Focus on Geography Series, 2016 Census


Tisdale No. 427, Rural municipality (CSD) - Saskatchewan

Data quality

Immigrant population

Figure 1.1 Percentage of the immigrant population, Tisdale No. 427, Saskatchewan, Canada, 2011 to 2016

Figure 1.1 description Figure 1.1 Percentage of the immigrant population, Tisdale No. 427, Saskatchewan, Canada, 2011 to 2016

Generation status

Population by generation status and median age, Tisdale No. 427, 2011 and 2016

Generation status 2011 2016
Number Percent Median age Number Percent Median age
Total population in private households 905 100.0 46.9 910 100.0 42.3
First generation (born abroad) 40 4.4 53.4 15 1.6 41.5
Second generation (born in Canada with at least one parent born abroad) 45 5.0 57.5 100 11.0 58.8
Born in Canada with both parents born abroad 0 0.0 0.0 20 2.2 79.2
Born in Canada with one parent born in Canada and the other born abroad 40 4.4 57.4 80 8.8 48.5
Third generation or more (born in Canada with both parents born in Canada) 815 90.1 46.4 795 87.4 41.9

Visible minority population

Figure 1.2 Population (in percentage) belonging to a visible minority group, Tisdale No. 427, Saskatchewan and Canada 2011 to 2016

Figure 1.2 description Figure 1.2 Population (in percentage) belonging to a visible minority group, Tisdale No. 427, Saskatchewan and Canada 2011 to 2016

Ethnic and cultural origins of the population

The three most commonly reported ethnic origins,4 Tisdale No. 427, Saskatchewan and Canada 2016

Ethnic origin Tisdale No. 427 Saskatchewan Canada
Number of responses % Rank Number of responses % Rank Number of responses % Rank
English 350 38.5 1 253,205 23.7 2 6,320,085 18.3 2
German 305 33.5 2 296,385 27.7 1 3,322,400 9.6 6
Scottish 300 33.0 3 193,330 18.1 4 4,799,010 13.9 3

Figure 1.3 Percentage of the population by region of ethnic origin,5 Tisdale No. 427, Saskatchewan and Canada, 2016

Figure 1.3 description Figure 1.3 Percentage of the population by region of ethnic origin,5 Tisdale No. 427, Saskatchewan and Canada, 2016


not applicable
incompletely enumerated Indian reserve or Indian settlement
use with caution


Statistics Canada. 2017. Focus on Geography Series, 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-404-X2016001. Ottawa, Ontario. Data products, 2016 Census.

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