Click the “By language” or “By geography” button to view the desired data.
Chart explanation:
The tree map displays hierarchical data that uses nested rectangles to visually represent geographies
or languages. Each rectangle is proportional to the data it represents within a population.
The visualization shows the proportion of the population by their mother tongue across multiple
Each box has a hover functionality that displays the associated language or geography. The colours in
the tree map do not have any significance, they are strictly for visual purposes.
Language visualization
Chart functionality:
The "Geography" dropdown menu is used to select a specified geography (Canada, province or territory,
census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations and census subdivisions).
The "Group" dropdown menu is used to specify a group of languages.
Click on the rectangles to navigate through the visualization, and see the hierarchy broken down into
more detail.
Click the top rectangle to go back a level.
Hover over a specific square on the tree map to view the language counts and percentages.
Geography visualization
Chart functionality:
The "Language" dropdown menu is used to select a specific language.
The "Geography" dropdown menu is used to specify a geography.
Click on the rectangles to navigate through the visualization, and see the hierarchy broken down into
more detail.
Click the top rectangle to go back a level.
Hover over a specific square on the tree map to view the population counts and percentages for a given