongolian | 0 |
Niger-Congo languages | 0 |
Akan (Twi) | 0 |
Bamanankan | 0 |
Edo | 0 |
Éwé | 0 |
Fulah (Pular, Pulaar, Fulfulde) | 0 |
Ga | 0 |
Ganda | 0 |
Gikuyu | 0 |
Igbo | 0 |
Kinyarwanda (Rwanda) | 0 |
Lingala | 0 |
Luba-Kasai | 0 |
Mòoré | 0 |
Mwani | 0 |
Ndebele | 0 |
Rundi (Kirundi) | 0 |
Shona | 0 |
Soninke | 0 |
Sotho-Tswana languages | 0 |
Swahili | 0 |
Wojenaka | 0 |
Wolof | 0 |
Yoruba | 0 |
Niger-Congo languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Nilo-Saharan languages | 0 |
Dinka | 0 |
Nuer | 0 |
Nilo-Saharan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
African, n.o.s. | 0 |
Sign languages | 0 |
American Sign Language | 0 |
Quebec Sign Language | 0 |
Sign languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Sino-Tibetan languages | 0 |
Chinese languages | 0 |
Hakka | 0 |
Mandarin | 0 |
Min Dong | 0 |
Min Nan (Chaochow, Teochow, Fukien, Taiwanese) | 0 |
Wu (Shanghainese) | 0 |
Yue (Cantonese) | 0 |
Chinese, n.o.s. | 0 |
Chinese languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Tibeto-Burman languages | 0 |
Burmese | 0 |
Kuki-Chin languages | 0 |
Karenic languages | 0 |
S'gaw Karen | 0 |
Karenic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Tibetan | 0 |
Tibeto-Burman languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Sino-Tibetan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Tai-Kadai languages | 0 |
Lao | 0 |
Thai | 0 |
Tai-Kadai languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Turkic languages | 0 |
Azerbaijani | 0 |
Kazakh | 0 |
Turkish | 0 |
Uyghur | 0 |
Uzbek | 0 |
Turkic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Uralic languages | 0 |
Estonian | 0 |
Finnish | 0 |
Hungarian | 0 |
Other languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Multiple responses | 10 |
English and French | 0 |
English and non-official language(s) | 10 |
French and non-official language(s) | 0 |
English, French and non-official language(s) | 0 |
Multiple non-official languages | 0 |
Other language spoken regularly at home | |
Total - Other language(s) spoken regularly at home for the total population excluding institutional residents - 100% data42 | 65 |
None | 50 |
English | 5 |
French | 0 |
Non-official language | 5 |
Indigenous39 | 5 |
Non-Indigenous | 0 |
English and French | 0 |
English and non-official language(s) | 0 |
French and non-official language(s) | 0 |
English, French and non-official language(s) | 0 |
Multiple non-official languages | 0 |
Knowledge of languages | |
Total - Knowledge of languages for the population in private households - 25% sample data43 | 65 |
Official languages | 65 |
English | 65 |
French | 0 |
Non-official languages | 35 |
Indigenous languages39 | 35 |
Algonquian languages | 0 |
Blackfoot | 0 |
Cree-Innu languages | 0 |
Atikamekw | 0 |
Cree languages | 0 |
Ililimowin (Moose Cree) | 0 |
Inu Ayimun (Southern East Cree) | 0 |
Iyiyiw-Ayimiwin (Northern East Cree) | 0 |
Nehinawewin (Swampy Cree) | 0 |
Nehiyawewin (Plains Cree) | 0 |
Nihithawiwin (Woods Cree) | 0 |
Cree, n.o.s. | 0 |
Innu (Montagnais) | 0 |
Naskapi | 0 |
Eastern Algonquian languages | 0 |
Mi'kmaq | 0 |
Wolastoqewi (Malecite) | 0 |
Ojibway-Potawatomi languages | 0 |
Anicinabemowin (Algonquin) | 0 |
Oji-Cree | 0 |
Ojibway languages | 0 |
Anishinaabemowin (Chippewa) | 0 |
Daawaamwin (Odawa) | 0 |
Saulteau (Western Ojibway) | 0 |
Ojibway, n.o.s. | 0 |
Algonquian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Athabaskan languages | 35 |
Northern Athabaskan languages | 35 |
Dakelh (Carrier) | 0 |
Dane-zaa (Beaver) | 0 |
Dene, n.o.s. | 35 |
Gwich'in | 0 |
Slavey-Hare languages | 0 |
Deh Gah Ghotie Zhatie (South Slavey) | 0 |
Satuotine Yati (North Slavey) | 0 |
Slavey, n.o.s. | 0 |
Tahltan languages | 0 |
Kaska (Nahani) | 0 |
Tahltan | 0 |
Tlicho (Dogrib) | 0 |
Tse'khene (Sekani) | 0 |
Tsilhqot'in (Chilcotin) | 0 |
Tsuu T'ina (Sarsi) | 0 |
Tutchone languages | 0 |
Northern Tutchone | 0 |
Southern Tutchone | 0 |
Tutchone, n.o.s. | 0 |
Wetsuwet'en-Babine | 0 |
Tlingit | 0 |
Athabaskan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Haida | 0 |
Inuktut (Inuit) languages | 0 |
Inuinnaqtun (Inuvialuktun) | 0 |
Inuinnaqtun | 0 |
Inuvialuktun | 0 |
Inuktitut | 0 |
Inuktut (Inuit) languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Iroquoian languages | 0 |
Cayuga | 0 |
Mohawk | 0 |
Oneida | 0 |
Iroquoian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Ktunaxa (Kutenai) | 0 |
Michif | 0 |
Salish languages | 0 |
Halkomelem | 0 |
Lillooet | 0 |
Ntlakapamux (Thompson) | 0 |
Secwepemctsin (Shuswap) | 0 |
Squamish | 0 |
Straits | 0 |
Syilx (Okanagan) | 0 |
Salish languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Siouan languages | 0 |
Assiniboine | 0 |
Dakota | 0 |
Stoney | 0 |
Siouan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Tsimshian languages | 0 |
Gitxsan (Gitksan) | 0 |
Nisga'a | 0 |
Tsimshian | 0 |
Wakashan languages | 0 |
Haisla | 0 |
Heiltsuk | 0 |
Kwak'wala (Kwakiutl) | 0 |
Nuu-chah-nulth (Nootka) | 0 |
Wakashan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indigenous languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indigenous languages, n.o.s. | 0 |
Non-Indigenous languages | 0 |
Afro-Asiatic languages | 0 |
Berber languages | 0 |
Kabyle | 0 |
Tamazight | 0 |
Berber languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Chadic languages | 0 |
Hausa | 0 |
Mina | 0 |
Coptic | 0 |
Cushitic languages | 0 |
Bilen | 0 |
Oromo | 0 |
Somali | 0 |
Cushitic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Semitic languages | 0 |
Amharic | 0 |
Arabic | 0 |
Aramaic languages | 0 |
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic | 0 |
Chaldean Neo-Aramaic | 0 |
Aramaic, n.o.s. | 0 |
Harari | 0 |
Hebrew | 0 |
Maltese | 0 |
Tigrigna | 0 |
Semitic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Austro-Asiatic languages | 0 |
Khmer (Cambodian) | 0 |
Vietnamese | 0 |
Austro-Asiatic languages, n.i.e | 0 |
Austronesian languages | 0 |
Bikol | 0 |
Bisaya, n.o.s. | 0 |
Cebuano | 0 |
Fijian | 0 |
Hiligaynon | 0 |
Ilocano | 0 |
Indonesian | 0 |
Kankanaey | 0 |
Kinaray-a | 0 |
Malagasy languages | 0 |
Merina | 0 |
Malagasy, n.o.s. | 0 |
Malay | 0 |
Pampangan (Kapampangan, Pampango) | 0 |
Pangasinan | 0 |
Tagalog (Pilipino, Filipino) | 0 |
Waray-Waray | 0 |
Austronesian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Creole languages | 0 |
Haitian Creole | 0 |
Jamaican English Creole | 0 |
Krio | 0 |
Morisyen | 0 |
Sango | 0 |
Creole, n.o.s. | 0 |
Creole languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Dravidian languages | 0 |
Kannada | 0 |
Malayalam | 0 |
Tamil | 0 |
Telugu | 0 |
Tulu | 0 |
