Employed labour force who worked full year, full time and reported employment income in 2015, 2016 Census
Release date: December 13, 2017
This interactive diagram shows the proportion in each occupation category, as well as the median employment income of the employed labour force who worked full year, full time and reported employment income in 2015. Data views are available for Canada, provinces and territories and census metropolitan areas (CMAs), as well as for various levels of education. A corresponding data table is also available.
Data users should be aware that there could be some incompatibility between occupation and employment income as both concepts have different reference periods; the week of May 1st to May 7th, 2016 and the year 2015, respectively. Moreover, employment income includes income from all jobs worked at, during the year 2015, whereas respondents were to report only one occupation, the one for which they worked the most hours. For more information on income, labour or education concepts, data users should consult the Income Reference Guide, the Labour Reference Guide or the Education Reference Guide.
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- Median income data quality suppression – Median income values have been suppressed to 'x' where the number of records does not meet the minimum threshold to calculate the statistic or the statistic did not meet data quality thresholds.
- The National Occupational Classification (NOC) descriptions are written using the masculine form as they refer to all workers within the included occupations. This has been done in order to lighten the text and to reduce reading burden.
Related definitions: Occupation (based on the National Occupational Classification [NOC] 2016), Highest certificate, diploma or degree, Employment income, Work activity during the reference year
Source: Employed labour force who worked full year, full time and reported employment income in 2015, 2016 Census (Table). [HTML, CSV (35,620 KB)]
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