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Table 4
OccupationsFootnote 1 with the highest proportion of workers aged 55 years and over, May 2011

Table 4 Occupations with the highest proportion of workers aged 55 years and over, May 2011
Table summary
This table displays the results of table 4 occupations with the highest proportion of workers aged 55 years and over. The information is grouped by occupation group (appearing as row headers), employment
level and proportion of workers aged
55 years and over, calculated using number and percentage units of measure (appearing as column headers).
Occupation minor group Employment level Proportion of workers aged 55 years and over
number percentage
Managers in agriculture 168,020 49.0
Professional occupations in religion 30,610 40.2
Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators 85,130 39.6
Survey interviewers and statistical clerks 36,060 39.3
Taxi and limousine drivers and chauffeurs 48,545 38.0
Real estate agents and salespersons 61,700 37.8
Property administrators 49,940 37.3
Senior managers – health, education, social and community services and membership organizations 25,300 34.7
Senior managers – construction, transportation, production and utilities 54,710 32.9
Psychologists 21,535 32.4
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