Dravidian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Georgian | 0 |
Hmong-Mien languages | 0 |
Indo-European languages | 0 |
Albanian | 0 |
Armenian | 0 |
Balto-Slavic languages | 0 |
Baltic languages | 0 |
Latvian | 0 |
Lithuanian | 0 |
Slavic languages | 0 |
Belarusian | 0 |
Bulgarian | 0 |
Czech | 0 |
Macedonian | 0 |
Polish | 0 |
Russian | 0 |
Rusyn | 0 |
Serbo-Croatian | 0 |
Bosnian | 0 |
Croatian | 0 |
Serbian | 0 |
Serbo-Croatian, n.i.e. | 0 |
Slovak | 0 |
Slovene (Slovenian) | 0 |
Ukrainian | 0 |
Slavic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Celtic languages | 0 |
Irish | 0 |
Scottish Gaelic | 0 |
Welsh | 0 |
Celtic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Germanic languages | 0 |
Frisian | 0 |
High German languages | 0 |
German | 0 |
Pennsylvania German | 0 |
Swiss German | 0 |
Yiddish | 0 |
Low Saxon-Low Franconian languages | 0 |
Afrikaans | 0 |
Dutch | 0 |
Low German, n.o.s. | 0 |
Low Saxon | 0 |
Plautdietsch | 0 |
Vlaams (Flemish) | 0 |
Scandinavian languages | 0 |
Danish | 0 |
Icelandic | 0 |
Norwegian | 0 |
Swedish | 0 |
Germanic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Greek | 0 |
Indo-Iranian languages | 0 |
Indo-Aryan languages | 0 |
Assamese | 0 |
Bengali | 0 |
Gujarati | 0 |
Hindi | 0 |
Kacchi | 0 |
Kashmiri | 0 |
Konkani | 0 |
Marathi | 0 |
Nepali | 0 |
Oriya languages | 0 |
Odia | 0 |
Oriya, n.o.s. | 0 |
Punjabi (Panjabi) | 0 |
Rohingya | 0 |
Sindhi | 0 |
Sinhala (Sinhalese) | 0 |
Urdu | 0 |
Indo-Aryan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Iranian languages | 0 |
Baluchi | 0 |
Kurdish | 0 |
Parsi | 0 |
Pashto | 0 |
Persian languages | 0 |
Dari | 0 |
Iranian Persian | 0 |
Persian (Farsi), n.o.s. | 0 |
Iranian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indo-Iranian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Italic (Romance) languages | 0 |
Catalan | 0 |
Italian | 0 |
Portuguese | 0 |
Romanian | 0 |
Spanish | 0 |
Italic (Romance) languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indo-European languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Japanese | 0 |
Korean | 0 |
Mongolian | 0 |
Niger-Congo languages | 0 |
Akan (Twi) | 0 |
Bamanankan | 0 |
Edo | 0 |
Éwé | 0 |
Fulah (Pular, Pulaar, Fulfulde) | 0 |
Ga | 0 |
Ganda | 0 |
Gikuyu | 0 |
Igbo | 0 |
Kinyarwanda (Rwanda) | 0 |
Lingala | 0 |
Luba-Kasai | 0 |
Mòoré | 0 |
Mwani | 0 |
Ndebele | 0 |
Rundi (Kirundi) | 0 |
Shona | 0 |
Soninke | 0 |
Sotho-Tswana languages | 0 |
Swahili | 0 |
Wojenaka | 0 |
Wolof | 0 |
Yoruba | 0 |
Niger-Congo languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Nilo-Saharan languages | 0 |
Dinka | 0 |
Nuer | 0 |
Nilo-Saharan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
African, n.o.s. | 0 |
Sign languages | 0 |
American Sign Language | 0 |
Quebec Sign Language | 0 |
Sign languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Sino-Tibetan languages | 0 |
Chinese languages | 0 |
Hakka | 0 |
Mandarin | 0 |
Min Dong | 0 |
Min Nan (Chaochow, Teochow, Fukien, Taiwanese) | 0 |
Wu (Shanghainese) | 0 |
Yue (Cantonese) | 0 |
Chinese, n.o.s. | 0 |
Chinese languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Tibeto-Burman languages | 0 |
Burmese | 0 |
Kuki-Chin languages | 0 |
Karenic languages | 0 |
S'gaw Karen | 0 |
Karenic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Tibetan | 0 |
Tibeto-Burman languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Sino-Tibetan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Tai-Kadai languages | 0 |
Lao | 0 |
Thai | 0 |
Tai-Kadai languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Turkic languages | 0 |
Azerbaijani | 0 |
Kazakh | 0 |
Turkish | 0 |
Uyghur | 0 |
Uzbek | 0 |
Turkic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Uralic languages | 0 |
Estonian | 0 |
Finnish | 0 |
Hungarian | 0 |
Other languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indigenous population | |
Total - Indigenous identity for the population in private households - 25% sample data44 | 65 |
Indigenous identity45 | 60 |
Single Indigenous responses46 | 60 |
First Nations (North American Indian) | 50 |
Métis | 10 |
Inuk (Inuit) | 0 |
Multiple Indigenous responses47 | 0 |
Indigenous responses not included elsewhere48 | 0 |
Non-Indigenous identity | 0 |
Total - Registered or Treaty Indian status for the population in private households - 25% sample data44 | 65 |
Registered or Treaty Indian49 | 50 |
Not a Registered or Treaty Indian | 10 |
Household characteristics | |
Total - Private households by tenure - 25% sample data50 | 30 |
Owner | 10 |
Renter | 15 |
Dwelling provided by the local government, First Nation or Indian band | 0 |
Total - Occupied private dwellings by condominium status - 25% sample data51 | 30 |
Condominium | 0 |
Not condominium | 30 |
Total - Occupied private dwellings by number of bedrooms - 25% sample data52 | 30 |
No bedrooms | 0 |
1 bedroom | 10 |
2 bedrooms | 10 |
3 bedrooms | 15 |
4 or more bedrooms | 0 |
Total - Occupied private dwellings by number of rooms - 25% sample data53 | 30 |
1 to 4 rooms | 10 |
5 rooms | 10 |
6 rooms | 0 |
7 rooms | 10 |
8 or more rooms | 10 |
Average number of rooms per dwelling | 5.2 |
Total - Private households by number of persons per room - 25% sample data54 | 30 |
One person or fewer per room | 30 |
More than one person per room | 0 |
Total - Private households by housing suitability - 25% sample data55 | 30 |
Suitable | 25 |
Not suitable | 10 |
Total - Occupied private dwellings by period of construction - 25% sample data56 | 30 |
1960 or before | 0 |
1961 to 1980 | 15 |
1981 to 1990 | 0 |
1991 to 2000 | 0 |
2001 to 2005 | 0 |
2006 to 2010 | 0 |
2011 to 2015 | 0 |
2016 to 202157 | 0 |
Total - Occupied private dwellings by dwelling condition - 25% sample data58 | 30 |
Only regular maintenance and minor repairs needed | 20 |
Major repairs needed | 10 |
Total - Private households by number of household maintainers - 25% sample data59 | 30 |
One-maintainer household | 15 |
Two-maintainer household | 10 |
Three-or-more-maintainer household | 0 |
Total - Private households by age of primary household maintainers - 25% sample data60 | 30 |
15 to 24 years | 0 |
25 to 34 years | 0 |
35 to 44 years | 0 |
45 to 54 years | 10 |
55 to 64 years | 0 |
65 to 74 years | 10 |
75 to 84 years | 10 |
85 years and over | 0 |
Total - Owner and tenant households with household total income greater than zero, in non-farm, non-reserve private dwellings by shelter-cost-to-income ratio - 25% sample data61 | x |
Spending less than 30% of income on shelter costs | x |
Spending 30% or more of income on shelter costs | x |
30% to less than 100% | x |
Total - Occupied private dwellings by housing indicators - 25% sample data62 | 25 |
