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NHS Focus on Geography Series – Richmond

Aboriginal Peoples

Demographic characteristics of Aboriginal people

In 2011, 1.0% (1,935) of the population of Richmond had an Aboriginal identity.Aboriginal Peoples Footnote 1 Of those, 65.9% (1,275) reported a First Nations identityAboriginal Peoples Footnote 2 only, 30.0% (580) reported a Métis identity only, and 1.3% (25) reported an Inuit identity only. An additional 55, or 2.8%, reported other Aboriginal identities and 0, or 0.0%, reported more than one Aboriginal identity.

Table 1 – Population by Aboriginal identity, Richmond

Table summary

This table presents the population by Aboriginal identity. The column headings are: population; Richmond and British Columbia. The columns Richmond and British Columbia are divided into number, percentage of total population and percentage of Aboriginal identity population. The rows are: total population; Aboriginal identity population; First Nations single identity; First Nations single identity (Registered or Treaty Indian); First Nations single identity (not a Registered or Treaty Indian); Métis single identity; Inuit single identity; multiple Aboriginal identities; Aboriginal identities not included elsewhere; non-Aboriginal identity population.

Table 1 – Population by Aboriginal identity, Richmond, British Columbia
Population Richmond British Columbia
Number % of total population % of Aboriginal identity population Number % of total population % of Aboriginal identity population
Total population in private households 189,305 100.0 ... 4,324,460 100.0 ...
   Aboriginal identity population 1,935 1.0 100.0 232,290 5.4 100.0
      First Nations single identity 1,275 0.7 65.9 155,020 3.6 66.7
         First Nations single identity (Registered or Treaty Indian) 845 0.4 43.7 112,405 2.6 48.4
         First Nations single identity (not a Registered or Treaty Indian) 435 0.2 22.5 42,615 1.0 18.3
      Métis single identity 580 0.3 30.0 69,470 1.6 29.9
      Inuit single identity 25 0.0 1.3 1,570 0.0 0.7
      Multiple Aboriginal identities 0 0.0 0.0 2,480 0.1 1.1
      Aboriginal identities not included elsewhere 55 0.0 2.8 3,745 0.1 1.6
   Non-Aboriginal identity population 187,370 99.0 ... 4,092,165 94.6 ...

In general, the Aboriginal population in Canada is younger than the non-Aboriginal population.

In Richmond, Aboriginal children aged 14 and under represented 30.2% of the total Aboriginal population and 2.1% of all children in Richmond. Non-Aboriginal children aged 14 and under accounted for 14.2% of the non-Aboriginal population.

The age distribution of First Nations people, Métis and Inuit is shown in table 2.

Table 2 – Age distribution by Aboriginal identity, Richmond

Table summary

This table presents the population by Aboriginal identity and distribution by various age groups. The column headings are: population; Richmond and British Columbia. The column percentage distribution by age groups is shown for Richmond and British Columbia and is further divided into: total - age groups; 0 to 14 years; 15 to 24 years; 25 to 64 years; 65 years and over. The rows are: total population; Aboriginal identity population; First Nations single identity; First Nations single identity (Registered or Treaty Indian); First Nations single identity (not a Registered or Treaty Indian); Métis single identity; Inuit single identity; multiple Aboriginal identities; Aboriginal identities not included elsewhere; non-Aboriginal identity population.

Table 2 – Age distribution by Aboriginal identity, Richmond, British Columbia
Population Richmond British Columbia
Total – Age groups 0 to 14 years 15 to 24 years 25 to 64 years 65 years and over Total – Age groups 0 to 14 years 15 to 24 years 25 to 64 years 65 years and over
Percentage (%) distribution by age groups Percentage (%) distribution by age groups
Total population in private households 100.0 14.4 13.9 58.4 13.3 100.0 15.7 12.7 56.7 14.9
   Aboriginal identity population 100.0 30.2 18.9 47.8 3.4 100.0 26.1 18.4 49.3 6.2
      First Nations single identity 100.0 29.4 22.0 46.7 2.0 100.0 27.7 18.7 47.9 5.7
         First Nations single identity (Registered or Treaty Indian) 100.0 31.4 23.1 43.2 0.0 100.0 26.1 17.9 49.9 6.1
         First Nations single identity (not a Registered or Treaty Indian) 100.0 24.1 20.7 54.0 2.3 100.0 32.0 20.8 42.7 4.5
      Métis single identity 100.0 31.9 12.9 49.1 6.0 100.0 23.0 17.7 52.3 7.0
      Inuit single identity 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 30.9 23.2 43.6 2.5
      Multiple Aboriginal identities ... ... ... ... ... 100.0 34.9 20.4 40.3 4.6
      Aboriginal identities not included elsewhere 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 11.5 12.8 60.5 15.2
   Non-Aboriginal identity population 100.0 14.2 13.9 58.5 13.4 100.0 15.1 12.4 57.1 15.4

Living arrangements of Aboriginal children

In Richmond, 35.9% of Aboriginal children aged 14 and under lived in a familyAboriginal Peoples Footnote 3 with both their parents (biological or adoptive) and 47.0% lived in a lone-parent family.Aboriginal Peoples Footnote 4 Other Aboriginal children in that age group were stepchildren,Aboriginal Peoples Footnote 5 grandchildren living in a skip-generation family,Aboriginal Peoples Footnote 6 foster childrenAboriginal Peoples Footnote 7 or children living with other relatives.

Living arrangements of First Nations, Métis and Inuit children aged 14 and under are illustrated in table 3.

Table 3 – Percentage distribution of the population aged 14 and under by living arrangement for selected Aboriginal identity categories, Richmond

Table summary

This table presents the percentage distribution of the population aged 14 and under by living arrangement for selected Aboriginal identity categories. The column headings are: living arrangements; percentage distribution of the population for: total Aboriginal identity population; First Nations single identity; Métis single identity; Inuit single identity; non-Aboriginal identity population. The rows are: total population aged 14 and under; children of both parents; stepchildren; children of lone parent; of male lone parent; of female lone parent; grandchildren in skip-generation family; foster children; children living with other relatives.

Table 3 – Percentage distribution of the population aged 14 and under by living arrangement for selected Aboriginal identity categories, Richmond
Living arrangements Total Aboriginal identity population First Nations single identity Métis single identity Inuit single identity Non-Aboriginal identity population
Percentage (%) distribution of the population
Table note(s):
Footnote 1

Includes children in a two-parent family where there may also be step siblings or half-siblings present. Also includes children in a two-parent family for whom it cannot be determined if they are stepchildren.

Return to footnote 3-1 referrer

Footnote 2

Non-relatives may be present.

Return to footnote 3-2 referrer

Footnote 3

This category excludes foster children.

Return to footnote 3-3 referrer

Total population aged 14 and under 100.0 100.0 100.0 ... 100.0
   Children of both parentsTable 3 Footnote 1 35.9 34.7 45.9 ... 81.7
   Stepchildren 4.3 0.0 0.0 ... 3.4
   Children of lone parent 47.0 45.3 56.8 ... 13.9
      Of male lone parent 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 1.9
      Of female lone parent 46.2 42.7 56.8 ... 12.1
   Grandchildren in skip-generation family 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.5
   Foster children 7.7 9.3 0.0 ... 0.1
   Children living with other relativesTable 3 Footnote 2,Table 3 Footnote 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.3

Language and Aboriginal peoples

In 2011, 3.1% of the Aboriginal identity population reported an Aboriginal language as mother tongue, defined as the first language learned at home in childhood and still understood.

As well, 0.0% of Aboriginal people reported speaking an Aboriginal language at home: 0.0% spoke it most often while another 0.0% spoke it on a regular basis.

