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This is a reference map showing Calgary, City (CY).

Map details

The target area is outlined with a blue line on a white background, while those surrounding the target area have a shaded light grey background. The labels for those outside the target area are labelled on the map in blue where space permits.

Province and territory boundaries are outlined with a thick black dashed line.

Selected place names are labelled on the map in dark green italicized text.

Where available, roads, railways and water features are displayed and labelled on the map for reference purposes. Roads appear on the map in a thin grey line. Railways appear on the map in a thin grey dashed line. Linear water features appear on the map as a thin blue line, while water bodies are shaded blue; where available, they are labelled with a bold italicized blue font.


The unique geographic identifier for the target area is located in the legend box.

All maps are oriented to the north. A north arrow is provided to indicate orientation.

The maps vary in scale. Scale is expressed on this map as a representative fraction and also with a graphic bar scale.

The map projection for all maps is Lambert conformal conic utilizing specific provincial parameters. The projection parameters are provided for this map, including standard parallels, central meridian and latitude of origin.


Sources: Statistics Canada, Census of Population, 2021; Hydrography from Natural Resources Canada, Topographic Data of Canada, CanVec, 2019.

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