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Postsecondary certificates, diplomas and degrees, types obtained

Part A - Short definition:

Identifies different types of postsecondary education and training completed, including combinations of trades, college and university.

Part B - Detailed definition:

This variable identifies different types of postsecondary education and training completed by type of institution. It includes information on combinations of completed trades, college and highest university certificates, diplomas or degrees. It does not identify secondary school completion.

Reported in:


Reported for:

Population aged 15 years and over in private households

Question number(s):

Derived variable: Questions 28, 29 and 30


The following categories for this variable are mutually exclusive.

  • No postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree
  • Trades qualifications only
  • College qualifications only
  • Both trades and college qualifications, no university qualifications
  • University certificate below bachelor level only
  • University certificate below bachelor level and trades and/or college qualifications
  • Bachelor's degree, no trades or college qualifications
  • Bachelor's degree and trades and/or college qualifications
  • University qualification above bachelor level, no trades or college qualifications
  • University qualification above bachelor level and trades and/or college qualifications


'Postsecondary certificates, diplomas and degrees, types obtained' identifies the completion of certificate(s), diploma(s) or degree(s) from different types of postsecondary institutions and training. For simplicity, the word 'qualifications' is also used here to refer to certificates, diplomas and degrees. The word 'Certificates' refers to either certificates or diplomas. 'Trades qualifications' include Registered apprenticeship certificates and other trades certificates or diplomas. 'College qualifications' include college, CEGEP or other non-university certificates or diplomas. Only the respondent's highest university qualification is identified, based on the hierarchy used for 'Highest certificate, diploma or degree.' 'University qualification above bachelor level' includes the categories: 'University certificate or diploma above bachelor level,' 'Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry,' 'Master's degree' and 'Earned doctorate.'

For comments on data quality for this variable, refer to the Education Reference Guide, 2011 National Household Survey.

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