Dictionary, Census of Population, 2021
Release date: November 17, 2021Updated on: June 21, 2023
Complete A to Z index
Select a letter to display only definitions beginning with that letter.
Definitions starting with the letter A
- Acceptable housing
- Activities of daily living
- Adjusted after-tax income
- Adjusted counts
- Adjusted market income
- Adjusted total income
- Admission category
- After-tax income
- Age
- Age at immigration
- Aggregate dissemination area (ADA)
- Agricultural holding
- Agricultural operation
- All languages spoken at home
- All languages used at work
- Annual payment for electricity
- Annual payment for fuels
- Annual payment for water and other municipal services
- Annual property taxes
- Applicant type
- Apprenticeship certificate
Definitions starting with the letter B
Definitions starting with the letter C
- Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Québec Pension Plan (QPP) ‒ Disability benefits
- Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Québec Pension Plan (QPP) ‒ Retirement benefits
- Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Québec Pension Plan (QPP) ‒ Survivor benefits
- Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Québec Pension Plan (QPP) benefits
- Canada workers benefit (CWB)
- Cartographic Boundary Files (CBFs)
- Census agglomeration (CA)
- Census agricultural region (CAR)
- Census consolidated subdivision (CCS)
- Census division (CD)
- Census family
- Census family status
- Census family structure
- Census farm
- Census metropolitan area (CMA) and census agglomeration (CA)
- Census metropolitan influenced zone (MIZ)
- Census subdivision (CSD)
- Census subdivision—previous census
- Census tract (CT)
- Child benefits
- Child care expenses paid
- Child or spousal support payments
- Child presence
- Citizenship
- Class of worker
- Collective dwelling
- Collective household
- College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma
- Common-law status
- Commuting destination
- Commuting duration
- Commuting vehicle occupancy
- Components of migration (in and out), five years, of geographic area
- Components of migration (in and out), one year, of geographic area
- Composition of income
- Condominium fees
- Condominium status
- Conjugal status
- Contributions to Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Québec Pension Plan (QPP)
- Contributions to Employment Insurance (EI)
- Contributions to registered pension plans (RPP)
- Contributions to registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs)
- Contributions to tax-free savings accounts (TFSA)
- Coordinate system
- Core housing need
- Core, fringe and rural area
- Couple family
- Couple family with children
- COVID-19 – Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
- COVID-19 – Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB)
- COVID-19 – Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB)
- COVID-19 – Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB)
- COVID-19 – Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB)
- COVID-19 – Emergency and recovery benefits
- COVID-19 – Enhancements to existing federal programs
- COVID-19 – Government income support and benefits
- COVID-19 – Provincial and territorial benefits
Definitions starting with the letter D
- Datum
- Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry
- Designated place (DPL)
- Digital boundary files (DBFs)
- Disposable income for the MBM
- Dissemination area (DA)
- Dissemination block (DB)
- Dissemination Geography Unique Identifier (DGUID)
- Distance (straight-line) from home to work
- Downtown
- Dwelling
- Dwelling condition
Definitions starting with the letter E
- Earner or employment income recipient
- Economic family
- Economic family after-tax income decile group
- Economic family status
- Economic family structure
- Economic region (ER)
- Ecumene
- Eligibility for instruction in the minority official language
- Employed person
- Employment income
- Employment income decile group
- Employment Insurance (EI) ‒ Other benefits
- Employment Insurance (EI) – Regular benefits
- Employment Insurance (EI) benefits
- Employment rate
- Enrollment under an Inuit land claims agreement
- Ethnic or cultural origin
- Experienced labour force person
Definitions starting with the letter F
Definitions starting with the letter G
- Gender
- Gender diversity status
- Gender diversity status of marriage or common-law union
- Generation status
- Geocoding
- Geographic code
- Geographic reference date
- Geographical region of Canada
- Goods and services tax (GST) credit and harmonized sales tax (HST) credit
- Government transfers
- Government transfers not included elsewhere
- Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) and spousal allowance
Definitions starting with the letter H
- Highest certificate, diploma or degree
- Hours worked for pay or in self-employment
- Household
- Household living arrangements
- Household maintainer
- Household outside Canada
- Household size
- Household type
- Households living in a dwelling provided by the local government, First Nation or Indian band
- Housing suitability
Definitions starting with the letter I
- Immigrant
- Immigrant status
- Income sources
- Income taxes
- Incorporation status
- Indigenous ancestry
- Indigenous group
- Indigenous identity
