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Video: Aboriginal Peoples
May 8, 2013 – Annie Turner, Analyst, presents a brief portrait of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada, 2011 National Household Survey.
Length: 3:21 minutes
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May 8, 2013
Aboriginal Peoples Data
2011 National Household Survey
Annie Turner
Statistics Canada
The 2011 National Household Survey data on Aboriginal peoples were released today. These data illustrate selected findings about demographic and linguistic characteristics of Aboriginal people, as well as living arrangements of Aboriginal children.
In this video, I will be giving a quick overview of these data.
In 2011, more than 1.4 million people had an Aboriginal identity, representing 4.3% of the total Canadian population. In 2006, Aboriginal people accounted for 3.8% of the total Canadian population.
{Visual}: Twenty male and female figures are shown. A large portion of one of the figures is highlighted to represent 4.3% of the total population. For 2006, a smaller portion of the figure is highlighted.
In 2011, 61% of people with an Aboriginal identity, or about 850,000 individuals, identified as First Nations people.
Thirty-two%, roughly 450,000 people, identified as Métis.
And 4%, about 60,000 people, identified as Inuit.
{Visual}: A pie chart illustrates the proportions of First Nations people at 60.8%, Métis at 32.3% and Inuit at 4.2%. The pie chart also shows the proportions of those with Aboriginal identities not included elsewhere, at 1.9%, and those with multiple Aboriginal identities, at 0.8%.
About eight in ten First Nations people and 85% of Métis lived in Ontario and the western provinces.
{Visual}: A map of Canada highlights Ontario and the western provinces and shows that 81% of First Nations people and 85% of Métis live in these provinces.
The province where the largest number of First Nations people lived was Ontario, followed by British Columbia and Alberta.
{Visual}: The map highlights each province mentioned, and shows the number of First Nations people: 201,100 in Ontario, 155,020 in British Columbia, and 116, 670 in Alberta.
Alberta was the province where the largest number of Métis lived, followed by Ontario and Manitoba.
{Visual}: The map highlights each province mentioned, and shows the number of Métis: 96,865 in Alberta, 86,015 in Ontario, and 78,830 in Manitoba.
Almost three-quarters of Inuit in Canada lived in Inuit Nunangat. Inuit Nunangat stretches from Labrador to the Northwest Territories and comprises four regions: Nunatsiavut, Nunavik, Nunavut and the Inuvialuit region of the Northwest Territories. The largest number of Inuit lived in Nunavut.
{Visual}: The map highlights each region mentioned, and gives the percentage of the Inuit population living in these regions: 45.5% in Nunavut, 18.1% in Nunavik, 5.6% in the Inuvialuit region, and 3.9% in Nunatsiavut.
Aboriginal peoples in Canada are younger than the non-Aboriginal population. In 2011, the median age of Aboriginal peoples was 28 years compared with 41 years for the non-Aboriginal population. The median age is the age where exactly one-half of the population is older and the other half is younger.
{Visual}: A bar graph illustrates the median age of the Aboriginal population and the non-Aboriginal population.
Inuit were the youngest of the three Aboriginal groups, with a median age of 23. The median age of First Nations people was 26, and that of Métis, 31.
{Visual}: A bar graph illustrates the median age of the three Aboriginal groups mentioned.
In 2011, one-half of Aboriginal children aged 14 and under were living in a family with both of their biological or adoptive parents. About one-third of Aboriginal children lived in a lone-parent family.
Other Aboriginal children in that age group were stepchildren, grandchildren living with grandparents with no parent present, foster children or children living with other relatives.
{Visual}: A bar graph illustrates the percentage of Aboriginal children in each living arrangement mentioned: children with both parents at 49.6%, children with lone-parents at 34.4%, step-children at 8.5%, foster children at 3.6%, grand-children at 2.7%, and children living with other relatives at 1.2%.
About one in six Aboriginal people reported that they were able to conduct a conversation in an Aboriginal language.
The Aboriginal languages most frequently reported by First Nations people and Métis were the Cree languages, while Inuktitut was the Aboriginal language spoken by the largest number of Inuit.
{Visual}: Twenty male and female figures are shown. About 3.5 of the figures are highlighted to illustrate the proportion of those able to conduct a conversation in an Aboriginal language.
Thank you for watching this quick overview. Visit the Statistics Canada website for a more in-depth look at these data and for more information on your municipality, province or territory.
If you have any questions, sign up for our live chat session on Friday, May 10, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time. Visit the website and select this icon to register.
{Visual}: Statistics Canada's website appears, showing the icon for the "Chat with an expert" module.
{Visual}: The image fades into the Canada wordmark against a black background.
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