Linguistic characteristics of First Nations people, Métis and Inuit are shown in tables 4 to 6.

Table 4 – Number and proportion of Aboriginal identity population, First Nations people, Métis and Inuit for selected Aboriginal language indicators, Richmond

Table summary

This table presents number and proportion of Aboriginal identity population, First Nations people, Métis and Inuit for selected Aboriginal language indicators. The column headings are: selected Aboriginal language indicators; total Aboriginal identity population; First Nations single identity; Métis single identity; Inuit single identity. The last four columns are divided into number and percentage of population. The rows are: ability to conduct a conversation in an Aboriginal language; Aboriginal language as mother tongue; Aboriginal language spoken at least regularly at home; Aboriginal language spoken most often at home; Aboriginal language spoken regularly at home.

Table 4 – Number and proportion of Aboriginal identity population, First Nations people, Métis and Inuit for selected Aboriginal language indicators, Richmond
Selected Aboriginal language indicators Total Aboriginal identity population First Nations single identity Métis single identity Inuit single identity
numberTable 4 Footnote 1 % of population number % of population number % of population number % of population
Table note(s):
Footnote 1

The estimates for the three Aboriginal groups do not add to the total Aboriginal identity population because only selected Aboriginal identity categories are shown.

Return to footnote 4-1 referrer

Footnote 2

This category excludes individuals who reported speaking one Aboriginal language most often at home and speaking another Aboriginal language regularly at home. These individuals are included only in the category 'Aboriginal language spoken most often at home.'

Return to footnote 4-2 referrer

Ability to conduct a conversation in an Aboriginal language 105 5.4 100 7.8 0 0.0 0 0.0
Aboriginal language as mother tongue 60 3.1 55 4.3 0 0.0 0 0.0
Aboriginal language spoken at least regularly at home 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
   Aboriginal language spoken most often at home 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
   Aboriginal language spoken regularly at homeTable 4 Footnote 2 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

In Richmond, 94.6% of the Aboriginal identity population reported that they were able to conduct a conversation only in English or only in French. Additionally, 5.4% of Aboriginal people reported that they were able to conduct a conversation in both of Canada's official languages. The other 0.0%, or 0, reported that they were not able to conduct a conversation in either of these two languages.

Table 5 – Percentage distribution of the population by knowledge of official languages for selected Aboriginal identity categories, Richmond

Table summary

This table presents the percentage distribution of the population by knowledge of official languages for selected Aboriginal identity categories. The column headings are: knowledge of official languages; percentage distribution of the population for: total Aboriginal identity population; First Nations single identity; Métis single identity; Inuit single identity; non-Aboriginal identity population. The rows are: total population; English only; French only; English and French; neither English nor French.

Table 5 – Percentage distribution of the population by knowledge of official languages for selected Aboriginal identity categories, Richmond
Knowledge of official languages Total Aboriginal identity population First Nations single identity Métis single identity Inuit single identity Non-Aboriginal identity population
Percentage (%) distribution of the population
Total population in private households 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
   English only 94.3 95.7 91.4 80.0 84.3
   French only 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
   English and French 5.4 3.9 8.6 0.0 5.4
   Neither English nor French 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.3

In Richmond, among the 105 Aboriginal people who reported being able to conduct a conversation in an Aboriginal language, 0.0% reported that same language as their mother tongue. The other 52.4% reported a different language, such as English or French, as mother tongue, which suggests these individuals have acquired an Aboriginal language as a second language.

On the other hand, among the 60 Aboriginal people who reported an Aboriginal language as mother tongue, 0.0% could no longer conduct a conversation in this language, despite the fact that they still understand it.

Table 6 – Population who reported an ability to conduct a conversation in an Aboriginal language that is not their mother tongue and population who reported an Aboriginal mother tongue but who could not conduct a conversation in that language, for selected Aboriginal identity categories, Richmond

Table summary

This table presents the population who reported an ability to conduct a conversation in an Aboriginal language that is not their mother tongue and the population who reported an Aboriginal mother tongue but who could not conduct a conversation in that language, for selected Aboriginal identity categories. The column headings are: selected Aboriginal identity categories; persons reporting an ability to conduct a conversation in an Aboriginal language that is not their mother tongue; persons reporting an Aboriginal mother tongue but who could not conduct a conversation in that language. The last two columns are divided into number and percentage of population. The rows are: total Aboriginal identity population; First Nations single identity; Métis single identity; Inuit single identity; non-Aboriginal identity population.

Table 6 – Population who reported an ability to conduct a conversation in an Aboriginal language that is not their mother tongue and population who reported an Aboriginal mother tongue but who could not conduct a conversation in that language, for selected Aboriginal identity categories, Richmond
Selected Aboriginal identity categories Persons reporting an ability to conduct a conversation in an Aboriginal language that is not their mother tongue Persons reporting an Aboriginal mother tongue but who could not conduct a conversation in that language
numberTable 6 Footnote 1 % of population numberTable 6 Footnote 1 % of population
Table note(s):
Footnote 1

The estimates for the three Aboriginal groups do not add to the total Aboriginal identity population because only selected Aboriginal identity categories are shown.

Return to footnote 6-1 referrer

Total Aboriginal identity population 55 52.4 0 0.0
   First Nations single identity 0 0.0 0 0.0
   Métis single identity 0 ... 0 ...
   Inuit single identity 0 ... 0 ...
Non-Aboriginal identity population 0 ... 35 100.0


Footnote 1

Aboriginal identity: The term 'Aboriginal identity' refers to whether the person reported being an Aboriginal person, that is, First Nations (North American Indian), Métis or Inuk (Inuit) and/or being a Registered or Treaty Indian, (that is, registered under the Indian Act of Canada) and/or being a member of a First Nation or Indian band. Aboriginal peoples of Canada are defined in the Constitution Act, 1982, section 35 (2) as including the Indian, Inuit and Métis peoples of Canada.

Aboriginal Peoples Return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

Respondents self-identified as 'First Nations (North American Indian)' on the NHS questionnaire; however, the term 'First Nations people' is used throughout this document.

Aboriginal Peoples Return to footnote 2 referrer

Footnote 3

Family: The term 'family' in this document refers to the census definition of 'census family,' but for simplicity, the term 'family' is used throughout this report. A census family is composed of a married or common-law couple, with or without children, or of a lone parent living with at least one child in the same dwelling. Couples can be of the opposite sex or of the same sex.

Aboriginal Peoples Return to footnote 3 referrer

Footnote 4

Lone parents: Mothers or fathers, with no married spouse or common-law partner present, living in a dwelling with one or more children.

Aboriginal Peoples Return to footnote 4 referrer

Footnote 5

Stepchild: A stepchild is a child in a couple family who is the biological or adopted child of only one married spouse or common-law partner in the couple, and whose birth or adoption preceded the current relationship.

Aboriginal Peoples Return to footnote 5 referrer

Footnote 6

Skip-generation family: A census family that consists of grandparents and grandchildren without the presence of parents in the home.

Aboriginal Peoples Return to footnote 6 referrer

Footnote 7

Foster children: The population in private households who have been reported as foster children on the NHS questionnaire. Foster children are considered as 'other relatives' outside of a census family.

Aboriginal Peoples Return to footnote 7 referrer

Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity

Immigrant population

According to the 2011 National Household Survey (NHS), 112,880 (59.6%) of the population of Richmond were foreign-born (immigrants), 72,475 (38.3%) were Canadian-born (non-immigrants) and 3,955 (2.1%) were non-permanent residents.Ethnocultural Footnote 1 In comparison, the proportion of the population of British Columbia who were immigrants was 27.6%, 70.9% were non-immigrants, and 1.5% were non-permanent residents.

Figure 1 Percentage of Canadian born (non-immigrants), foreign born (immigrants) and non permanent residents in Richmond (City)

Figure description

This vertical bar graph shows the percentage of Canadian born (non-immigrants), foreign born (immigrants) and non-permanent residents. The y-axis is the percentage of population and the x-axis, from left to right, shows Canadian born (non-immigrants), foreign born (immigrants) and non-permanent residents.

Of the immigrants living in Richmond in 2011, 18,685 came to Canada between 2006 and 2011. These recent immigrants made up 16.6% of the immigrants in Richmond.

The most common countries of birth of immigrants living in Richmond were: China (accounting for 31.9% of the immigrant population in Richmond) and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (20.5%). In comparison, the top countries of birth of immigrants living in British Columbia were: China (accounting for 14.1% of the immigrant population in British Columbia), and India (12.0%).

In 2011, among Richmond's immigrant population, 35.6% spoke English and/or French most often at home. Meanwhile, the three most frequently reported non-official languages spoken most often at home by immigrants in Richmond were Cantonese, Mandarin and Chinese, n.o.s.. This compared to the top three non-official languages for immigrants in British Columbia, which were Panjabi (Punjabi), Cantonese and Mandarin.Ethnocultural Footnote 2

Table 1 – Immigrants by non-official languages spoken most often at home, Richmond (City), British Columbia

Table summary

This table presents the most common non-official language spoken most often at home for immigrants. The column headings are: immigrants by non-official language spoken most often at home with the selected geography showing both numbers and percentages. The rows are: the most common non-official language spoken most often at home.

Table – Immigrants by non-official languages spoken most often at home, Richmond (City)
Immigrants by non-official language spoken most often at homeEthnocultural Footnote 2 Richmond (City) British Columbia
Count % Rank Count % Rank
Cantonese 26,620 23.6 1 101,495 8.5 2
Mandarin 17,105 15.2 2 74,110 6.2 3
Chinese, n.o.s. 16,865 14.9 3 73,380 6.2 4

Visible minority population and ethnic origins

The 2011 NHS estimated that 133,320 individuals in Richmond belonged to a visible minority group, accounting for 70.4% of its total population.Ethnocultural Footnote 1 In comparison, visible minorities comprised 27.3% of British Columbia's population.

The largest visible minority groups living in Richmond were Chinese and South Asian. In British Columbia, the largest visible minority groups were Chinese and South Asian.

The three most frequently reported ethnic origins in Richmond, for people reporting either one or multiple ethnic origins, were Chinese, English and Canadian. This compared to the top three in British Columbia, which were English, Scottish and Canadian.

Table 2 – Most frequently reported ethnic origins, Richmond (City), British Columbia

Table summary

This table shows the most common ethnic origins. The column headings are: ethnic origin along with the selected geography showing both numbers and percentages. The rows are: the most common ethnic origins.

Table – Most frequently reported ethnic origins, Richmond (City)
Most frequently reported ethnic origins Richmond (City) British Columbia
Count % Rank Count % Rank
   Chinese 91,885 48.5 1 464,805 10.7 6
   English 20,790 11.0 2 1,199,955 27.7 1
   Canadian 15,060 8.0 3 826,340 19.1 3


According to the 2011 NHS, 54.1% of the population in Richmond reported a religious affiliation, while 45.9% said they had no religious affiliation.Ethnocultural Footnote 1 For British Columbia as a whole, 55.9% of the population reported a religious affiliation, while 44.1% had no religion.

The most frequently reported religious affiliation in Richmond was Roman Catholic, reported by 29,835 (15.8%) of the population. Other frequently reported religions included: Christian, n.i.e. (7.7%) and Buddhist (6.5%). In comparison, the top three most frequently reported religions in British Columbia were: Roman Catholic (reported by 15.0% of the population of British Columbia), Christian, n.i.e. (7.2%) and United Church (5.1%).

Table 3 – Most frequently reported religions, Richmond (City), British Columbia

Table summary

This table shows the most common religions. The column headings are: religion along with the selected geography showing both numbers and percentages. The rows are: the most common religions.

Table – Most frequently reported religions, Richmond (City)
Most frequently reported religions Richmond (City) British Columbia
Count % Rank Count % Rank
Total population in private households 189,305 100.0 ... 4,324,455 100.0 ...
   Total reporting a religious affiliation 102,500 54.1 ... 2,416,170 55.9 ...
      Roman Catholic 29,835 15.8 1 647,565 15.0 1
      Christian, n.i.e. 14,560 7.7 2 313,135 7.2 2
      Buddhist 12,325 6.5 3 90,615 2.1 7
   Total not reporting a religious affiliation 86,805 45.9 ... 1,908,280 44.1 ...


Footnote 1

For details on the concepts, definitions, universes, variables and geographic terms used in the 2011 National Household Survey, please consult the National Household Survey Dictionary, Catalogue no. 99-000-X. For detailed explanations on concepts and for information on data quality, please refer to the reference guides found on the NHS website.

Ethnocultural Return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

These counts include both single non-official language responses and multiple language responses. A multiple language response is a combination of non-official language response with a response of English and/or French.

Ethnocultural Return to footnote 2 referrer


Educational attainment Education Footnote 1

In 2011, 63.9% of the 135,665 adults aged 25 years and over in Richmond had completed some form of postsecondary education, compared with 59.6% at the national level.

Of the population aged 25 years and over in Richmond, 41.5% had a university certificate or degree. An additional 15.8% had a college diploma and 6.6% had a trades certificate.

The share of the adult population that had completed a high school diploma as their highest level of educational attainment was 24.7%, and 11.5% had completed neither high school nor any postsecondary certificates, diplomas or degrees.

Table 1 – Population aged 25 and over by highest level of educational attainmentEducation Footnote 1, Richmond (City), British Columbia, Canada

Table summary

This table presents the population aged 25 years and over by highest level of educational attainment. The column headings are: highest level of educational attainment; Richmond, British Columbia and Canada, which are divided in number and percentage. The rows are: total population aged 25 years and over; no certificate, diploma or degree; high school diploma; a subtotal for postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree: trades certificate which is a subtotal of the rows for trades certificate or diploma (other than apprenticeship) and registered apprenticeship certificate; college diploma; university certificate below bachelor; university degree which is a subtotal of the rows for bachelor's degree; university certificate above bachelor; degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry; master's degree; earned doctorate.

Table 1 – Population aged 25 and over by highest level of educational attainment
Highest level of educational attainment Richmond British Columbia Canada
Number % Number % Number %
Total – Population aged 25 years and over 135,665 100.0 3,097,120 100.0 22,935,460 100.0
No certificate, diploma or degree 15,570 11.5 424,650 13.7 3,956,620 17.3
High school diplomaEducation Footnote 2 33,445 24.7 769,145 24.8 5,300,080 23.1
Postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree 86,650 63.9 1,903,330 61.5 13,678,765 59.6
Trades certificateEducation Footnote 3 8,935 6.6 362,335 11.7 2,744,380 12.0
Trades certificate or diploma (other than apprenticeship) 5,105 3.8 180,830 5.8 1,596,595 7.0
Registered Apprenticeship certificateEducation Footnote 4 3,830 2.8 181,500 5.9 1,147,790 5.0
College diplomaEducation Footnote 5 21,455 15.8 585,550 18.9 4,487,520 19.6
University certificate below bachelorEducation Footnote 6 11,210 8.3 188,485 6.1 1,100,325 4.8
University degreeEducation Footnote 7 45,055 33.2 766,960 24.8 5,346,530 23.3
Bachelor's degree 30,310 22.3 476,730 15.4 3,347,425 14.6
University certificate above bachelorEducation Footnote 8 4,215 3.1 77,535 2.5 571,525 2.5
Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry 1,120 0.8 23,550 0.8 151,715 0.7
Master's degree 8,120 6.0 157,670 5.1 1,068,190 4.7
Earned doctorate 1,295 1.0 31,475 1.0 207,680 0.9

Overall, successive generations of Canadians have been completing high school and attaining postsecondary qualifications in increasing proportions. In 2011, 41.7% of Canadians aged 65 years and over had a postsecondary credential; this compares with 69.5% among adults between the ages of 25 and 44. As well, 35.7% of those aged 65 years and over had not completed any certificate, diploma or degree compared with 9.5% of individuals aged 25 to 44.

In Richmond, 44.3% of those aged 65 years and over had a postsecondary credential, compared to 76.9% of adults between 25 and 44 years of age; 27.8% of individuals aged 65 years and over had no certificate, diploma or degree, compared to 4.8% of 25 to 44 year-olds.

Richmond (City) – Proportion of the population aged 25 years and over by level of educational attainment and age groups

Figure description

This vertical bar graph shows the proportion of the population aged 25 and over by level of educational attainment and age groups. The age groups are: 25 to 44, 45 to 64 and 65 and over. The y-axis is the percentage of the population and the x-axis is level of educational attainment including: No certificate, diploma or degree; High school diploma; Trades certificate; College diploma; university#lang EQ "E" ? "Education Footnote" : "Scolarité Note de bas de page"# 10. University refers to all university certificates, diplomas and degrees including university certificates below the bachelor level, Bachelor's degrees and university certificates and degrees above the bachelor level.

Major field of study

Table 2 – Most common fields of studyEducation Footnote 9 for the population aged 25 years and over with postsecondary qualifications, Richmond (City), British Columbia, Canada

Table summary

This table presents the five most common fields of study for the population aged 25 years and over with postsecondary qualifications. The column headings are: field of study; Richmond, British Columbia and Canada, which are divided in number, percentage and rank. The rows are: the five most common fields of study.

Richmond (City) – Proportion of the population aged 25 years and over by level of educational attainment and age groups Table 2 Canada, #currentGeo# – Most common fields of study for the population aged 25 years and over with postsecondary qualifications by level of educational attainment
Field of study Richmond British Columbia Canada
Number % Rank Number % Rank Number % Rank
Business, management, marketing and related support services 23,130 26.7 1 363,800 19.1 1 2,787,405 20.4 1
Health professions and related programs 9,435 10.9 2 270,235 14.2 2 1,773,600 13.0 2
Engineering 7,720 8.9 3 94,145 4.9 5 686,165 5.0 5
Education 5,540 6.4 4 147,190 7.7 3 1,073,770 7.8 3
Social sciences 4,190 4.8 5 70,990 3.7 7 465,295 3.4 8

Location of studyEducation Footnote 11

In 2011, there were 86,650 residents of Richmond aged 25 years and over with postsecondary credentials. Of these graduates, 44.3% had studied in British Columbia, 9.7% had studied in another province or territory and 46.0% had studied outside Canada. Nationally, 72.5% of graduates had studied in the same province/territory in which they lived in 2011, 10.4% had studied in another province or territory and 17.1% had studied outside Canada.

In all provinces, individuals with trades or college certificates were more likely than those with university credentials to have earned their highest certificate, diploma or degree in the province in which they lived in 2011.

Table 3 – Population aged 25 years and over with postsecondary qualifications by location of study and by level of educational attainment, Richmond (City)

Table summary

This table presents location of study compared with the province or territory of residence in 2011 for the population aged 25 years and over with postsecondary qualifications by level of educational attainment. The column headings are: educational attainment; location of study divided into studied in British Columbia, studied in another province / territory, studied outside Canada further divided in number and percentage. The rows are: total population aged 25 years and over with postsecondary qualifications; trades certificate; college diploma; university.

Table 3 – Population aged 25 years and over with postsecondary qualifications by location of study and by level of educational attainment, Richmond (City)
Educational attainment Location of study
Studied in British Columbia Studied in another province/territory Studied outside Canada
number % number % number %
Total population aged 25 years and over with postsecondary qualifications 38,360 44.3 8,435 9.7 39,860 46.0
Trades certificate 5,495 61.5 850 9.5 2,590 29.0
College diploma 11,850 55.2 1,935 9.0 7,675 35.8
University 21,020 37.4 5,650 10.0 29,595 52.6


Footnote 1

The terms 'Educational attainment,' 'level of educational attainment' and 'highest level of educational attainment' used in this document refer to the Highest certificate, diploma or degree completed by a person. The portion of the population that completed each type of education noted is the portion that completed it as their highest certificate, diploma or degree.

Education return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

'High school diploma' refers to 'secondary (high) school diploma or equivalent.'

Education return to footnote 2 referrer

Footnote 3

'Trades certificate' refers to 'apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma,' and is an aggregation which includes both 'Registered Apprenticeship certificate' as well as 'trades certificate or diploma (other than apprenticeship).'

Education return to footnote 3 referrer

Footnote 4

'Registered Apprenticeship certificate' includes those with a certificate of qualification/journeyperson's designation.

Education return to footnote 4 referrer

Footnote 5

'College diploma' refers to 'college, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma.'

Education return to footnote 5 referrer

Footnote 6

'University certificate below bachelor' refers to 'university certificate or diploma below bachelor level.' Comparisons with other data sources suggest that this category was over-reported in the NHS. It is recommended that users interpret the results for this category with caution. For further information, please refer to the Education Reference Guide, National Household Survey.

Education return to footnote 6 referrer

Footnote 7

'University degree' refers to 'university certificate, diploma or degree at bachelor level or above.'

Education return to footnote 7 referrer

Footnote 8

'University certificate above bachelor' refers to 'university certificate or diploma above bachelor level'.

Education return to footnote 8 referrer

Footnote 9

'Field of study' in this table is classified based on the 2-digit series from the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2011. It is the major field of study for the highest postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree completed by the person.

Education return to footnote 9 referrer

Footnote 10

'University' in this table refers to 'university certificate, diploma or degree,' and includes all university certificates, diplomas and degrees including university certificates below the bachelor level, bachelor's degrees and university certificates and degrees above the bachelor level.

Education return to footnote 10 referrer

Footnote 11

'Location of study' refers to the province, territory or country of the institution where the highest postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree was completed. Here, location of study is compared with province or territory of residence to indicate whether the location of study is the same province or territory as the person's residence in 2011, a different Canadian province or territory, or outside Canada.

Education return to footnote 11 referrer



In Richmond, 92,850 people were employed and 7,060 were unemployed for a total labour force of 99,910 in May 2011. The employment rate was at 57.3% and the unemployment rate was at 7.1%.

Table 1 Total population aged 15 years and over by labour force status, Richmond (City), British Columbia

Table summary

This table presents the labour force status for the population aged 15 years and over. The column headings are: labour force status; Richmond and British Columbia. The rows are: total population aged 15 years and over with sub-totals of: in the labour force (number) and not in the labour force (number). In the labour force (number) there are two components: employed (number) and unemployed (number). Rates are also presented for: participation rate (%); employment rate (%); and unemployment rate (%).

Table 1 Total population aged 15 years and over by labour force status
Labour force status Richmond British Columbia
Table note(s):
Footnote 1

In the past, this variable was called Labour force activity.

Labour: Return to footnote 1-1 referrer

Total population aged 15 years and overLabour Table 1 Footnote 1 162,045 3,646,840
In the labour force 99,910 2,354,245
Employed 92,850 2,171,470
Unemployed 7,060 182,775
Not in the labour force 62,130 1,292,595
Participation rate 61.7 64.6
Employment rate 57.3 59.5
Unemployment rate 7.1 7.8

Within Richmond, 11.2% of the employed labour force was aged 15 to 24 and 17.3% was aged 55 to 64. This compares to 12.4% and 16.5% respectively for British Columbia.

Table 2 Employed labour force by age groups, Richmond (City), British Columbia

Table summary

This table presents the employed labour force by selected age groups. The column headings are: age groups and Richmond and British Columbia, which are divided in number and percentage. The rows are: total; age groups; 15 to 24 years; 25 to 34 years; 35 to 54 years; 55 to 64 years; 65 years and over.

Table 2 Employed labour force by age groups
Age groups Richmond British Columbia
number % number %
Total 92,850 100.0 2,171,470 100.0
15 to 24 years 10,435 11.2 269,535 12.4
25 to 34 years 18,690 20.1 436,365 20.1
35 to 54 years 44,485 47.9 1,025,670 47.2
55 to 64 years 16,100 17.3 357,740 16.5
65 years and over 3,145 3.4 82,160 3.8

Within Richmond, the top occupations were: Service representatives and other customer and personal services occupations; Sales representatives and salespersons - Wholesale and retail trade; Administrative and financial supervisors and administrative occupations. For British Columbia as a whole the top occupations were: Industrial, electrical and construction trades; Service support and other service occupations, n.e.c.; Administrative and financial supervisors and administrative occupations.

Table 3 Top occupations for the employed labour force, Richmond (City), British Columbia

Table summary

This table presents the top occupations. The column headings are: occupation, Richmond and British Columbia, which are divided in number and percentage. The rows are: the top occupations.

Table 3 Top occupations for the employed labour force
Occupation Richmond British Columbia
number % Rank number % Rank
Service representatives and other customer and personal services occupations 7,005 7.5 1 106,945 4.9 5
Sales representatives and salespersons - Wholesale and retail trade 6,185 6.7 2 110,490 5.1 4
Administrative and financial supervisors and administrative occupations 5,430 5.8 3 114,865 5.3 3

Within Richmond, the top industries were: Retail trade; Professional, scientific and technical services; Accommodation and food services. For British Columbia as a whole the top industries were: Retail trade; Health care and social assistance; Professional, scientific and technical services.

Table 4 Top industries for the employed labour force, Richmond (City), British Columbia

Table summary

This table presents the top industries. The column headings are: industry, Richmond and British Columbia, which are divided in number and percentage. The rows are: the top industries.

Table 4 Top industries for the employed labour force
Industry Richmond British Columbia
number % Rank number % Rank
Retail trade 11,730 12.6 1 250,140 11.5 1
Professional, scientific and technical services 8,825 9.5 2 171,275 7.9 3
Accommodation and food services 8,495 9.1 3 165,955 7.6 4

The number of self-employed in Richmond amounted to 12,010 or 12.9% of all total employed workers.

Table 5 Employed labour force by class of workers, Richmond (City), British Columbia

Table summary

This table presents class of worker. The column headings are: class of worker; Richmond and British Columbia, which are divided in number and percentage. The rows are: total employed labour force; with subtotals of employee (number and percent) and total – self-employed (number and percent). The total – self-employed there are two components: self-employed (incorporated or unincorporated) and unpaid family worker.

Table 5 Employed labour force by class of workers
Class of worker Richmond British Columbia
number % number %
Table note(s):
Footnote 1

Includes self-employed with an incorporated business and self-employed with an unincorporated business. Also included among the self-employed are unpaid family workers.

Return to footnote 5-1 referrer

Total employed labour force 92,850 100.0 2,171,470 100.0
Employee 80,845 87.1 1,873,695 86.3
Total – Self-employedTable 5 Footnote 1 12,010 12.9 297,775 13.7
Self-employed (incorporated or unincorporated) 11,665 12.6 291,755 13.4
Unpaid family worker 340 0.4 6,020 0.3

In 2011, 18.0% of commuters within Richmond used public transit to get to work. This compares to British Columbia at 12.6%. 69.8% of the population used a car, truck or van as a driver, while 6.3% used a car, truck or van as a passenger. The average commuting time to work in Richmond was 25.9 minutes, this compares to British Columbia at 25.0 minutes.

Within Richmond, 80.0% of the employed labour force aged 15 years and over worked at their usual place, 7.9% worked at home and 10.4% had no fixed workplace address.

Table 6 Employed labour force by mode of transportation, Richmond (City), British Columbia

Table summary

This table presents the employed labour force by mode of transportation. The column headings are: mode of transportation; Richmond and British Columbia, which are divided in number and percentage. The rows are: total employed labour force with a usual place of work or no fixed workplace address; car, truck or van as driver; car, truck or van as passenger; public transit; walked; bicycle; other.

Table 6 Employed labour force by mode of transportation
Mode of transportation Richmond British Columbia
number % number %
Total employed labour force with a usual place of work or no fixed workplace address 83,890 100.0 1,984,985 100.0
Car, truck or van as driver 58,520 69.8 1,415,740 71.3
Car, truck or van as passenger 5,270 6.3 110,695 5.6
Public transit 15,120 18.0 250,450 12.6
Walked 2,930 3.5 132,205 6.7
Bicycle 1,060 1.3 42,260 2.1
Other 995 1.2 33,640 1.7

Table 7 Average commuting duration for the employed labour force, Richmond (City), British Columbia

Table summary

This table presents the average commuting duration. The column headings are: average commuting duration; Richmond and British Columbia. The row includes the average commuting duration.

Table 7 Average commuting duration for the employed labour force
Commuting duration Richmond British Columbia
Average 25.9 25.0

Table 8 Employed Labour force by time leaving for work, Richmond (City), British Columbia

Table summary

This table presents time leaving for work. The column headings are: time leaving for work; Richmond and British Columbia, which are divided in number and percentage. The rows are: total; 5 to 5:59 a.m.; 6 to 6:59 a.m.; 7 to 7:59 a.m.; 8 to 8:59 a.m.; 9 to 11:59 a.m.; 12 p.m. to 4:59 a.m.

Table 8 Employed Labour force by time leaving for work
Time leaving for work Richmond British Columbia
number % number %
Total 83,890 100.0 1,984,985 100.0
5 to 5:59 a.m. 3,460 4.1 128,805 6.5
6 to 6:59 a.m. 11,265 13.4 326,220 16.4
7 to 7:59 a.m. 19,345 23.1 516,625 26.0
8 to 8:59 a.m. 21,205 25.3 465,170 23.4
9 to 11:59 a.m. 16,755 20.0 267,745 13.5
12 p.m. to 4:59 a.m. 11,865 14.1 280,420 14.1

Table 9 Employed labour force by place of work status, Richmond (City), British Columbia

Table summary

This table presents place of work. The column headings are: place of work; Richmond and British Columbia, which are divided in number and percentage. The rows are: total; usual place of work; worked at home; worked outside Canada; no fixed workplace address.

Table 9 Employed labour force by place of work status
Place of work Richmond British Columbia
number % number %
Total employed labour force 92,850 100.0 2,171,470 100.0
Usual place of work 74,275 80.0 1,680,525 77.4
Worked at home 7,360 7.9 174,005 8.0
Worked outside Canada 1,595 1.7 12,480 0.6
No fixed workplace address 9,615 10.4 304,465 14.0

In Richmond, 84.2% (89,520) of the population aged 15 years and over who worked in 2010 or 2011 reported English only as the language used most often at work, 0.2% (180) reported French only and 0.2% (190) said they used both official languages (English and French) equally. In addition, 4.1% of the population aged 15 years and over who worked in 2010 or 2011 reported using an official language and a non-official language equally most often at work and 11.3% a non-official language only.

Furthermore, 4.0% (4,295) of the population aged 15 years and over who worked in 2010 or 2011 reported working in English on a regular basis, 0.6% (655) in French on a regular basis and 0.0% (0) in the country's two official languages on a regular basis. In addition, 0.4% (395) of of the population aged 15 years and over who worked in 2010 or 2011 reported using an official language and a non-official language on a regular basis at work and 10.8% (11,480) a non-official language only.

In British Columbia, 95.5% (2,416,850) of the population aged 15 years and over who worked in 2010 or 2011 reported English only as the language used most often at work, 0.2% (5,390) reported French only and 0.1 (3,060) said they used both official languages (English and French) equally. Furthermore, 1.1% of the population aged 15 years and over who worked in 2010 or 2011 reported using an official language and a non-official language equally most often at work.

As for the language used at work on a regular basis in British Columbia, the proportions are as follows: 1.1% (28,865) reported using English; 0.8% (21,425) use French; 0.0% (25) use both official languages; 0.1% (3,265) reported using an official language and a non-official language; and 3.5% (89,720) a non-official language only.

Table 10 Languages used at work, Richmond (City), British Columbia

Table summary

This table presents the languages used most often and regularly at work. The column headings are: languages used at work; language used most often at work and language used regularly at work for Richmond and British Columbia, which are divided in number and percentage. The rows are: Total population 15 years and over who worked since 2010; English only; French only; other language only; English and French; English and other language; French and other language; English, French and other language.

Table 10 Languages used at work
Languages used at work Language used most often Language used regularlyTable 1 Footnote 1
Richmond British Columbia Richmond British Columbia
number % number % number % number %
Table note(s):
Footnote 1

Other than the language spoken most often.

Return to footnote 1-1 referrer

Total population aged 15 years and over who worked since 2010 106,345 100.0 2,529,750 100.0 16,825 15.8 143,295 5.7
English only 89,520 84.2 2,416,850 95.5 4,295 4.0 28,865 1.1
French only 180 0.2 5,390 0.2 655 0.6 21,425 0.8
Other language only 12,065 11.3 76,920 3.0 11,480 10.8 89,720 3.5
English and French 190 0.2 3,060 0.1 0 0.0 25 0.0
English and other language 4,385 4.1 27,100 1.1 195 0.2 815 0.0
French and other language 0 0.0 40 0.0 200 0.2 2,420 0.1
English, French and other language. 20 0.0 395 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
None ... ... ... ... 89,525 84.2 2,386,455 94.3

In Richmond, the non-official languages most used, most often or regularly, with or without an official language, are Chinese languages, Panjabi (Punjabi) and Tagalog (Pilipino,Filipino), which account respectively for 11.4% (24,265), 0.5% (985) and 0.4% (870) of the population aged 15 years and over who worked in 2010 or 2011.

In British Columbia, the non-official languages most used, most often or regularly, with or without an official language, are Chinese languages, Panjabi (Punjabi) and Korean, which account respectively for 1.8% (90,975), 0.8% (41,910) and 0.2% (10,710) of the population aged 15 years and older who worked in 2010 or 2011.

Table 11 Non-official languages used at work, Richmond (City), British Columbia

Table summary

This table presents non-official languages used at work. The column headings are: languages used at work; language used at least regularly at work, language used most often at work and language used regularly at work for Richmond and British Columbia, which are divided in number and percentage. The rows are the top non-official languages used at least regularly at work.

Table 11 Non-official languages used at work
Languages used at work Language used at least regularlyTable 2 Footnote 2 Language used most oftenTable 2 Footnote 2 Language used regularlyTable 2 Footnote 1,Table 2 Footnote 3
Richmond British Columbia Richmond British Columbia Richmond British Columbia
number % rank number % rank number % rank number % rank number % rank number % rank
Table note(s):
Footnote 1

Other than the language spoken most often.

Return to footnote 2-1 referrer

Footnote 2

Percentages calculated over the population aged 15 years and over who worked in 2010 or 2011.

Return to footnote 2-2 referrer

Footnote 3

Percentages calculated over the population aged 15 years and over who worked in 2010 or 2011 and who declared one or more languages used regularly at work.

Return to footnote 2-3 referrer

Chinese languages 24,265 11.4 1 90,975 1.8 1 15,065 14.2 1 54,785 2.2 1 9,195 54.6 1 36,190 25.3 1
Panjabi (Punjabi) 985 0.5 2 41,910 0.8 2 355 0.3 2 24,760 1.0 2 635 3.8 3 17,145 12.0 2
Tagalog (Pilipino,Filipino) 870 0.4 3 6,580 0.1 5 170 0.2 4 1,495 0.1 8 705 4.2 2 5,085 3.5 4
Japanese 535 0.3 4 5,605 0.1 6 200 0.2 3 2,380 0.1 5 330 2.0 4 3,230 2.3 6
Spanish 320 0.2 5 8,750 0.2 4 130 0.1 6 2,340 0.1 6 195 1.2 5 6,415 4.5 3

Income composition

The total income for the population in private households can be broken down into two basic components: market incomeIncome Footnote 1 and government transfers.Income Footnote 2 In Richmond, 89.6% of total income was from market income in 2010 and 10.4% was from government transfers. (Aggregate total income for Richmond was 5.3 billion dollars in 2010.)

Figure 1 Income composition for the population in private households in 2010

Figure description

This stacked horizontal bar figure shows income composition for the population in private households. The y-axis is Canada, British Columbia and Richmond. The x-axis is percentage of income composition (market income and government transfer payments).

Market income's main component was employment income. In Richmond, it accounted for $85.50 of every $100 of market income, above the figure for British Columbia of $83.40. For the two components of employment income, wages and salaries represented $80.50 and net income from self-employment, $5.00.

The other components of market income were smaller than employment income: in Richmond, investment income represented $7.10 per $100 of market income, retirement income, $5.70 and $1.70 came from other private sources of money.

The main government transfer received in Richmond was Old Age Security (OAS) pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement with $32.40 of every $100 of total government transfers received, followed by: Canada Pension Plan or Quebec Pension Plan ($25.60), Other income from government sources ($16.20), Child benefits ($13.40), and Employment Insurance benefits ($12.30).

Table 1 – Income composition for the population in private households in 2010, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Table summary

This table shows income composition for the population in private households in 2010. The column headings are: income composition, Richmond, British Columbia and Canada. The rows are: aggregate total income in millions of dollars which has main components of market income and government transfer payments. Market income is further divided into: employment income in percentage (including wages and salaries in percentage and self-employment income in percentage); investment income in percentage; retirement pensions, superannuation and annuities in percentage; other money income. Government transfer payments is further divided into: Canada / Quebec pension plan benefits in percentage; Old Age Security pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement in percentage; employment insurance benefits in percentage; child benefits in percentage and other income from government sources in percentage. Also included are income taxes paid (as a percent of total income) and after-tax income (as a percent of total income).

Table 1 – Income composition for the population in private households in 2010, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
Income composition Richmond (CY) British Columbia Canada
Aggregate total income (million $) 5,287.3 136,543.9 1,053,582.1
Composition of total income in 2010 (%) 100.0 100.0 100.0
Market income (%) 89.6 88.3 87.6
Employment income (%) 76.6 73.7 74.7
Wages and salaries (%) 72.1 69.0 70.3
Self-employment income (%) 4.5 4.6 4.4
Investment income (%) 6.3 6.1 4.6
Retirement pensions, superannuation and annuities (%) 5.1 6.9 6.7
Other money income (%) 1.5 1.7 1.7
Government transfer payments (%) 10.4 11.7 12.4
Canada/Quebec Pension Plan benefits (%) 2.7 3.7 3.5
Old Age Security pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement (%) 3.4 3.3 3.1
Employment Insurance benefits (%) 1.3 1.5 1.8
Child benefits (%) 1.4 1.2 1.5
Other income from government sources (%) 1.7 2.0 2.6
Income taxes paid – as a % of total income 13.4 14.4 16.4
After-tax income – as a % of total income 86.6 85.6 83.6

High total income

Among the Canadian population in private households aged 15 years and over, ten percent had total incomes of more than $80,400 in 2010. To be in the top five percent, Canadians needed to have a total income of slightly above $102,300 and to be in the top one percent required just over $191,100, nearly seven times the national median income of $27,800.Income Footnote 3

In Richmond, 3.9% percent of the population aged 15 years and over had total income that put them in the top five percent and 0.7% in the top one percent. This compared with 5.0% and 1.0% in Canada.