- Industry (based on the North American Industry Classification System [NAICS] Canada 2017 Version 3.0)
- Inexperienced labour force
- Institutional resident
- Introduction to the geography universe
- Investment income
Definitions starting with the letter J
Definitions starting with the letter K
Definitions starting with the letter L
- Labour force
- Labour force status
- Labour force status (based on 1971 concepts)
- Land area
- Language spoken most often at home
- Language used most often at work
- Legal marital status
- Location of residence five years ago
- Location of residence one year ago
- Location of study
- Location of study compared with province or territory of residence
- Location of workplace
- Looked for paid work in past four weeks (full- or part-time work)
- Low-income cut-offs, after tax (LICO-AT)
- Low-income cut-offs, before tax (LICO-BT)
- Low-income gap
- Low-income gap ratio
- Low-income measure, after tax (LIM-AT)
- Low-income measure, before tax (LIM-BT)
- Low-income status
Definitions starting with the letter M
- Main mode of commuting
- Main reason for not working the full year
- Main reason for working mostly part time
- Major field of study (based on the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2016, historical)
- Major field of study (based on the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2021)
- Major source of income
- Map projection
- Marginal dwelling occupied by usual residents
- Marital status
- Market Basket Measure (MBM)
- Market income
- Market income not included elsewhere
- Membership in a First Nation or Indian band
- Membership in a Métis organization or Settlement
- Military service status
- Mobility status, five years
- Mobility status, one year
- Monthly mortgage payment
- Monthly use or occupancy payment for dwelling
- Mother tongue
- Multiple modes of commuting
Definitions starting with the letter N
- National child benefit supplement (NCBS)
- National Geographic Database (NGD)
- Net capital gains or losses
- Net farm income
- Net federal income tax
- Net non-farm income from unincorporated business or professional practice
- Net self-employment income
- New job to start in four weeks or less from reference week
- Non-discretionary spending for the MBM
- Non-permanent resident
- Non-permanent resident type
- Not in the labour force
- Number of years of primary and secondary schooling in the minority official language in Canada
Definitions starting with the letter O
- Occupation (based on the National Occupational Classification [NOC] 2021 Version 1.0)
- Old Age Security pension (OAS)
- Old Age Security pension (OAS) and Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
- On temporary lay-off or absent from job or business
- Opposite- or same-sex married spouse or common-law partner
- Opposite- or same-sex status
- Other government transfers
- Other language(s) spoken regularly at home
- Other language(s) used regularly at work
- Owner household
Definitions starting with the letter P
- Participation rate
- Period of construction
- Period of immigration
- Person
- Person 15 years or over
- Person with recent work experience
- Persons per room
- Place name (PN)
- Place of birth
- Place of birth of father
- Place of birth of mother
- Place of birth of parent
- Place of work status
- Population centre (POPCTR)
- Population density
- Population group
- Postal codeOM
- Potential demand for federal communications and services in the minority official language
- Pre-admission experience
- Presence of mortgage payments
- Prevalence of low income
- Primary household maintainer
- Primary or secondary schooling in the minority official language in Canada
- Private dwelling
- Private dwelling occupied by foreign residents and/or by temporarily present persons
- Private dwelling occupied by usual residents
- Private dwelling, unoccupied
- Private household
- Private retirement income
- Property taxes included in mortgage payments
- Province or territory
- Province or territory of intended destination
- Provincial and territorial child benefits
- Provincial and territorial income taxes
Definitions starting with the letter Q
Definitions starting with the letter R
- Reasons unable to start a job
- Reference map
- Regional county municipality (RCM)
- Registered or Treaty Indian status
- Regular dwelling
- Relationship structure
- Religion
- Rent, monthly cash
- Renter household
- Representative point
- Residence inside or outside Inuit Nunangat
- Residence on or off reserve
- Road Network File (RNF)
- Rooms
- Rural area (RA)
Definitions starting with the letter S
- School attendance
- Secondary (high) school diploma or equivalency certificate
- Sex at birth
- Shelter cost
- Shelter-cost-to-income ratio
- Social assistance benefits
- Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)
- Spatial data quality elements
- Standard Geographical Classification (SGC)
- Statistical Area Classification (SAC)
- Stepfamily
- Stepfamily status
- Structural type of dwelling
- Subsidized housing
Definitions starting with the letter T
Definitions starting with the letter U
Definitions starting with the letter V
Definitions starting with the letter W
Definitions starting with the letter X
Definitions starting with the letter Y
Definitions starting with the letter Z
- Date modified: