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Population and Dwelling Count Highlight Tables, 2011 Census

Population and dwelling counts, for population centres, 2011 and 2006 censuses


This table presents the 2011 and 2006 population counts and the 2011 dwelling counts, land area and population ranking of population centres. It also shows the percentage change in the population counts between 2006 and 2011.

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Population and dwelling counts, for population centres, 2011 and 2006 censuses
Geographic name Population centre size groupFootnote 1 Population Private dwellings, 2011 Land area in square kilometres, 2011 Population national rank, 2011
2011 2006 % change Private dwellings, 2011 - Total Private dwellings, 2011 - Occupied by usual residents
Geographic name: alpha sort Z to A Geographic name: alpha sort A to Z Population, 2011 - total: sort highest to lowest Population centre, 2011 - Size groups: sort lowest to highest Population, 2011 - total: sort highest to lowest Population, 2011 - total: sort lowest to highest Population, 2006 - total: sort highest to lowest Population, 2006 - total: sort lowest to highest Population, % change: sort highest to lowest Population, % change: sort lowest to highest Private dwellings, 2011 - total: sort highest to lowest Private dwellings, 2011 - total: sort lowest to highest Private dwellings, 2011 - occupied by usual residents: sort highest to lowest Private dwellings, 2011 - occupied by usual residents: sort lowest to highest Land area in square kilometres, 2011: sort highest to lowest Land area in square kilometres, 2011: sort lowest to highest Population rank, 2011 - national: sort highest to lowest Population rank, 2011 - national: sort lowest to highest
St. Theresa Point (Man.) Small 1,057 534 A 97.9 205 190 0.17 923
Kugluktuk (Nvt.) Small 1,082 1,220 A -11.3 321 293 0.34 912
Baker Lake (Nvt.) Small 1,165 808 A 44.2 359 303 0.40 871
Saint-Roch-de-l'Achigan (Que.) Small 1,333 1,230 8.4 551 536 0.49 812
Crofton (B.C.) Small 1,092 1,108 -1.4 471 453 0.50 905
Saint Grégoire (Que.) Small 1,264 1,098 15.1 518 509 0.52 844
Fortune (N.L.) Small 1,055 1,045 A 1.0 522 477 0.54 924
Moosonee (Ont.) Small 1,024 1,214 -15.7 388 333 0.56 932
Cambridge Bay (Nvt.) Small 1,375 1,147 19.9 463 414 0.59 805
Oka-Kanesatake (Que.) Small 1,208 1,112 A 8.6 570 531 0.64 857
Munster (Ont.) Small 1,242 1,321 -6.0 431 424 0.67 849
Gillam (Man.) Small 1,106 509 A 117.3 474 363 0.69 900
Ilderton (Ont.) Small 1,666 1,322 A 26.0 587 564 0.72 712
Arviat (Nvt.) Small 1,810 1,785 1.4 413 382 0.74 684
Ville Lambert (Que.) Small 1,315 1,027 A 28.0 542 518 0.74 821
Hébertville (Que.) Small 1,086 1,080 0.6 459 455 0.78 909
Sainte-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier (Que.) Small 1,062 450 A 136.0 409 406 0.79 921
Bromont (Que.) Small 1,281 1,126 13.8 786 666 0.81 835
Terrasse-des-Pins (Que.) Small 1,085 555 A 95.5 418 412 0.84 910
Saint-Michel (Que.) Small 1,197 983 A 21.8 409 409 0.85 861
Clairmont (Alta.) Small 1,652 2,012 A -17.9 657 630 0.86 715
Carleton (Que.) Small 1,061 1,162 -8.7 547 515 0.90 922
Mistissini (Que.) Small 1,793 1,645 9.0 483 442 0.95 686
Binbrook (Ont.) Small 3,614 955 A 278.4 1,314 1,294 0.97 416
Mannheim (Ont.) Small 1,013 1,145 A -11.5 326 323 0.99 936
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not applicable
excludes census data for one or more incompletely enumerated Indian reserves or Indian settlements. For further information, refer to Notes.
incompletely enumerated Indian reserve or Indian settlement. For further information, refer to Notes.
adjusted figure due to boundary change. For further information, refer to Content considerations.
use with caution. For further information, refer to Cautionary note.

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