Table 2 – Population aged 15 years and over by total income, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Table summary

The following table presents the population aged 15 years and over by total income. The column headings are: total income, Richmond, British Columbia and Canada. The rows are: population aged 15 years and over by total income (count); without income or less than $27,815 in percentage; without income or less than $12,025 in percentage; $12,025 to $27,814 in percentage; $27,815 and over in percentage; $27,815 to $51,304 in percentage; $51,305 and over in percentage; $80,420 and over (top 10 percent) in percentage; $102,305 and over top 5 percent) in percentage and $191,150 and over (top 1 percent) in percentage.

Table 2 – Population aged 15 years and over by total income, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
Total income Richmond (CY) British Columbia Canada
Population 15 years and over by total income (count) 162,040 3,646,840 27,259,525
Without income or less than $27,815 (%) 58.1 51.4 50.0
Without income or less than $12,025 (%) 34.0 26.7 25.0
$12,025 to $27,814 (%) 24.1 24.7 25.0
$27,815 and over (%) 41.9 48.6 50.0
$27,815 to $51,304 (%) 21.5 24.1 25.0
$51,305 and over (%) 20.5 24.5 25.0
$80,420 and over (top 10 percent) (%) 7.7 9.5 10.0
$102,305 and over (top 5 percent) (%) 3.9 4.7 5.0
$191,150 and over (top 1 percent) (%) 0.7 0.9 1.0

A national map showing the spatial distribution of persons with total income in the top five percent of persons with the highest total income is also available. Canada. Percentage of population in top five percent of total income in 2010 by 2011 census division (CD)

Employment income

Of those persons with employment income in Richmond, 46.1% worked full year, full timeIncome Footnote 4 in 2010 compared to 45.4% in British Columbia. The median employment income was $46,733 for these workers ($49,143 for those in British Columbia).

The top four most common occupations for those working full-year full-time in 2010 in Richmond were Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences; Service representatives and other customer and personal services occupations; Specialized middle management occupations; and Administrative and financial supervisors and administrative occupations.

Table 3 – Median earnings of the most common full-year, full-time occupations in 2010, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Table summary

The following table presents the most common occupations for full-year, full-time workers in 2010. The column headings are: population with earnings who worked full-year, full-time in 2010, Richmond divided into number and median earnings in dollars and British Columbia and Canada divided in median earnings in dollars. The rows are the most common occupations.

Table 3 – Median earnings of the most common full-year, full-time occupations in 2010, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
Population with earnings who worked full-year, full-time in 2010Income Footnote 5 Richmond (CY) British Columbia Canada
number median earnings ($) median earnings ($) median earnings ($)
Professional occupations in natural and applied sciences 3,235 74,249 73,559 74,931
Service representatives and other customer and personal services occupations 3,140 34,004 31,985 31,573
Specialized middle management occupations 3,090 74,816 75,222 80,146
Administrative and financial supervisors and administrative occupations 3,080 47,854 46,692 45,758

Family income

The median after-tax income of economic families in Richmond in 2010 was $63,307, the median for couple families was $69,074 and for lone-parent families, $39,950. For persons not in economic families (persons living alone or with non relatives only), the median after-tax income was $26,999.

These compare to the medians in British Columbia of $67,915 for after-tax family income of all economic families, $73,063 for couple families, $40,646 for lone-parent families and $25,958 for persons living alone or without relatives.

Table 4 – Median after-tax income in 2010 for economic families and persons not in economic families, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Table summary

This table shows median after-tax income in 2010 by economic family structure and sex. The column headings are: economic family structure and sex, Richmond divided into number and median after-tax income in dollars and British Columbia and Canada divided into median after-tax income in dollars. The rows are: all economic families (couple families, lone-parent families, other economic families); persons not in economic families (males, females).

Table 4 – Median after-tax income in 2010 for economic families and persons not in economic families, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
Economic family structure and sex Richmond (CY) British Columbia Canada
number median after-tax income ($) median after-tax income ($) median after-tax income ($)
All economic families 52,730 63,307 67,915 67,044
Couple families 43,500 69,074 73,063 72,356
Lone-parent families 7,680 39,950 40,646 42,401
Other economic families 1,545 54,139 56,638 55,484
Persons not in economic families 19,320 26,999 25,958 25,761
Males 8,495 30,183 28,095 28,197
Females 10,820 24,660 24,408 23,917

Figure 2 Median after-tax income in 2010 for Richmond, British Columbia and Canada

Figure description

The following vertical bar figure shows the median after-tax income in 2010 by economic family structure and sex. The y-axis is the median after-tax income in dollars. The x-axis is economic family structure and sex including: all economic families; couple families; lone-parent families; other economic families; persons not in economic families; males not in economic families and females not in economic families.

Families came in different sizes and larger families may have benefited from pooling of resources and economies of scale. In Richmond, based on their after-tax income adjusted for family size, 46.8% of the population was in the top half of the income distribution, below the rate of 50.4% in British Columbia.

In Richmond, the percentage of the population in the lowest income decile groupIncome Footnote 6 at 15.1% was higher than in British Columbia (11.6%). The percentage of the population in the highest decile group was 9.8%, similar to that in British Columbia (10.3%).

Table 5 – Population in private households by adjusted after-tax family income in 2010, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Table summary

The following table shows the population in private households by adjusted after-tax income in 2010. The column headings are: percentage of private households in decile groups of adjusted after-tax income in 2010, Richmond, British Columbia and Canada. The rows are: population in private households as count, decile groups.

Table 5 – Population in private households by adjusted after-tax family income in 2010, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
Population in private households by decile groups of adjusted after-tax income in 2010 Richmond (CY) British Columbia Canada
Population in private households (count) 189,305 4,324,455 32,852,320
In bottom half of Canadian distribution (%) 53.2 49.6 50.0
In lowest decile (%) 15.1 11.6 10.0
In second decile (%) 11.7 10.2 10.0
In third decile (%) 9.1 9.1 10.0
In fourth decile (%) 8.5 9.3 10.0
In fifth decile (%) 8.9 9.3 10.0
In top half of Canadian distribution (%) 46.8 50.4 50.0
In sixth decile (%) 9.1 9.7 10.0
In seventh decile (%) 8.8 9.8 10.0
In eighth decile (%) 9.5 10.1 10.0
In ninth decile (%) 9.5 10.5 10.0
In highest decile (%) 9.8 10.3 10.0

Low incomeIncome Footnote 7

In the NHS, a relative measure is used to classify persons by income status: the low-income measure based on after-tax income (LIM-AT). For this measure, the income threshold is half the Canadian median of after-tax household income. The income has been adjusted to account for household size. Persons in households with a household income below this thresholdIncome Footnote 8 were considered to be in low income.

Based on the after-tax income low-income measure, the proportion of the population in low income in Richmond was 22.4%, above the rate of 16.4% observed in British Columbia. In Richmond, compared to the population of all ages, for persons under 18, the rate was higher (25.3%) and for the population aged 65 years and over, it was lower at 19.3%.

Table 6 – Income status based on after-tax low-income measure (LIM-AT) in 2010, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Table summary

This table shows income status based on the after-tax low-income measure in 2010. The column headings are: income status, Richmond, British Columbia and Canada. The rows are: total - persons in private households for income status statistics (count); proportion in low income (based on LIM-AT) in percentage; under 18 years in percentage; under 6 years in percentage; 18 to 64 in percentage; 65 years and over in percentage.

Table 6 – Income status based on after-tax low-income measure (LIM-AT) in 2010, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
Income status Richmond (CY) British Columbia Canada
Total - Persons in private households for low income (count)Income Footnote 9 189,305 4,245,790 32,386,170
Proportion in low income (based on LIM-AT) (%) 22.4 16.4 14.9
Under 18 years (%) 25.3 19.1 17.3
Under 6 years (%) 22.6 18.5 18.1
18 to 64 years (%) 22.2 16.2 14.4
65 years and over (%) 19.3 13.9 13.4

A map showing the proportion of the population in low income within British Columbia Region is also available.


Footnote 1

Market income includes income from all non-government sources such as employment, investments, private pensions and spousal or child support payments.

Income return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

Government transfers include Canada/Quebec Pension Plan benefits, Old Age Security (OAS) pension and the Guaranteed Income Supplement, Employment Insurance benefits, child benefits and other income from government sources.

Income return to footnote 2 referrer

Footnote 3

The population aged 15 years and over without income and those with negative income are included at the bottom of the distribution.

Income return to footnote 3 referrer

Footnote 4

Full-year, full-time: worked 49 to 52 weeks, mainly full-time.

Income return to footnote 4 referrer

Footnote 5

Only the most common occupations with at least 250 persons with earnings who worked full-year, full-time are presented here.

Income return to footnote 5 referrer

Footnote 6

The income decile group provides a rough ranking of the economic situation of a person based on his or her relative position in the economic families adjusted after-tax income distribution. The population in private households is sorted according to its adjusted after-tax family income and then divided into 10 equal groups each containing 10% of the population.

Income return to footnote 6 referrer

Footnote 7

The low-income estimates from the National Household Survey (NHS) are not directly comparable to estimates from other sources such as earlier censuses or the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics but comparisons of different groups or geographies with sufficient sample size within the NHS are of good quality.

Income return to footnote 7 referrer

Footnote 8

A household of four with after-tax income below $38,920 would be considered low income and, for a person living alone, the threshold was $19,460.

Income return to footnote 8 referrer

Footnote 9

For the purposes of low-income statistics, households in the territories and in First Nations communities were excluded. The use of a statistic based only on money income could be misleading in areas where there are substantial in-kind transfers or non-cash activities. In Richmond, 0 persons in private households were excluded.

Income return to footnote 9 referrer



The number of households in Richmond was 67,975. The homeownership rate in Richmond was 77.1% - which was higher than the British Columbia homeownership rate of 70.0%.

Table 1 – Housing tenure for all households, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Table summary

This table shows the number and percentage of households by housing tenure for Richmond, British Columbia. The column headings are: housing tenure; Richmond, British Columbia and Canada showing number and percentage. The rows are: total households; owner and renter.

Table 1 – Housing tenure for all households, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
Housing tenure Richmond (CY) British Columbia Canada
number percentage percentage percentage
Total households 67,975 100.0 100.0 100.0
Owner 52,420 77.1 70.0 69.0
Renter 15,555 22.9 29.8 30.6

Richmond – AffordabilityHousing Footnote 1

Households in Richmond that paid 30% or more of household total income toward shelter costs represented 35.5% of non-farm, non-reserve households with total income greater than zero. This proportion was higher than the British Columbia proportion (30.3%).

A lower proportion of owner households paid 30% or more compared to tenant households in Richmond (32.0% for owners versus 47.5% for renters).

Households in Richmond paid an average monthly shelter cost of $1,253 – which was higher than the British Columbia amount of $1,156. The average monthly shelter cost for tenant households was $1,142, this was lower than the average monthly shelter cost for owner households of $1,286.

Table 2 – Housing affordability for non-farm, non-reserve households, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Table summary

This table shows the percentage of households spending 30% or more of 2010 total income on shelter costs for the selected geography. The column headings are: housing indicator; housing tenure; Richmond, British Columbia and Canada. The rows are: percentage of households spending 30% or more of 2010 total income on shelter costs and average monthly shelter cost ($). Both are further divided into total, owner and renter.

Table 2 – Housing affordability for non-farm, non-reserve households, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
Housing indicator Housing tenure Richmond (CY) British Columbia Canada
Percentage of households spending 30% or more of 2010 total
income on shelter costsHousing Table 2 Footnote 1
Total 35.5 30.3 25.2
Owner 32.0 23.8 18.5
Renter 47.5 45.3 40.1
Average monthly shelter cost ($) Total 1,253 1,156 1,050
Owner 1,286 1,228 1,141
Renter 1,142 989 848

Table note(s):

Footnote 1

Excludes households with zero or negative income in 2010.

Housing: Return to footnote 2-1 referrer

Richmond – Need for major repairsHousing Footnote 2

In Richmond, 6.6% of households reported living in dwellings that required major repairs. This was lower than the British Columbia proportion of 7.2%. The proportion of households reporting major repair requirements was lower for owners than renters (6.5% for owner-occupied dwellings and 7.0% for renter-occupied dwellings).

Table 3 – Need for major repairs by housing tenure, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Table summary

This table shows percentage of households who reported that their dwelling was in need of major repairs. The column headings are: housing indicator; housing tenure; Richmond, British Columbia and Canada. The row under housing indicator is: percentage of households reporting that their dwelling was in need of major repairs, which is further divided into total, owner and renter.

Table 3 – Need for major repairs by housing tenure, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
Housing indicator Housing tenure Richmond (CY) British Columbia Canada
Percentage of households reporting that their dwelling
was in need of major repairs
Total 6.6 7.2 7.4
Owner 6.5 6.5 6.4
Renter 7.0 8.8 9.1

Richmond – Suitability

In Richmond, 10.2% of households lived in dwellings that were not suitable; that is, the dwelling was crowded because there were not enough bedrooms based on the National Occupancy Standard.Housing Footnote 3 This was higher than the British Columbia proportion of 6.8%. The proportion of households living in dwellings that were not suitable was lower for owners than renters (8.1% for owner households and 17.3% for renter households).

Table 4 – Housing suitability by housing tenure, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

Table summary

This table shows percentage of households living in dwellings that were not suitable. The column headings are: housing indicator; housing tenure; Richmond, British Columbia and Canada. The rows are: percentage of households living in dwellings that were not suitable, which is further divided into total, owner and renter.

Table 4 – Housing suitability by housing tenure, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
Housing indicator Housing tenure Richmond (CY) British Columbia Canada
Percentage of households living
in dwellings that were not suitable
Total 10.2 6.8 6.0
Owner 8.1 4.3 3.8
Renter 17.3 12.5 10.6


Footnote 1

In 1986, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and the provinces agreed to use the 30% threshold to measure affordability for the purposes of defining need for social housing. This agreement was reached during the development of the federal/provincial social housing programs.

Housing return to footnote 1 referrer

Footnote 2

The need for major repairs is based on the judgment of the respondent. Examples of major repairs provided to respondents included defective plumbing or electrical wiring, structural repairs to walls, floors or ceilings, etc.

Housing return to footnote 2 referrer

Footnote 3

Housing suitability and the National Occupancy Standard (NOS) were developed by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) through consultations with provincial housing agencies.

Housing return to footnote 3 referrer

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