Total - Households 'spending 30% or more of income on shelter costs' or 'not suitable' or 'major repairs needed' | 10 |
Spending 30% or more of income on shelter costs only | 0 |
Not suitable only | 0 |
Major repairs needed only | 10 |
'Spending 30% or more of income on shelter costs' and 'not suitable' | 0 |
'Spending 30% or more of income on shelter costs' and 'major repairs needed' | 0 |
'Not suitable' and 'major repairs needed' | 0 |
'Spending 30% or more of income on shelter costs' and 'not suitable' and 'major repairs needed' | 0 |
Acceptable housing | 15 |
Total - Owner and tenant households with household total income greater than zero and shelter-cost-to-income ratio less than 100%, in non-farm, non-reserve private dwellings - 25% sample data63 | x |
In core need | x |
Not in core need | x |
Total - Owner households in non-farm, non-reserve private dwellings - 25% sample data | 0 |
% of owner households with a mortgage64 | ... |
% of owner households spending 30% or more of its income on shelter costs61 | x |
% in core housing need63 | ... |
Median monthly shelter costs for owned dwellings ($)65 | ... |
Average monthly shelter costs for owned dwellings ($)65 | ... |
Median value of dwellings ($)66 | ... |
Average value of dwellings ($)66 | ... |
Total - Tenant households in non-farm, non-reserve private dwellings - 25% sample data | 20 |
% of tenant households in subsidized housing67 | 50.0 |
% of tenant households spending 30% or more of its income on shelter costs61 | x |
% in core housing need63 | 0.0 |
Median monthly shelter costs for rented dwellings ($)65 | x |
Average monthly shelter costs for rented dwellings ($)65 | 700 |
Total - Households living in a dwelling provided by the local government, First Nation or Indian band in non-farm private dwellings - 25% sample data | 0 |
% of households living in a dwelling provided by the local government, First Nation or Indian band spending more than 30% on shelter costs61 | x |
Median monthly shelter costs for dwellings provided by local government, First Nation or Indian band ($)65 | ... |
Average monthly shelter costs for dwellings provided by local government, First Nation or Indian band ($)65 | ... |
Indigenous ancestry | |
Total - Indigenous ancestry for the population in private households - 25% sample data68 | 60 |
Indigenous ancestry (only)69 | 60 |
Single Indigenous ancestry (only)70 | 60 |
First Nations (North American Indian) single ancestry | 55 |
Métis single ancestry | 10 |
Inuit single ancestry | 0 |
Multiple Indigenous ancestries (only)71 | 0 |
First Nations (North American Indian) and Métis ancestry only | 0 |
First Nations (North American Indian) and Inuit ancestry only | 0 |
Métis and Inuit ancestry only | 0 |
First Nations (North American Indian) and Métis and Inuit ancestry only | 0 |
Indigenous and non-Indigenous ancestries72 | 0 |
Single Indigenous and non-Indigenous ancestries73 | 0 |
First Nations (North American Indian) and non-Indigenous ancestry only | 0 |
Métis and non-Indigenous ancestry only | 0 |
Inuit and non-Indigenous ancestry only | 0 |
Multiple Indigenous and non-Indigenous ancestries74 | 0 |
First Nations (North American Indian) and Métis and non-Indigenous ancestry only | 0 |
First Nations (North American Indian) and Inuit and non-Indigenous ancestry only | 0 |
Métis and Inuit and non-Indigenous ancestry only | 0 |
First Nations (North American Indian) and Métis and Inuit and non-Indigenous ancestry only | 0 |
Non-Indigenous ancestry only75 | 10 |
Citizenship | |
Total - Citizenship for the population in private households - 25% sample data76 | 60 |
Canadian citizens77 | 60 |
Canadian citizens aged under 18 | 15 |
Canadian citizens aged 18 and over | 45 |
Not Canadian citizens78 | 0 |
Immigrant status and period of immigration | |
Total - Immigrant status and period of immigration for the population in private households - 25% sample data79 | 60 |
Non-immigrants80 | 60 |
Immigrants81 | 0 |
Before 1980 | 0 |
1980 to 1990 | 0 |
1991 to 2000 | 0 |
2001 to 2010 | 0 |
2011 to 202182 | 0 |
2011 to 2015 | 0 |
2016 to 2021 | 0 |
Non-permanent residents83 | 0 |
Age at immigration | |
Total - Age at immigration for the immigrant population in private households - 25% sample data84 | 0 |
Under 5 years | 0 |
5 to 14 years | 0 |
15 to 24 years | 0 |
25 to 44 years | 0 |
45 years and over | 0 |
Selected places of birth for the immigrant population | |
Total - Place of birth for the immigrant population in private households - 25% sample data85 | 0 |
Americas | 0 |
Brazil | 0 |
Colombia | 0 |
El Salvador | 0 |
Guyana | 0 |
Haiti | 0 |
Jamaica | 0 |
Mexico | 0 |
Peru | 0 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 0 |
United States of America | 0 |
Other places of birth in Americas | 0 |
Europe | 0 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 0 |
Croatia | 0 |
France | 0 |
Germany | 0 |
Greece | 0 |
Hungary | 0 |
Italy | 0 |
Netherlands | 0 |
Poland | 0 |
Portugal | 0 |
Romania | 0 |
Russian Federation | 0 |
Serbia86 | 0 |
Ukraine | 0 |
United Kingdom87 | 0 |
Other places of birth in Europe | 0 |
Africa | 0 |
Algeria | 0 |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the | 0 |
Egypt | 0 |
Eritrea | 0 |
Ethiopia | 0 |
Morocco | 0 |
Nigeria | 0 |
Somalia | 0 |
South Africa, Republic of | 0 |
Other places of birth in Africa | 0 |
Asia | 0 |
Afghanistan | 0 |
Iran88 | 0 |
Iraq | 0 |
Lebanon | 0 |
Syria89 | 0 |
Turkey | 0 |
China90 | 0 |
Hong Kong91 | 0 |
Korea, South92 | 0 |
Taiwan | 0 |
Philippines | 0 |
Viet Nam | 0 |
Bangladesh | 0 |
India | 0 |
Pakistan | 0 |
Sri Lanka | 0 |
Other places of birth in Asia | 0 |
Oceania and other places of birth93 | 0 |
Selected places of birth for the recent immigrant population | |
Total - Place of birth for the recent immigrant population in private households - 25% sample data94 | 0 |
Americas | 0 |
Brazil | 0 |
Colombia | 0 |
Haiti | 0 |
Jamaica | 0 |
Mexico | 0 |
United States of America | 0 |
Venezuela95 | 0 |
Other places of birth in Americas | 0 |
Europe | 0 |
France | 0 |
Germany | 0 |
Ireland96 | 0 |
Italy | 0 |
Russian Federation | 0 |
Ukraine | 0 |
United Kingdom87 | 0 |
Other places of birth in Europe | 0 |
Africa | 0 |
Algeria | 0 |
Burundi | 0 |
Cameroon | 0 |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the | 0 |
Côte d'Ivoire | 0 |
Egypt | 0 |
Eritrea | 0 |
Ethiopia | 0 |
Morocco | 0 |
Nigeria | 0 |
Somalia | 0 |
South Africa, Republic of | 0 |
Sudan97 | 0 |
Tunisia | 0 |
Other places of birth in Africa | 0 |
Asia | 0 |
Afghanistan | 0 |
Bangladesh | 0 |
China90 | 0 |
Hong Kong91 | 0 |
India | 0 |
Iran88 | 0 |
Iraq | 0 |
Israel | 0 |
Japan | 0 |
Jordan | 0 |
Korea, South92 | 0 |
Lebanon | 0 |
Nepal | 0 |
Pakistan | 0 |
Philippines | 0 |
Saudi Arabia | 0 |
Sri Lanka | 0 |
Syria89 | 0 |
Turkey | 0 |
United Arab Emirates | 0 |
Viet Nam | 0 |
Other places of birth in Asia | 0 |
Oceania and other93 | 0 |
Australia | 0 |
Other places of birth98 | 0 |
Generation status | |
Total - Generation status for the population in private households - 25% sample data99 | 65 |
First generation100 | 0 |
Second generation101 | 0 |
Third generation or more102 | 65 |
Admission category and applicant type | |
Total - Admission category and applicant type for the immigrant population in private households who were admitted between 1980 and 2021 - 25% sample data103 | 0 |
Economic immigrants104 | 0 |
Principal applicants105 | 0 |
Secondary applicants106 | 0 |
Immigrants sponsored by family107 | 0 |
Refugees108 | 0 |
Other immigrants109 | 0 |
Pre-admission experience | |
Total - Pre-admission experience for the immigrant population in private households who were admitted between 1980 and 2021 - 25% sample data110 | 0 |
Asylum claim before admission111 | 0 |
Work permits only before admission112 | 0 |
Study permits only before admission113 | 0 |
Work and study permits before admission114 | 0 |
Other permits before admission115 | 0 |
No pre-admission experience116 | 0 |
Visible minority | |
Total - Visible minority for the population in private households - 25% sample data117 | 65 |
Total visible minority population118 | 0 |
South Asian | 0 |
Chinese | 0 |
Black | 0 |
Filipino | 0 |
Arab | 0 |
Latin American | 0 |
Southeast Asian | 0 |
West Asian | 0 |
Korean | 0 |
Japanese | 0 |
Visible minority, n.i.e.119 | 0 |
Multiple visible minorities | 0 |
Not a visible minority120 | 65 |
Ethnic or cultural origin | |
Total - Ethnic or cultural origin for the population in private households - 25% sample data121 | 65 |
Canadian | 0 |
English | 0 |
Irish | 0 |
Scottish | 0 |
French, n.o.s.122 | 10 |
German | 0 |
Chinese | 0 |
Italian | 0 |
Indian (India) | 0 |
Ukrainian | 0 |
Dutch | 0 |
Polish | 0 |
Québécois | 0 |
British Isles, n.o.s.123 | 0 |
Filipino | 0 |
French Canadian | 0 |
Caucasian (White), n.o.s.124 | 0 |
First Nations (North American Indian), n.o.s.125 | 25 |
Métis | 0 |
European, n.o.s.126 | 0 |
Russian | 0 |
Norwegian | 0 |
Welsh | 0 |
Portuguese | 0 |
American | 0 |
Spanish | 0 |
Swedish | 0 |
Hungarian | 0 |
Acadian | 0 |
Pakistani | 0 |
African, n.o.s.127 | 0 |
Jewish | 0 |
Punjabi | 0 |
Vietnamese | 0 |
Arab, n.o.s.128 | 0 |
Greek | 0 |
Jamaican | 0 |
Asian, n.o.s.129 | 0 |
Cree, n.o.s.130 | 0 |
Korean | 0 |
Romanian | 0 |
Lebanese | 0 |
Iranian | 0 |
Christian, n.i.e.131 | 0 |
Danish | 0 |
North American Indigenous, n.o.s.132 | 0 |
Sikh | 0 |
Austrian | 0 |
Belgian | 0 |
Haitian | 0 |
Hindu | 0 |
Mexican | 0 |
Mennonite | 0 |
Swiss | 0 |
Finnish | 0 |
Sri Lankan | 0 |
Croatian | 0 |
Japanese | 0 |
South Asian, n.o.s.133 | 0 |
Mi'kmaq, n.o.s.134 | 0 |
Northern European, n.o.s.135 | 0 |
Muslim | 0 |
Egyptian | 0 |
Latin, Central or South American, n.o.s.136 | 0 |
Tamil | 0 |
Icelandic | 0 |
Colombian | 0 |
Moroccan | 0 |
Czech | 0 |
Syrian | 0 |
Guyanese | 0 |
Afghan | 0 |
Black, n.o.s.137 | 0 |
Serbian | 0 |
Ojibway | 0 |
Newfoundlander | 0 |
Hong Konger | 0 |
Ontarian | 0 |
Persian | 0 |
Trinidadian/Tobagonian | 0 |
Turkish | 0 |
Inuit, n.o.s.138 | 0 |
Bangladeshi | 0 |
Algerian | 0 |
Brazilian | 0 |
Nigerian | 0 |
Armenian | 0 |
Slovak | 0 |
Eastern European, n.o.s.139 | 0 |
Somali | 0 |
Taiwanese | 0 |
Iraqi | 0 |
Salvadorean | 0 |
African Caribbean | 0 |
East or Southeast Asian, n.o.s.140 | 0 |
West or Central Asian or Middle Eastern, n.o.s.141 | 0 |
Caribbean, n.o.s.142 | 0 |
Algonquin | 0 |
West Indian, n.o.s.143 | 0 |
Lithuanian | 0 |
South African | 0 |
Australian | 0 |
Palestinian | 0 |
Chilean | 0 |
Congolese | 0 |
Nova Scotian | 0 |
Ethiopian | 0 |
Hispanic, n.o.s.144 | 0 |
Peruvian | 0 |
Yoruba | 0 |
Cambodian (Khmer) | 0 |
Berber | 0 |
Albanian | 0 |
Maltese | 0 |
Macedonian | 0 |
Slovenian | 0 |
Western European, n.o.s.145 | 0 |
New Brunswicker | 0 |
Gujarati | 0 |
Eritrean | 0 |
African Canadian | 0 |
Israeli | 0 |
Mohawk | 0 |
Czechoslovakian, n.o.s.146 | 0 |
Bulgarian | 0 |
Albertan | 0 |
Ghanaian | 0 |
Barbadian | 0 |
African American | 0 |
Yugoslavian, n.o.s.147 | 0 |
Tunisian | 0 |
Slavic, n.o.s.148 | 0 |
Cuban | 0 |
Bosnian | 0 |
Venezuelan | 0 |
Innu/Montagnais, n.o.s.149 | 0 |
Latvian | 0 |
Bengali | 0 |
Cameroonian | 0 |
Guatemalan | 0 |
Indonesian | 0 |
Laotian | 0 |
Ilocano | 0 |
Northern Irish | 0 |
Celtic, n.o.s.150 | 0 |
British Columbian | 0 |
Ecuadorian | 0 |
Franco Ontarian | 0 |
Argentinian | 0 |
Estonian | 0 |
Kurdish | 0 |
Fijian | 0 |
Jatt | 0 |
North American, n.o.s.151 | 0 |
Coptic | 0 |
Thai | 0 |
Dominican | 0 |
Nepali | 0 |
Kabyle | 0 |
Assyrian | 0 |
Igbo | 0 |
Byelorussian | 0 |
Dene, n.o.s.152 | 25 |
Blackfoot, n.o.s.153 | 0 |
Abenaki | 0 |
Moldovan | 0 |
Iroquois (Haudenosaunee), n.o.s.154 | 0 |
New Zealander | 0 |
Sudanese | 0 |
Breton | 0 |
Pennsylvania Dutch | 0 |
Malaysian | 0 |
Plains Cree | 0 |
North African, n.o.s.155 | 0 |
Huron (Wendat) | 0 |
Saskatchewanian | 0 |
Buddhist | 0 |
Gaspesian | 0 |
Norman | 0 |
Southern or East African, n.o.s.156 | 0 |
Ivorian | 0 |
Saulteaux | 0 |
Anishinaabe, n.o.s.157 | 0 |
Burundian | 0 |
Tigrinya | 0 |
Nicaraguan | 0 |
Mauritian | 0 |
Kenyan | 0 |
Oji-Cree | 0 |
Vincentian | 0 |
Jordanian | 0 |
Manitoban | 0 |
Cape Bretoner | 0 |
Rwandan | 0 |
Grenadian | 0 |
Malayali | 0 |
Chaldean | 0 |
Sinhalese | 0 |
Mayan | 0 |
Honduran | 0 |
Cherokee | 0 |
Qalipu Mi'kmaq | 0 |
Indo-Caribbean | 0 |
Flemish | 0 |
United Empire Loyalist | 0 |
Senegalese | 0 |
Azerbaijani | 0 |
Sicilian | 0 |
Pashtun | 0 |
Malay | 0 |
Goan | 0 |
Bantu, n.o.s.158 | 0 |
Tibetan | 0 |
Zimbabwean | 0 |
Burmese | 0 |
Mongolian | 0 |
Azorean | 0 |
Atikamekw | 0 |
Bamileke | 0 |
Indo-Guyanese | 0 |
Ugandan | 0 |
Oromo | 0 |
Tanzanian | 0 |
Yemeni | 0 |
Central African | 0 |
Libyan | 0 |
Basque | 0 |
Uruguayan | 0 |
Akan, n.o.s.159 | 0 |
Central or West African, n.o.s.160 | 0 |
Igorot | 0 |
Fulani | 0 |
Woodland Cree | 0 |
Guinean | 0 |
St. Lucian | 0 |
Prince Edward Islander | 0 |
Maliseet | 0 |
Beninese | 0 |
Telugu | 0 |
Roma | 0 |
Costa Rican | 0 |
African Nova Scotian | 0 |
Malagasy | 0 |
Kashmiri | 0 |
Singaporean | 0 |
Karen | 0 |
Edo | 0 |
Tajik | 0 |
Amhara | 0 |
Paraguayan | 0 |
Religion | |
Total - Religion for the population in private households - 25% sample data161 | 65 |
Buddhist | 0 |
Christian | 50 |
Christian, n.o.s.162 | 0 |
Anabaptist | 0 |
Anglican | 0 |
Baptist | 0 |
Catholic | 45 |
Christian Orthodox | 0 |
Jehovah's Witness | 0 |
Latter Day Saints | 0 |
Lutheran | 0 |
Methodist and Wesleyan (Holiness) | 0 |
Pentecostal and other Charismatic | 0 |
Presbyterian | 0 |
Reformed | 0 |
United Church | 0 |
Other Christian and Christian-related traditions | 0 |
Hindu | 0 |
Jewish | 0 |
Muslim | 0 |
Sikh | 0 |
Traditional (North American Indigenous) spirituality | 0 |
Other religions and spiritual traditions | 0 |
No religion and secular perspectives | 15 |
Mobility status 1 year ago | |
Total - Mobility status 1 year ago - 25% sample data163 | 60 |
Non-movers | 60 |
Movers | 0 |
Non-migrants | 0 |
Migrants | 0 |
Internal migrants | 0 |
Intraprovincial migrants | 0 |
Interprovincial migrants | 0 |
External migrants | 0 |
Mobility status 5 years ago | |
Total - Mobility status 5 years ago - 25% sample data164 | 65 |
Non-movers | 30 |
Movers | 30 |
Non-migrants | 10 |
Migrants | 25 |
Internal migrants | 25 |
Intraprovincial migrants | 25 |
Interprovincial migrants | 10 |
External migrants | 0 |
Secondary (high) school diploma or equivalency certificate | |
Total - Secondary (high) school diploma or equivalency certificate for the population aged 15 years and over in private households - 25% sample data165 | 50 |
No high school diploma or equivalency certificate | 30 |
With high school diploma or equivalency certificate166 | 20 |
Total - Secondary (high) school diploma or equivalency certificate for the population aged 25 to 64 years in private households - 25% sample data165 | 30 |
No high school diploma or equivalency certificate | 10 |
With high school diploma or equivalency certificate166 | 15 |
Highest certificate, diploma or degree | |
Total - Highest certificate, diploma or degree for the population aged 15 years and over in private households - 25% sample data165 | 50 |
No certificate, diploma or degree | 25 |
High (secondary) school diploma or equivalency certificate167 | 10 |
Postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree | 15 |
Postsecondary certificate or diploma below bachelor level | 10 |
Apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma | 0 |
Non-apprenticeship trades certificate or diploma168 | 0 |
Apprenticeship certificate169 | 0 |
College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma170 | 10 |
University certificate or diploma below bachelor level | 0 |
Bachelor's degree or higher | 0 |
Bachelor's degree | 0 |
University certificate or diploma above bachelor level | 0 |
Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry | 0 |
Master's degree | 0 |
Earned doctorate171 | 0 |
Total - Highest certificate, diploma or degree for the population aged 25 to 64 years in private households - 25% sample data165 | 30 |
No certificate, diploma or degree | 10 |
High (secondary) school diploma or equivalency certificate167 | 0 |
Postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree | 10 |
Postsecondary certificate or diploma below bachelor level | 10 |
Apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma | 0 |
Non-apprenticeship trades certificate or diploma168 | 0 |
Apprenticeship certificate169 | 0 |
College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma170 | 10 |
University certificate or diploma below bachelor level | 0 |
Bachelor's degree or higher | 0 |
Bachelor's degree | 0 |
University certificate or diploma above bachelor level | 0 |
Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry | 0 |
Master's degree | 0 |
Earned doctorate171 | 0 |
Major field of study - Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2021 | |
Total - Major field of study - Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2021 for the population aged 15 years and over in private households - 25% sample data172 | 50 |
No postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree173 | 40 |
Education | 0 |
13. Education | 0 |
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies | 0 |
10. Communications technologies/technicians and support services | 0 |
50. Visual and performing arts | 0 |
Humanities | 0 |
16. Indigenous and foreign languages, literatures, and linguistics | 0 |
23. English language and literature/letters | 0 |
24. Liberal arts and sciences, general studies and humanities | 0 |
30A Interdisciplinary humanities174 | 0 |
38. Philosophy and religious studies | 0 |
39. Theology and religious vocations | 0 |
54. History | 0 |
55. French language and literature/lettersCAN | 0 |
Social and behavioural sciences and law | 0 |
05. Area, ethnic, cultural, gender, and group studies | 0 |
09. Communication, journalism and related programs | 0 |
19. Family and consumer sciences/human sciences | 0 |
22. Legal professions and studies | 0 |
30B Interdisciplinary social and behavioural sciences175 | 0 |
42. Psychology | 0 |
45. Social sciences | 0 |
Business, management and public administration | 0 |
30.16 Accounting and computer science | 0 |
44. Public administration and social service professions | 0 |
52. Business, management, marketing and related support services | 0 |
Physical and life sciences and technologies | 0 |
26. Biological and biomedical sciences | 0 |
30.01 Biological and physical sciences | 0 |
30C Other interdisciplinary physical and life sciences176 | 0 |
40. Physical sciences | 0 |
41. Science technologies/technicians | 0 |
Mathematics, computer and information sciences | 0 |
11. Computer and information sciences and support services | 0 |
25. Library science | 0 |
27. Mathematics and statistics | 0 |
30D Interdisciplinary mathematics, computer and information sciences177 | 0 |
Architecture, engineering, and related trades | 0 |
04. Architecture and related services | 0 |
14. Engineering | 0 |
15. Engineering/engineering-related technologies/technicians | 10 |
30.12 Historic preservation and conservation | 0 |
46. Construction trades | 0 |
47. Mechanic and repair technologies/technicians | 0 |
48. Precision production | 0 |
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation | 0 |
01. Agricultural and veterinary sciences/services/operations and related fields178 | 0 |
03. Natural resources and conservation | 0 |
Health and related fields | 10 |
30.37 Design for human health | 0 |
31. Parks, recreation, leisure, fitness, and kinesiology | 0 |
51. Health professions and related programs178 | 10 |
60. Health professions residency/fellowship programs | 0 |
61. Medical residency/fellowship programs | 0 |
Personal, protective and transportation services | 0 |
12. Culinary, entertainment, and personal services | 0 |
28. Military science, leadership and operational art | 0 |
29. Military technologies and applied sciences | 0 |
43. Security and protective services | 0 |
49. Transportation and materials moving | 0 |
Other179 | 0 |
Total - Major field of study - Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2021 for the population aged 25 to 64 years in private households - 25% sample data172 | 25 |
No postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree173 | 20 |
Education | 0 |
13. Education | 0 |
Visual and performing arts, and communications technologies | 0 |
10. Communications technologies/technicians and support services | 0 |
50. Visual and performing arts | 0 |
Humanities | 0 |
16. Indigenous and foreign languages, literatures, and linguistics | 0 |
23. English language and literature/letters | 0 |
24. Liberal arts and sciences, general studies and humanities | 0 |
30A Interdisciplinary humanities174 | 0 |
38. Philosophy and religious studies | 0 |
39. Theology and religious vocations | 0 |
54. History | 0 |
55. French language and literature/lettersCAN | 0 |
Social and behavioural sciences and law | 0 |
05. Area, ethnic, cultural, gender, and group studies | 0 |
09. Communication, journalism and related programs | 0 |
19. Family and consumer sciences/human sciences | 0 |
22. Legal professions and studies | 0 |
30B Interdisciplinary social and behavioural sciences175 | 0 |
42. Psychology | 0 |
45. Social sciences | 0 |
Business, management and public administration | 0 |
30.16 Accounting and computer science | 0 |
44. Public administration and social service professions | 0 |
52. Business, management, marketing and related support services | 0 |
Physical and life sciences and technologies | 0 |
26. Biological and biomedical sciences | 0 |
30.01 Biological and physical sciences | 0 |
30C Other interdisciplinary physical and life sciences176 | 0 |
40. Physical sciences | 0 |
41. Science technologies/technicians | 0 |
Mathematics, computer and information sciences | 0 |
11. Computer and information sciences and support services | 0 |
25. Library science | 0 |
27. Mathematics and statistics | 0 |
30D Interdisciplinary mathematics, computer and information sciences177 | 0 |
Architecture, engineering, and related trades | 10 |
04. Architecture and related services | 0 |
14. Engineering | 0 |
15. Engineering/engineering-related technologies/technicians | 10 |
30.12 Historic preservation and conservation | 0 |
46. Construction trades | 0 |
47. Mechanic and repair technologies/technicians | 0 |
48. Precision production | 0 |
Agriculture, natural resources and conservation | 0 |
01. Agricultural and veterinary sciences/services/operations and related fields178 | 0 |
03. Natural resources and conservation | 0 |
Health and related fields | 10 |
30.37 Design for human health | 0 |
31. Parks, recreation, leisure, fitness, and kinesiology | 0 |
51. Health professions and related programs178 | 10 |
60. Health professions residency/fellowship programs | 0 |
61. Medical residency/fellowship programs | 0 |
Personal, protective and transportation services | 0 |
12. Culinary, entertainment, and personal services | 0 |
28. Military science, leadership and operational art | 0 |
29. Military technologies and applied sciences | 0 |
43. Security and protective services | 0 |
49. Transportation and materials moving | 0 |
Other179 | 0 |
Location of study compared with province or territory of residence | |
Total - Location of study compared with province or territory of residence for the population aged 25 to 64 years in private households - 25% sample data180 | 25 |
No postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree | 20 |
Postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree181 | 0 |
Location of study inside Canada | 0 |
Same as province or territory of residence | 10 |
Different than province or territory of residence | 0 |
Location of study outside Canada182 | 0 |
Americas | 0 |
United States of America | 0 |
Mexico | 0 |
Cuba | 0 |
Haiti | 0 |
Jamaica | 0 |
Brazil | 0 |
Colombia | 0 |
Peru | 0 |
Venezuela95 | 0 |
Other locations of study in Americas | 0 |
Europe | 0 |
Belgium | 0 |
France | 0 |
Germany | 0 |
Netherlands | 0 |
Switzerland | 0 |
Hungary | 0 |
Moldova183 | 0 |
Poland | 0 |
Romania | 0 |
Russian Federation | 0 |
Ukraine | 0 |
Ireland96 | 0 |
United Kingdom87 | 0 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 0 |
Italy | 0 |
Serbia86 | 0 |
Other locations of study in Europe | 0 |
Africa | 0 |
Nigeria | 0 |
Algeria | 0 |
Morocco | 0 |
Tunisia | 0 |
Egypt | 0 |
South Africa, Republic of | 0 |
Other locations of study in Africa | 0 |
Asia | 0 |
Iran88 | 0 |
Iraq | 0 |
Israel | 0 |
Lebanon | 0 |
Syria89 | 0 |
Turkey | 0 |
China90 | 0 |
Taiwan | 0 |
Hong Kong91 | 0 |
Japan | 0 |
Korea, South92 | 0 |
Philippines | 0 |
Viet Nam | 0 |
Bangladesh | 0 |
Sri Lanka | 0 |
India | 0 |
Pakistan | 0 |
Other locations of study in Asia | 0 |
Oceania | 0 |
Australia | 0 |
New Zealand | 0 |
Other locations of study in Oceania | 0 |
Labour force status | |
Total - Population aged 15 years and over by labour force status - 25% sample data184 | 50 |
In the labour force | 25 |
Employed | 20 |
Unemployed | 0 |
Not in the labour force | 20 |
Participation rate | 50.0 |
Employment rate | 40.0 |
Unemployment rate | 0.0 |
Work activity during the reference year | |
Total - Population aged 15 years and over by work activity during the reference year - 25% sample data185 | 50 |
Did not work186 | 30 |
Worked | 20 |
Worked full year full time187 | 10 |
Worked part year and/or part time188 | 10 |
Average weeks worked in reference year | 39.0 |
Class of worker including job permanency | |
Total - Labour force aged 15 years and over by class of worker including job permanency - 25% sample data189 | 25 |
Class of worker - not applicable190 | 0 |
All classes of workers191 | 25 |
Employee | 25 |
Permanent position | 20 |
Temporary position | 10 |
Fixed term (1 year or more) | 0 |
Casual, seasonal or short-term position (less than 1 year) | 10 |
Self-employed192 | 0 |
Occupation - Broad category - National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 | |
Total - Labour force aged 15 years and over by occupation - Broad category - National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 - 25% sample data193 | 25 |
Occupation - not applicable190 | 0 |
All occupations191 | 25 |
0 Legislative and senior management occupations | 0 |
1 Business, finance and administration occupations | 0 |
2 Natural and applied sciences and related occupations | 0 |
3 Health occupations | 0 |
4 Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services | 0 |
5 Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport | 0 |
6 Sales and service occupations | 10 |
7 Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations | 10 |
8 Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations | 0 |
9 Occupations in manufacturing and utilities | 0 |
Industry - Sectors - North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2017 | |
Total - Labour force aged 15 years and over by industry - Sectors - North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2017 - 25% sample data194 | 25 |
Industry - not applicable190 | 0 |
All industries191 | 25 |
11 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting | 0 |
21 Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction | 0 |
22 Utilities | 0 |
23 Construction | 10 |
31-33 Manufacturing | 0 |
41 Wholesale trade | 0 |
44-45 Retail trade | 0 |
48-49 Transportation and warehousing | 0 |
51 Information and cultural industries | 0 |
52 Finance and insurance | 0 |
53 Real estate and rental and leasing | 0 |
54 Professional, scientific and technical services | 0 |
55 Management of companies and enterprises | 0 |
56 Administrative and support, waste management and remediation services | 0 |
61 Educational services | 0 |
62 Health care and social assistance | 0 |
71 Arts, entertainment and recreation | 0 |
72 Accommodation and food services | 0 |
81 Other services (except public administration) | 0 |
91 Public administration | 10 |
All languages used at work | |
Total - All languages used at work for the population in private households aged 15 years and over who worked since January 1, 2020 - 25% sample data195 | 25 |
English | 20 |
French | 0 |
Non-official language | 0 |
Indigenous39 | 0 |
Non-Indigenous | 0 |
English and French | 0 |
English and non-official language(s) | 10 |
French and non-official language(s) | 0 |
English, French and non-official language(s) | 0 |
Multiple non-official languages | 0 |
Language used most often at work | |
Total - Language used most often at work for the population aged 15 years and over who worked since January 1, 2020, in private households, 2021 Census - 25% sample data196 | 25 |
Single responses | 25 |
Official languages | 25 |
English | 25 |
French | 0 |
Non-official languages | 0 |
Indigenous languages39 | 0 |
Algonquian languages | 0 |
Blackfoot | 0 |
Cree-Innu languages | 0 |
Atikamekw | 0 |
Cree languages | 0 |
Ililimowin (Moose Cree) | 0 |
Inu Ayimun (Southern East Cree) | 0 |
Iyiyiw-Ayimiwin (Northern East Cree) | 0 |
Nehinawewin (Swampy Cree) | 0 |
Nehiyawewin (Plains Cree) | 0 |
Nihithawiwin (Woods Cree) | 0 |
Cree, n.o.s. | 0 |
Innu (Montagnais) | 0 |
Naskapi | 0 |
Eastern Algonquian languages | 0 |
Mi'kmaq | 0 |
Wolastoqewi (Malecite) | 0 |
Ojibway-Potawatomi languages | 0 |
Anicinabemowin (Algonquin) | 0 |
Oji-Cree | 0 |
Ojibway languages | 0 |
Anishinaabemowin (Chippewa) | 0 |
Daawaamwin (Odawa) | 0 |
Saulteau (Western Ojibway) | 0 |
Ojibway, n.o.s. | 0 |
Algonquian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Athabaskan languages | 0 |
Northern Athabaskan languages | 0 |
Dakelh (Carrier) | 0 |
Dane-zaa (Beaver) | 0 |
Dene, n.o.s. | 0 |
Gwich'in | 0 |
Slavey-Hare languages | 0 |
Deh Gah Ghotie Zhatie (South Slavey) | 0 |
Satuotine Yati (North Slavey) | 0 |
Slavey, n.o.s. | 0 |
Tahltan languages | 0 |
Tlicho (Dogrib) | 0 |
Tse'khene (Sekani) | 0 |
Tsilhqot'in (Chilcotin) | 0 |
Tsuu T'ina (Sarsi) | 0 |
Tutchone languages | 0 |
Northern Tutchone | 0 |
Southern Tutchone | 0 |
Tutchone, n.o.s. | 0 |
Wetsuwet'en-Babine | 0 |
Tlingit | 0 |
Athabaskan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Haida | 0 |
Inuktut (Inuit) languages | 0 |
Inuinnaqtun (Inuvialuktun) | 0 |
Inuinnaqtun | 0 |
Inuvialuktun | 0 |
Inuktitut | 0 |
Inuktut (Inuit) languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Iroquoian languages | 0 |
Mohawk | 0 |
Oneida | 0 |
Iroquoian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Ktunaxa (Kutenai) | 0 |
Michif | 0 |
Salish languages | 0 |
Halkomelem | 0 |
Lillooet | 0 |
Ntlakapamux (Thompson) | 0 |
Secwepemctsin (Shuswap) | 0 |
Squamish | 0 |
Straits | 0 |
Syilx (Okanagan) | 0 |
Salish languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Siouan languages | 0 |
Assiniboine | 0 |
Dakota | 0 |
Stoney | 0 |
Siouan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Tsimshian languages | 0 |
Gitxsan (Gitksan) | 0 |
Nisga'a | 0 |
Tsimshian | 0 |
Wakashan languages | 0 |
Haisla | 0 |
Heiltsuk | 0 |
Kwak'wala (Kwakiutl) | 0 |
Nuu-chah-nulth (Nootka) | 0 |
Wakashan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indigenous languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indigenous languages, n.o.s. | 0 |
Non-Indigenous languages | 0 |
Afro-Asiatic languages | 0 |
Berber languages | 0 |
Kabyle | 0 |
Tamazight | 0 |
Berber languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Chadic languages | 0 |
Coptic | 0 |
Cushitic languages | 0 |
Bilen | 0 |
Oromo | 0 |
Somali | 0 |
Cushitic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Semitic languages | 0 |
Amharic | 0 |
Arabic | 0 |
Aramaic languages | 0 |
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic | 0 |
Chaldean Neo-Aramaic | 0 |
Aramaic, n.o.s. | 0 |
Hebrew | 0 |
Tigrigna | 0 |
Semitic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Austro-Asiatic languages | 0 |
Khmer (Cambodian) | 0 |
Vietnamese | 0 |
Austro-Asiatic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Austronesian languages | 0 |
Bikol | 0 |
Bisaya, n.o.s. | 0 |
Cebuano | 0 |
Hiligaynon | 0 |
Ilocano | 0 |
Indonesian | 0 |
Kankanaey | 0 |
Malagasy languages | 0 |
Malay | 0 |
Pampangan (Kapampangan, Pampango) | 0 |
Pangasinan | 0 |
Tagalog (Pilipino, Filipino) | 0 |
Austronesian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Creole languages | 0 |
Haitian Creole | 0 |
Jamaican English Creole | 0 |
Morisyen | 0 |
Creole, n.o.s. | 0 |
Creole languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Dravidian languages | 0 |
Kannada | 0 |
Malayalam | 0 |
Tamil | 0 |
Telugu | 0 |
Dravidian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Georgian | 0 |
Indo-European languages | 0 |
Albanian | 0 |
Armenian | 0 |
Balto-Slavic languages | 0 |
Baltic languages | 0 |
Latvian | 0 |
Lithuanian | 0 |
Slavic languages | 0 |
Bulgarian | 0 |
Czech | 0 |
Macedonian | 0 |
Polish | 0 |
Russian | 0 |
Serbo-Croatian | 0 |
Bosnian | 0 |
Croatian | 0 |
Serbian | 0 |
Serbo-Croatian, n.i.e. | 0 |
Slovak | 0 |
Slovene (Slovenian) | 0 |
Ukrainian | 0 |
Slavic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Celtic languages | 0 |
Scottish Gaelic | 0 |
Celtic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Germanic languages | 0 |
Frisian | 0 |
High German languages | 0 |
German | 0 |
Pennsylvania German | 0 |
Swiss German | 0 |
Yiddish | 0 |
Low Saxon-Low Franconian languages | 0 |
Afrikaans | 0 |
Dutch | 0 |
Low German, n.o.s. | 0 |
Low Saxon | 0 |
Plautdietsch | 0 |
Vlaams (Flemish) | 0 |
Scandinavian languages | 0 |
Danish | 0 |
Icelandic | 0 |
Norwegian | 0 |
Swedish | 0 |
Germanic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Greek | 0 |
Indo-Iranian languages | 0 |
Indo-Aryan languages | 0 |
Bengali | 0 |
Gujarati | 0 |
Hindi | 0 |
Kacchi | 0 |
Marathi | 0 |
Nepali | 0 |
Punjabi (Panjabi) | 0 |
Sindhi | 0 |
Sinhala (Sinhalese) | 0 |
Urdu | 0 |
Indo-Aryan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Iranian languages | 0 |
Kurdish | 0 |
Pashto | 0 |
Persian languages | 0 |
Dari | 0 |
Iranian Persian | 0 |
Persian (Farsi), n.o.s. | 0 |
Iranian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indo-Iranian languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Italic (Romance) languages | 0 |
Catalan | 0 |
Italian | 0 |
Portuguese | 0 |
Romanian | 0 |
Spanish | 0 |
Italic (Romance) languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Indo-European languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Japanese | 0 |
Korean | 0 |
Mongolian | 0 |
Niger-Congo languages | 0 |
Akan (Twi) | 0 |
Edo | 0 |
Fulah (Pular, Pulaar, Fulfulde) | 0 |
Ga | 0 |
Ganda | 0 |
Igbo | 0 |
Kinyarwanda (Rwanda) | 0 |
Lingala | 0 |
Rundi (Kirundi) | 0 |
Shona | 0 |
Swahili | 0 |
Wolof | 0 |
Yoruba | 0 |
Niger-Congo languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Nilo-Saharan languages | 0 |
Dinka | 0 |
Nilo-Saharan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Sign languages | 0 |
American Sign Language | 0 |
Quebec Sign Language | 0 |
Sign languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Sino-Tibetan languages | 0 |
Chinese languages | 0 |
Hakka | 0 |
Mandarin | 0 |
Min Dong | 0 |
Min Nan (Chaochow, Teochow, Fukien, Taiwanese) | 0 |
Wu (Shanghainese) | 0 |
Yue (Cantonese) | 0 |
Chinese, n.o.s. | 0 |
Chinese languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Tibeto-Burman languages | 0 |
Burmese | 0 |
Karenic languages | 0 |
S'gaw Karen | 0 |
Karenic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Tibetan | 0 |
Tibeto-Burman languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Sino-Tibetan languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Tai-Kadai languages | 0 |
Lao | 0 |
Thai | 0 |
Tai-Kadai languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Turkic languages | 0 |
Azerbaijani | 0 |
Turkish | 0 |
Uyghur | 0 |
Uzbek | 0 |
Turkic languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Uralic languages | 0 |
Estonian | 0 |
Finnish | 0 |
Hungarian | 0 |
Other languages, n.i.e. | 0 |
Multiple responses | 0 |
English and French | 0 |
English and non-official language(s) | 0 |
French and non-official language(s) | 0 |
English, French and non-official language(s) | 0 |
Multiple non-official languages | 0 |
Other language(s) used regularly at work | |
Total - Other language(s) used regularly at work for the population in private households aged 15 years and over who worked since January 1, 2020 - 25% sample data197 | 25 |
None | 20 |
English | 0 |
French | 0 |
Non-official language | 10 |
Indigenous39 | 10 |
Non-Indigenous | 0 |
English and French | 0 |
English and non-official language(s) | 0 |
French and non-official language(s) | 0 |
English, French and non-official language(s) | 0 |
Multiple non-official languages | 0 |
Place of work status | |
Total - Place of work status for the employed labour force aged 15 years and over - 25% sample data198 | 20 |
Worked at home | 0 |
Worked outside Canada | 0 |
No fixed workplace address | 10 |
Usual place of work | 15 |
Commuting destination | |
Total - Commuting destination for the employed labour force aged 15 years and over with a usual place of work - 25% sample data199 | 15 |
Commute within census subdivision (CSD) of residence | 10 |
Commute to a different census subdivision (CSD) within census division (CD) of residence | 0 |
Commute to a different census subdivision (CSD) and census division (CD) within province or territory of residence | 0 |
Commute to a different province or territory | 0 |
Main mode of commuting | |
Total - Main mode of commuting for the employed labour force aged 15 years and over with a usual place of work or no fixed workplace address - 25% sample data200 | 20 |
Car, truck or van | 15 |
Car, truck or van - as a driver | 10 |
Car, truck or van - as a passenger | 0 |
Public transit | 0 |
Walked | 0 |
Bicycle | 0 |
Other method | 0 |
Commuting duration | |
Total - Commuting duration for the employed labour force aged 15 years and over with a usual place of work or no fixed workplace address - 25% sample data201 | 20 |
Less than 15 minutes | 15 |
15 to 29 minutes | 0 |
30 to 44 minutes | 0 |
45 to 59 minutes | 0 |
60 minutes and over | 0 |
Time leaving for work | |
Total - Time leaving for work for the employed labour force aged 15 years and over with a usual place of work or no fixed workplace address - 25% sample data202 | 20 |
Between 5 a.m. and 5:59 a.m. | 0 |
Between 6 a.m. and 6:59 a.m. | 0 |
Between 7 a.m. and 7:59 a.m. | 0 |
Between 8 a.m. and 8:59 a.m. | 10 |
Between 9 a.m. and 11:59 a.m. | 0 |
Between 12 p.m. and 4:59 a.m. | 0 |
Children eligible for instruction in the minority official language | |
Total - Eligibility for instruction in the minority official language for the population in private households born in 2003 or later - 100% data203 | 15 |
Children eligible for instruction in the minority official language | 0 |
Children not eligible for instruction in the minority official language | 15 |
Eligibility and instruction in the minority official language for school-aged children | |
Total - Eligibility and instruction in the minority official language, for the population in private households born between 2003 and 2015 (inclusive) - 100% data204 | 15 |
Children eligible for instruction in the minority official language | 0 |
Eligible children who have been instructed in the minority official language at the primary or secondary level in Canada | 0 |
Eligible children who have not been instructed in the minority official language at the primary or secondary level in Canada | 0 |
Children not eligible for instruction in the minority official language | 15 |
Symbol legend
- ...not applicable
- xsuppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act
Source: Statistics Canada, 2021 Census of Population.
How to cite
How to cite: Statistics Canada. 2023. (table). Census Profile. 2021 Census of Population. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-316-X2021001. Ottawa. Released November 15, 2023.
https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2021/dp-pd/prof/index.cfm?Lang=E (accessed September 13, 2024).
- Date modified: